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Waterford City & County Council urges public to report use of single use plastics

Waterford City and County Council urges public to report use of single use plastics
Waterford City and County Council urges public to report use of single use plastics

In July 2021, the EU imposed a ban on the use of single use plastics, including plates, stirrers, cutlery and straws. The restrictions were introduced in order to replace the use of single use plastic with more sustainable alternatives.

Single use plastic can end up in the environment and lead to the problem of micro plastics in our seas and oceans and are some of the most common single use plastic items found on our beaches.

Today, the majority of businesses use biodegradable alternatives, however, there still remains a small cohort of businesses that continue to use environmentally harmful single use plastics.

Waterford City and County Council is urging members of the public to report premises still using single use plastic cutlery.  Niall Kane, Senior Executive Engineer, Waterford City and County Council said, “We are still seeing single use plastic cutlery being offered to customers in cafés and takeaways in Waterford.  Unless the business is taking back plastic cutlery to wash and reuse, the plastic cutlery is single use.  Unfortunately, some manufacturers are labelling their products reusable, leading retailers to think they are okay.

“The consequences of single use plastics can be seen on our beaches and coastlines as 80% of marine litter is plastics.  Not only is the litter unsightly, but plastic residues are also found in marine life, such as fish, shellfish and birds and invariably in the human food chain.”

Niall added, “Waterford City and County Council is encouraging members of the public to let us know about businesses that are still using single use plastic cutlery.  It is not our intention to fine businesses initially, but to educate them about single use plastics, the alternatives that are available to them, and the benefits to the environment”.

The Single Use Plastic Regulations introduced a €2000 fixed payment notice for any producer placing single use cutlery on the market.

To report premises using single use plastics call Waterford City and County Council on 0818 10 20 20 or email


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