Please note that the information provided herein is for guidance only. It does not purport to provide a legal interpretation of the legislative provisions referred to nor can it be regarded as definitive or having any legal effect.
Planning Enforcement
What is Planning Enforcement ?
“Planning Enforcement” refers to the process of ensuring that developments and land uses comply with planning permissions and regulations. It involves taking corrective actions against unauthorized or non-compliant developments.
Where unauthorised development comes to the attention of the Planning Authority, the Planning Authority may conduct a site visit, examine the planning history of the site and may serve a ‘Warning Letter’ or an ‘Enforcement Notice’. The sections below provide information on the various issues pertaining to planning enforcement.
Planning Enforcement ProceduresDangerous Structures
A dangerous structure is any building, wall or other structure of any kind or any part of, or anything attached to a building, wall or other structures of any kind that, in the opinion of the sanitary authority, is now, or is likely to be, dangerous to any person or property.
For more on Dangerous Structures, and what work the Council can direct, see below.
Dangerous Structures
Derelict Sites
A “Derelict Site” is any property/land/site which detracts, or is likely to detract, to a material degree from the
amenity, character, or appearance of land in the neighbourhood in question because it is in neglected or ruinous or unsightly condition.
Waterford City and County Council are responsible for dealing with derelict sites in Co. Waterford. The Council investigate reports of dereliction and undertakes action in accordance with the Derelict Sites Act 1990.
Derelict Sites - Further Information
Vacant Sites
All planning authorities maintain a Vacant Sites Register, and sites/land shall be entered on the register where they have been vacant for a minimum period of 12 months preceding their assessment, have an area in excess of 0.05 hectares, are zoned for either residential or regeneration purposes and are consistent with the criteria as set out in the Act.
Vacant Sites - Further Information