Waterford City & County Council clears the way for Make Way Day 2022
Every corner of Ireland will be put to the test for basic access issues this Friday, September 30th when the Make Way Day campaign returns, with a testing twist!
Campaign organisers, the Disability Federation of Ireland DFI, have developed an online tool that campaigners can use to test and rate their local area along with using MWD stickers to highlight the issues faces by people.
Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr John O’Leary welcomed the return of Make Way Day. “Make Way Day focuses on individual responsibility and explores what we can all do immediately to help our fellow citizens get from A to B, a very basic right. We in Waterford City and County Council are delighted to work with DFI and support the roll-out of Make Way Day across the city and county.”
“We all share public spaces and we are all entitled to share them equally and safely. However, for those with a disability, are infirm, visually impaired, or simply unable to manoeuvre obstacles, Make Way Day is about highlighting these issues, making the public aware of them and encouraging a change of behaviour.”
The backbone of the Make Way Day campaign is people with disabilities. An online tool empowers them to survey their area for obstacles and rate its accessibility. It will once again give them the chance to share their frustrations by posting photos of obstacles to social platforms with the hashtag #MakeWayDay22
DFI’s survey of campaigners earlier this year revealed that the most reoccurring obstacles are:
- Cars parked on footpaths
- Bins causing obstruction on footpaths
- Bikes illegally parked
Groups of people with disabilities, their allies, and local Access Groups from Waterford Disability Network will take part.
The tool will be available at www.makewayday.com on Make Way Day, Friday September 30th. It is easy to use and download to a phone and will be circulated widely on the campaign’s social media platforms.
According to the Disability Federation of Ireland, “Our aim is to have all neighbourhoods join up, to give us one comprehensive map of access in Ireland. We will coordinate all the results. We aim to and feed them back to the right people and work together towards clearer streets.”