Temporary Road Closure – Gladstone and O’Connell St
Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council,
in exercise of its powers pursuant to Section 75 Roads Act
1993, will close the following public roads to through traffic on Saturday, 13th April and Sunday, 14th April, 2019 to facilitate the Waterford Retro Festival.
Roads to be closed:
• L1502 O’Connell Street and L90016 Hanover Street (closed
from L15021 Thomas Hill to L5501 Gladstone Street) from
6am Saturday 13th to 8pm Sunday 14th April 2019.
• L5501 Gladstone Street from 6am to 8pm on Sunday 14th
April 2019.
Diversion Route:
• Traffic will be diverted from L15021 Thomas Hill along
L15022 Meeting House Lane to L5501 Gladstone Street on
Saturday 13th April 2019.
• Thomas Hill will operate one way, southbound only on
Sunday 14th April.
• Local access and access to the car park located at Little
Patrick Street is only allowed on Sunday, 14th April 2019.
Fergus Galvin,
Director of Services,
Roads, Water and Environment 19th March, 2019