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Waterford Cold Weather Initiative (CWI)

Responding to Rough Sleeping during Cold Weather

Given the demands on current emergency homeless services and the growing waiting list to access services and the Rough Sleeper Units, an additional Cold Weather Initiative is opening in Waterford City.

The CWI aims to provide a warm and safe place to sleep for those individuals who may not access the current range of homeless services, including persons who tend not to engage with services or the outreach teams.

The CWI will be operational from 11th December 2017 and will operate during periods of cold weather over the winter months.  The operating times will be from 9.30 p.m. – 9.30 a.m.

Waterford Homeless Service providers, Homeless Out of Hours services, the outreach teams and Gardaí will make contact with all known rough sleepers to inform them of the initiative.

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