Street lighting faults can be reported through the DeadSure app.
Public Lighting
Report an Outage
- Go to the DeadSure app website.
- Scrool on the map to the area of concern or type the address or street name of where the issue is
- Click on the Blue balloon (indicates that the light has been taken in charge by the Council)
- Enter the fault information or choose from the drop down menu
- NB: at end of screen enter the security code (capatcha) listed.
- Click ‘Log Fault’ and this will log the issue with Killaree Lighting Services.
- You will receive an acknowledgement email once you have supplied your email address.

- If the light in question has a Green balloon, this indicates that the lighting has not been taken in charge by the Council and you must contact the (estate) developer to look after the fault.
- If the light in question has a Red balloon, this indicates that a fault has already been logged for this light and there is no need to log another one.
- If the light has a Red balloon with “no supply”, this indicates that the lights have not yet been connected to the ESB supply and require works.
- If the light in question has a Green balloon, this indicates that the lighting has not been taken in charge by the Council and you must contact the (estate) developer to look after the fault.
Alternatively, you can contact Killaree Lighting Services at 056-7767410 or 056-7767385 or contact our Customer Services Department on 0818 10 20 20 and they will log the fault for you.
What you need to include
Please include as much of the following information when reporting a fault:
- The town or village and street name
- The number on the pole
- The location of the light (for example, outside house number 3)
- Your name and contact number, and email address (if applicable) *
* This personal data is required to allow follow up by the public lighting contractor staff if they have any difficulty in locating the fault or understanding the issue being logged. It will also ensure you receive an acknowledgement email and Job ID for follow up by you.
- See the specific Privacy Notice below covering the processing of this data.
Public Lighting Specification
Waterford City and County Council have prepared a public lighting specification as a means of ensuring that all public lighting projects meets relevant design and installation standards.
The document is a guide for designers to implement best practice and provide a sustainable energy efficient public lighting installations in Waterford.
Any planning applications or development received after the 1st of June 2020 must comply with the “Waterford City and County Council” public lighting specification.