Generally speaking, there are two types of planning permission to apply for: “permission” or “outline permission”.
Types of Planning Permission
Full Permission
The most common type of application is made for permission, often referred to as Full Planning Permission. An application for full permission requires an applicant to submit detailed plans and full particulars of the development. A successful application in this case will enable the applicant to commence development provided he or she is otherwise entitled to do so.
Outline Permission
Outline permission if granted means that the Planning Authority agreed to the proposed development in principle on a specific site. It does not permit carrying out of work. Outline Permission is generally sought where an applicant wishes to find out whether planning permission would be granted for a particular development, but may not wish to incur the expense of having detailed plans drawn.
If the applicant wishes to receive Full Planning Permission, they must apply for ‘Permission Consequent to the grant of Outline Permission’ within 3 years of the date of the grant of Outline Permission. An Outline application cannot be made if an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIS) is required for the proposed development.
Permission Consequent to Outline Permission
‘Permission Consequent’ is sought where an Outline Permission has already been granted. Detailed plans and specifications must be submitted. When applying for ‘Permission Consequent on Outline Permission’, the application must be made within 3 years of the date of the grant of Outline Permission.
Where an application is for retention of an unauthorised development, then Retention must be stated in the public notice and the nature of the proposed use of the structure must be stated.
Where an application is for the Continuance of Use, the nature of such use and of the previous use must be stated. There are different definitions of continuance and we recommend that you contact the Planning office to ensure you understand all the details and implications. In general for Retention, the fee is three times the fee for Full Planning Permission.
Extension of Duration Planning Permission
The majority of planning permissions are granted for a period of 5 years, unless otherwise stated. To avail of the planning permission the development must be completed within the 5 year period. If the permitted development is not complete or has not begun within the 5 years (or otherwise stated period), then you may apply for an Extension of Duration of that Planning Permission.