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Waterford City & County Council elects new Mayor at Annual General Meeting

Cllr Jason Murphy is elected Mayor of WaterfordThe newly elected Waterford City & County Council held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Friday, 21st June, at City Hall, Waterford marking the beginning of a five-year term for the new membership, following the Local Elections of June 7th.

The AGM saw the election of Cllr. Jason Murphy of Fianna Fáil as the new Mayor of Waterford City & County, alongside the appointment of a new Deputy Mayor, Councillor Adam Wyse of the same party.

Cllr. Murphy was proposed by Cllr. Wyse and seconded by Cllr. Lola O’Sullivan (FG), and his appointment comes after previously having served as Mayor for the Metropolitan District of Waterford City.

The AGM was attended by all 32 Council members, the Council executive, Matt Shanahan TD, several former Oireachtas members, clergy mambers including Bishop Cullinane, and several former mayors. The Council Chamber’s public gallery was full to capacity with family members and well-wishers of those elected.

During the meeting, the newly elected Mayor thanked all present for the honour and expressed his gratitude towards voters at the recent local elections.  He also thanked his family for their support, as well as the outgoing mayor Cllr. Joe Conway, promising to work diligently to represent Waterford and address the concerns of all constituents.

He said, “I am honoured to take on the role of Mayor of this great City & County. I am committed to continuing the work of my predecessors and representing all the people of Waterford from Tallow in the west to Dunmore in the East.”

Cllrs. Murphy, Wyse and each political grouping added their sentiments and best wishes to those of the outgoing Mayor, Cllr. Joe Conway.  In his outgoing address, Cllr. Conway bid a warm welcome to the newly elected Councillors present (7), noting that the Council now had a broad range of experience on which to draw, with 2 former Councillors regaining their seats, as well as some first-time public representatives. “We are grateful to have such high-calibre members joining the Council,” he said.

Speaking briefly on his election to the office of Deputy Mayor, Cllr. Adam Wyse said “It is a privilege to be elected as Deputy Mayor and I look forward to working alongside Cllr. Murphy to address the needs of our constituents and make a positive impact on our city and county.”

This year’s AGM was particularly noteworthy as it followed the recent local elections, which resulted in the addition of seven new councillors to the Council.  At the same time, five sitting Councillors lost their seats, and two sitting Councillors did not stand for re-election, whereas two former Councillors regained their seats.

The term of the Mayoralty in Waterford lasts for one year.


Photo: Cllr. Jason Murphy, pictured with family members, on his election to the position of Plenary Mayor of Waterford.

For further information, please contact: Waterford City & County Council’s Communications team on

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