Storm Barra (8-12-21) Ongoing Updates
#StormBarra – see for more
Waterford City and County Council wishes to advise of the following severe weather events and clear-ups in Waterford City and County. Our crews have been working to clear debris and trees since first light.
L-5013 Shanavolla Rd, (north of R-666 Ballyduff Road) now open to traffic following removal of fallen tree.
The Tramore Prom has reopened to the general public. The decision was taken to delay the reopening until 11a.m. due to high tides and winds.
L5523 Ballindud Road, Fallen tree blocking road. Crews on site clearing.
Dungarvan South – No road closures – clearing some loose debris from Kielys Cross to Ardmore, Old parish road and down towards Ballycurrance school.
Lismore West – clearing debris at Killallaha, checking status of Woodroad, Glendine, Shanavolla Road, north of R666 closed, castle dealing with a fallen tree there.
Lismore East – No road closures Clearing debris on roads
Dungarvan North – clearing tree along bog road which is currently closed
- L5520 Green Road, Ballybeg closed due to fallen tree. – CLEARED & ROAD REOPENED
- ESB pole at L3055, Carrigeen Road between Newtown Cross Roads to Ballydurn GAA grounds – CLEARED
- L3055 Newtown Cross Road to Dunphys Pub just off the N25 is now closed until tree cleared during daylight hours. – CLEARED & ROAD REOPENED
If you see a fallen or damaged tree, please notify Waterford City and County Council on 0818 10 20 20 or email
If you see a fallen wire, do not approach and report it to ESB Networks on 1800 372 999
Please note the following emergency contact numbers below:
Emergency 999/112
Irish Water Emergency 1850 278 278
ESB Networks 1800 372 999
Gas Networks Ireland 1850 205 050
MapAlerter incidents, mapped