Waterford City Marina : Visitor Berths Closed Until 2025
If you’re a boating enthusiast or a user of Waterford City’s marina, please take note of the latest update regarding the marina.
Construction work on the sustainable transport bridge across the River Suir has commenced. This bridge is a crucial part of the North Quays development, as it will connect the city’s north and south sides, creating new opportunities for businesses, residents, and visitors alike. However, in order to facilitate these works, the visitor berths at Waterford City Marina have closed until 2025.
If you had planned to moor your yacht at the marina during this time, you may be disappointed to hear that it won’t be possible. However, it’s important to note that this closure is necessary to ensure the safety of all involved in the construction of the new bridge. The project is expected to take approximately 2.5 years, at which point the marina will to re-open to visiting yachts.
Waterford City & County Council apologises for this temporary inconvenience, but if you’re looking to explore the beautiful waters of Waterford and experience the city’s rich culture and history, mark your calendar for 2025, and plan your trip accordingly.
In the meantime, if you’re interested in securing a long-term berth at the marina, a waiting list is in place, and the Marina Superintendent can be contacted on 087-2384944.
The marina looks forward to welcoming visitors back in a few years’ time, and in the meantime, there are still plenty of other ways to explore and enjoy the vibrant city of Waterford.