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Waterford City & County Council statement on rents for Council tenants

Calculation of rent changes

Council tenants’ rents are calculated with reference to the household’s income. If a tenant’s household income falls due to household members having become unemployed in recent days due to COVID-19, they should notify our rents section and follow their instructions re submission of evidence, etc.

If there is a time lag in actually changing the rent payment, any adjustments will be backdated. We would stress the importance of tenants continuing to pay rent until the recalculation is complete. The rents section can be contacted via email at or by phone at 0761 10 2020.

Rent payment options

In light of the advice to heed the recommendations issued by the National Public Health Emergency Team during the current public health emergency, Waterford City & County Council tenants and RAS tenants who currently pay their rent using cash payments are being urged to pay their differential rent by alternative contactless means to avoid any unnecessary contact with others.

This would involve arranging to pay your rent online, via the bank or Post Office. These alternative payment options are being strongly recommended in the interests of public health & safety.

We would request that you contact our customer service desk at 0761 10 2020 or via email at, should you require information or assistance in setting up an alternative payment method.

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