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Update on Waterford’s Urban Renewal Scheme

Work is nearing completion on the second of four phases of Waterford’s Urban Renewal Scheme, which will seess significant improvements in both the functionality and appearance of large areas of Waterford’s City Centre public realm.  The project has been funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the Southern and Eastern Regional Operational Programme and from Waterford City and County Council’s own resources.

The current phase of completed work includes over 10,000m2 of high quality redesigned streetscape in Waterford City Centre together with associated upgrades to paving, drainage, ducting, public lighting, site features and traffic management. The works have focused around Arundel Square, Lady Lane, Michael Street and John Street; including a new award winning canopy structure in the Apple Market providing a multi-functional community space that has already hosted a wide range of events and festivals.

A new traffic management scheme has been put in place within the City Centre that includes an automated bollard system to manage traffic movement and enhanced pedestrianisation.  The bollards will restrict through traffic in certain key locations at peak pedestrian usage times, to enhancing the environment for pedestrians and cyclists.  It will however maintain access for buses, taxis and residents where it has been identified as necessary.

The Urban Renewal Scheme has also seen public realm works completed in Henrietta Street and High Street, as well as road improvement works to Hennessy’s Road in advance of an urban renewal/traffic management scheme on Brown’s Lane and Hennessy’s Road.  The Brown’s Lane and Hennessy’s Road scheme is due to commence later in 2018.

In tandem with the Urban Renewal Scheme, works are also ongoing on the ‘WIT to City Centre Green Route’ funded by the National Transport Authority.  The Railway Square / Poleberry Link Road and one-way system on Manor Street opened earlier this year, improving traffic movement in and out of the city as well as enhanced pedestrian and cycling facilities.  The next phase of this Green Route, Railway Square to Colbeck Street, is also being progressed this year.

These coordinated works enhance the presentation and operation of Waterford City for the local community and visitors, as well as opening up additional opportunities for further investment in the City in the future.

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John Cloono
6 years ago

These works have certainly improved the look and opened up the city centre, well done.
I would have preferred though if all traffic had been removed from pedestrian areas other than delivery n service vehicles at prescribed hours.
There is too much clutter though, with signage etc a more modern streamlined signage strategy is necessary.
Ps. Is there a watering system regime for the new trees on Michael St, Arundel Sq. and Lady Lane? They looked a bit stressed in this warm spell.
Again though,
Congrats on the work.

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