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Temporary Closure of Archives this week

archives-closureWaterford Archive will be closed in High Street, Waterford on Tuesday 14th February.

The Archive will be open in Dungarvan on Friday 17th February 1-5pm and will be open in High Street on Tuesday 21st February 10am-2pm. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Please contact the Archivist at or 0761102144 with any queries.

Beidh Cartlann Phort Láirge ar an tSráid Ard, Port Láirge dúnta ar an Máirt, 14 Mí Feabhra. Beidh an chartlann ar oscailt i nDún Garbhán ar an Aoine, 17 Mí Feabhra óna 1-5i.n. agus beidh sí ar oscailt arís sa tSráid Ard ar an Máirt, 21 Mí Feabhra 10r.n.-2i.n. Gabh mo leithscéal as aon mhíchaoithiúlacht. Má tá aon cheisteanna, déan teagmháil leis an gCartlannaí ar nó 0761102144.

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