Parking Permits
Residents’ Parking Permit
You can buy a Residents’ Parking Permit if your primary residence is in an area of Waterford City or Dungarvan where disc parking applies and if you qualify for a permit.
This permit would allow you to park in a valid parking space on the public road in which you live without having to pay for your parking. Remember, parking spaces on your street are not reserved. They can be used by anyone.
The application process and application form are contained in the document below.
Resident's Parking Permit Application formVisitor's Parking Permit
You can apply for a Visitor’s Parking Permit if your primary residence is in an area of Waterford City where disc parking applies and if you qualify for a permit. Visitors permits are only available to people who meet the criteria to be eligible for a residents permit and where all people residing in the property are aged over 65. Only one visitors permit may be granted per household.
This permit would allow a visitor to your house to park in a valid parking space on the public road on which you live without having to pay for parking for a maximum of two hours while they are visiting you.
Visitor's Parking Permit Application formCarers' Parking Permit
You can apply for a Carers’ Parking Permit if your primary residence is in an area of Waterford City where disc parking applies and if you suffer from a chronic illness which requires ongoing daily care.
This permit would allow a carer to park in a valid parking space on the public road on which you live without having to pay for parking while they care for you.
Remember, parking spaces on your street are not reserved. They can be used by anyone.
Visitor's Carers' Permit Application formVoluntary Organisations Parking Permit
The Council may issue free of charge parking permits to voluntary organisations based within the paid parking areas that fulfil all of the following criteria:
- The organisation is wholly or primarily funded through charitable and / or voluntary fund raising, AND
- The organisation is involved in the provision of health or critical welfare services being provided on a volunteer led, free of charge basis to the public, AND
- Parking in close proximity to the premises is an essential response requirement in the delivery of the service(s) for unpaid volunteer staff.
See the form below for further terms & conditions.
Voluntary Organisations Parking Permit Application form