Waterford Dog Shelter – Restricted Opening Hours
Waterford Dog Shelter will operate to the following restricted schedule on the dates mentioned.
Opening Hours FROM Friday, 16th August 2019 TO Saturday, 24th August 2019
- FRIDAY 16th August 2019. Restricted opening hours will apply
- SATURDAY 17th August 2019 CLOSED
- MONDAY 19th August to FRIDAY 23rd August 2019. Restricted opening hours will apply.
- SATURDAY 24th August 2019 CLOSED
For enquiries and access to the shelter, please telephone 0761 10 20 20 or
e-mail contact@waterfordcouncil.ie
- MONDAY 26th August 2019 onwards – Usual opening hours apply
Monday to Friday 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm, Saturday 11am to 1pm