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Statement: Waterford North Quays Planning Application

Statement: Waterford North Quays Planning Application

A planning application was lodged yesterday, the 17th of December, for development of lands on the 7.8 hectare site known as Waterford North Quays, Dock Road, Ferrybank, Waterford. The applicant is Falcon Real Estate Development Ireland Limited. The application relates to development in Waterford North Quays Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) and is subject to Waterford North Quays Planning Scheme 2018.

The proposed development comprises a mixed use development of 129,302sqm gross floor area. A ten year permission has been applied for. The application is currently subject to a validation process, with updates being published to the Council’s website

The planning application is available for inspection at our offices in the Menapia Building, the Mall, Waterford and is also displayed online, with public submissions being  invited up to the 29th of January 2020.

Planning Department
Waterford City and County Council
18th December 2019

CE Michael Walsh welcomes Falcon statement on North Quays Planning submission

Waterford Chief Executive, Michael Walsh welcomes today’s confirmation by Falcon Real Estate Development that the application for planning permission will be lodged with Waterford City and County Council by the end of November 2019.

The statement was issued today 31.10.2019 by Falcon Real Estate Development and can be read in full below.

Falcon Real Estate confirms North Quays planning submission date

Falcon Real Estate confirms end of November 2019 submission date for North Quays development

  • Waterford North Quays is a project of Falcon Real Estate Development Ireland
  • With over eight hectares, it will be the largest mixed use real estate development in the South East of Ireland
  • A €350m total estimated investment, delivering 2,300 full time jobs by 2022 – and 4,500 indirect jobs

Waterford, 31st October 2019: Falcon Real Estate Development Ireland confirms that, by the end of November 2019, the application for Planning Permission to Waterford City & County Council for the North Quays development will be lodged.  Subject to the granting of planning permission, work on the project is likely to start by the fourth quarter of 2020. Waterford North Quays, an eight-hectare real estate mixed use scheme, was conferred SDZ (Strategic Development Zone) designation by the Government in 2016.

The North Quay development marks a major economic boost for Waterford and the South East Region of Ireland. The total estimated investment is estimated to be €350 million in the development, phased over three to five years. 2,300 full time roles will be created during the development of the new district, with an additional 4,500 indirect jobs.

The planned completed integration of the scheme with the existing urban centre of the City will confirm Waterford as the Gateway City of the South East Region, increasing regional and national visitation, tourism and will serve to reverse regional economic leakage. Combined with the foretasted 2040 population growth of 181,000 people for the South East, the retail market size in the South East is expected to grow from €3.49 billion in 2015 to €6.30 billion in 2025.

Project highlights

The project description is a mixed use development, to include:

  • A thirteen storey 200-room 4-star hotel and conference centre;
  • a mixed use commercial building comprising tourism, retail, food & beverage and leisure;
  • a seven-storey twin block comprising 12,000 square metres of prime office space;
  • five residential buildings, with 300 riverside apartments to accommodate 500 to 600 residents delivered in a contemporaneous and phased approach, with extensive open public spaces, all designed to attract visitors from Waterford, surrounding areas and international tourists;
  • and the location of one of Ireland’s most modern and multi-use transport hubs.


Media contacts

Nigel Heneghan + 353 86 2587206 –
Fiona Peppard + 353 (0) 1 660 7395 –

Note to editors

About Falcon Real Estate Development
Falcon Real Estate Development is an independent company. It aims at developing a significant portfolio of Real Estate projects. The company strategy is to source, develop and operate a quality range of assets in European Growth Markets to reflect the strength and innovation delivered in the home markets of the company’s owners.

Final Reminder: Part 8 Development of a New Transport Hub on North Quays


Written submissions may be addressed to the Director of Economic Development & Planning, Waterford City & County Council, 35 The Mall, Waterford to arrive no later than 6th September 2019.


In accordance with Article 81 of Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council proposes to carry out the following development:

Construction of a new Transport Hub to include;

  • A Rail station to replace the existing Plunkett Train Station along the existing Waterford City to Rosslare Iarnród Éireann railway (active only to Belview Port);
  • Re-configuration to the layout of the existing Bus Éireann depot site;
  • Construction of additional parking for Bus Éireann at an adjoining site (former Dunlop site);
  • Construction of drainage network upgrades along the Dock Road and in the vicinity of the Transport Hub and construction of flood defences along the southern boundary of the Iarnród Éireann railway. The proposed development will be carried out in the townland of Ferrybank, Waterford.

The works to complete the development will comprise the following:

  • Site clearance to include demolition of the existing railway overbridge at the site, Top Oil Service station, a single storey commercial unit, level crossing signal cabin and part of Bus Éireann Depot Boundary wall;
  • Construction of a train station over a portion of the existing Waterford City to Rosslare railway, comprising:A station building with floor space of 800m2 (internal) and 400m2 (covered external) that will comprise a concourse/waiting area, welfare facilities, a retail space 30.71m2, all associated facilities and a 22m long covered footbridge/concourse over the railway line located at the eastern end of the platforms (that will facilitate connection/integration with future development associated with the North Quays Strategic Development Zone (NQ SDZ);
  • A footbridge spanning 16.6m over the railway at the western end of the Transport Hub to facilitate connection/integration with future development associated with the NQ SDZ;
  • An external canopy structure approximately 105m long facing Dock Road with 15 no. flagpoles, facing a new set down and entrance ‘north plaza’ area.
    Two platforms measuring approximately 200m in length accessed through the east footbridge via the station building;
  • Emergency access from the southern platform, westwards along the rail line, to lead into the North Quays Strategic Development Zone.
  • Road and Drainage improvements and associated public realm works along 710m of the Dock Road Fountain Street (R711).
  • Construction of approximately 840m of flood defence systems along the southern boundary of the existing Iarnród Éireann railway corridor;
  • Construction of pick up and drop off public parking facilities to the east of the station building, comprising approximately; 16 no. car set down spaces, 7 no. taxi set down spaces, 4 no. coach set down spaces and bicycle parking
  • Re-configuration of parking in the existing Bus Éireann Depot and construction of replacement spaces to the east of the existing bus depot site connected to the existing Bus Depot by way of an internal road
  • Works comprising the integration of the Waterford to New Ross Greenway across the site;
  • Upgrades of drainage & foul sewer infrastructure along Dock Road and in the vicinity of the Transport Hub to facilitate future development;
  • Public realm improvements including lighting and landscaping;
  • Provision of boundary treatment and accommodation works and all ancillary works.

In accordance with Article 120(1)(b)(i) and Section 250 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), Waterford City and County Council has carried out an Environmental Impact Assessment Screening and Appropriate Assessment screening and has determined that an Appropriate Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment is not required in respect of this proposed development.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase at a reasonable fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the following locations, between the hours of 9.30 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday for the period 26th July to 23rd August 2019 inclusive (excluding Bank and Public Holidays):

  • Waterford City & County Council, Customer Care Desk, Baileys New Street, Waterford X91 SH42
  • Waterford City & County Council, Civic Offices, Davitts Quay, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford X35 Y326

Online submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated may be made in writing to the local authority, online at no later than 6th September 2019.

Written submissions may be addressed to the Director of Economic Development & Planning, Waterford City & County Council, 35 The Mall, Waterford to arrive no later than 6th September 2019.

Maps & Drawings

Reminder: Part 8 Development of a New Transport Hub on North Quays

In accordance with Article 81 of Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council proposes to carry out the following development:

Construction of a new Transport Hub to include;

  • A Rail station to replace the existing Plunkett Train Station along the existing Waterford City to Rosslare Iarnród Éireann railway (active only to Belview Port);
  • Re-configuration to the layout of the existing Bus Éireann depot site;
  • Construction of additional parking for Bus Éireann at an adjoining site (former Dunlop site);
  • Construction of drainage network upgrades along the Dock Road and in the vicinity of the Transport Hub and construction of flood defences along the southern boundary of the Iarnród Éireann railway. The proposed development will be carried out in the townland of Ferrybank, Waterford.

The works to complete the development will comprise the following:

  • Site clearance to include demolition of the existing railway overbridge at the site, Top Oil Service station, a single storey commercial unit, level crossing signal cabin and part of Bus Éireann Depot Boundary wall;
  • Construction of a train station over a portion of the existing Waterford City to Rosslare railway, comprising:A station building with floor space of 800m2 (internal) and 400m2 (covered external) that will comprise a concourse/waiting area, welfare facilities, a retail space 30.71m2, all associated facilities and a 22m long covered footbridge/concourse over the railway line located at the eastern end of the platforms (that will facilitate connection/integration with future development associated with the North Quays Strategic Development Zone (NQ SDZ);
  • A footbridge spanning 16.6m over the railway at the western end of the Transport Hub to facilitate connection/integration with future development associated with the NQ SDZ;
  • An external canopy structure approximately 105m long facing Dock Road with 15 no. flagpoles, facing a new set down and entrance ‘north plaza’ area.
    Two platforms measuring approximately 200m in length accessed through the east footbridge via the station building;
  • Emergency access from the southern platform, westwards along the rail line, to lead into the North Quays Strategic Development Zone.
  • Road and Drainage improvements and associated public realm works along 710m of the Dock Road Fountain Street (R711).
  • Construction of approximately 840m of flood defence systems along the southern boundary of the existing Iarnród Éireann railway corridor;
  • Construction of pick up and drop off public parking facilities to the east of the station building, comprising approximately; 16 no. car set down spaces, 7 no. taxi set down spaces, 4 no. coach set down spaces and bicycle parking
  • Re-configuration of parking in the existing Bus Éireann Depot and construction of replacement spaces to the east of the existing bus depot site connected to the existing Bus Depot by way of an internal road
  • Works comprising the integration of the Waterford to New Ross Greenway across the site;
  • Upgrades of drainage & foul sewer infrastructure along Dock Road and in the vicinity of the Transport Hub to facilitate future development;
  • Public realm improvements including lighting and landscaping;
  • Provision of boundary treatment and accommodation works and all ancillary works.

In accordance with Article 120(1)(b)(i) and Section 250 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), Waterford City and County Council has carried out an Environmental Impact Assessment Screening and Appropriate Assessment screening and has determined that an Appropriate Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment is not required in respect of this proposed development.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase at a reasonable fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the following locations, between the hours of 9.30 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday for the period 26th July to 23rd August 2019 inclusive (excluding Bank and Public Holidays):

  • Waterford City & County Council, Customer Care Desk, Baileys New Street, Waterford X91 SH42
  • Waterford City & County Council, Civic Offices, Davitts Quay, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford X35 Y326

Online submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated may be made in writing to the local authority, online at no later than 6th September 2019.

Written submissions may be addressed to the Director of Economic Development & Planning, Waterford City & County Council, 35 The Mall, Waterford to arrive no later than 6th September 2019.

Maps & Drawings

Public Consultation for North Quays Transport Hub opens

Planning application comes as Waterford is buoyed by investment in Airport and Greenway

Plans for a state-of-the-art Transport Hub on Waterford’s North Quays go on public
display today (26 July) at Waterford City and County Council offices and online. The Transport Hub is part of a transformative urban regeneration project, which will see the redevelopment of the eighthectare North Quays site into a modern mixed use development with an hotel, offices, apartments and 50,000 square meters of retail, hospitality and entertainment space.

Waterford City and County Council’s Part 8 planning application proposes the construction of a new train station to replace the existing Plunkett Station. The planning in the city’s designated Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) also includes a new bus set down area and short-term parking facilities. This latest milestone for the North Quays’ development comes at a time of significant investment for the county and region with multi-million euro funding recently announced for Waterford Airport, Waterford
Greenway, and the Kilkenny Greenway from Waterford to New Ross. Councillor John Pratt, Mayor of Waterford City and County Council said: “It’s fantastic to see the
innovative North Quays development take a significant step forward with the Part 8 planning application for the Transport Hub. This will be one of Ireland’s most modern transport hubs, linking the city’s rail and bus services and dramatically improving access from north to south. It will be transformative for those living and working in Waterford — connecting with the Greenway, the proposed sustainable transport bridge and an enhanced road network.”

Further developments for the SDZ, which is a project under Project Ireland 2040, will see Falcon Real Estate Development Ireland imminently submit a planning application for the eight-hectare real estate mixed-use scheme on Waterford’s North Quays and An Bord Pleanála decide on the Planning application for the Sustainable Transport Bridge to the South Quays. In making their decision on the new Sustainable Transport Bridge across the River Suir, An Bord Pleanála has sought further information on a specific issue relating to the visual impact of the vessel protection system on the opening section of the bridge. Waterford City and County Council will be responding in the next two weeks but there will be no impact on project timelines.

Waterford City and County Council Chief Executive, Michael Walsh added: “The ground-breaking Falcon Real Estate Development Ireland scheme, together with the Transport Hub and the Sustainable Transport Bridge, will transform Waterford into a modern city quarter. The North Quays’ offices and accommodation will provide for a range of enterprises and up to 1,500 jobs primarily targeted at Foreign Direct Investment. In total, 2,300 jobs will be generated by the development and a further 1,000 in strategic industrial lands.These additional jobs alone will generate consumer spend in excess of €50m
per annum and lead to an estimated annual footfall of 2,500,000.

“We are a city undergoing huge transition, with 5,000 additional jobs expected by 2025 and Waterford’s tourism numbers to double by 2025 to one million. The North Quays, the development of Mount Congreve as a world class visitor experience and the Government’s recent €2.65 million investment in the Waterford Greenway and €5 million in Waterford Airport, firmly places Waterford as the gateway city of the south east. Waterford is driving forward with the delivery of a forward-looking urban centre that will make it the most cost competitive regional city in Ireland, accelerating regional growth over the long term, and supporting a stronger national economy.”

Waterford City and County Council have submitted a bid for €104.5m to fund the North Quay development via the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund, with matching funding at a local level accounting for a further €34.8m. Part 8 comes following extensive work by Waterford City and County Council with Coras Iompair Éireann, Iarnród Éireann and Bus Éireann.  Further elements in the Part 8 include associated works such as alterations to the existing bus depot site, upgrades to the drainage network and flood defence works. The planning application is available for inspection at the Council’s offices in Waterford City and Dungarvan until 23 August. It is also available
to view at 

Plans for the proposed Transport Hub are available for inspection at Waterford City & County Council, Customer Care Desk, Bailey’s New Street, Waterford; and Waterford City & County Council’s Civic Offices, Davitts Quay, Dungarvan. They can be viewed from 9.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday until 23 August 2019 (excluding Bank and Public Holidays). It is available to view online at

Online submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated may be made in writing to the local authority, online at no later than 6th September 2019.

About Falcon Real Estate Development:
Falcon Real Estate Development is an independent company. It aims at developing a significant portfolio of Real Estate projects. The company strategy is to source, develop and operate a quality range of assets in European Growth Markets to reflect the strength and innovation delivered in the home markets of the company’s owners.

Falcon Real Estate Development announces key advisors for North Quays and Michael Street

View the Waterford North Quays Website here

Waterford, Ireland 9th April 2019:

Falcon Real Estate Development Ireland, the company that is backing the Waterford North Quays and Michael Street development projects, has appointed its key advisors including the leasing agency and design team for the project. Cushman & Wakefield, a leading global real estate service firm, has been appointed as the leasing agency for the entire North Quays project. Cushman & Wakefield will be responsible for the commercialization of the retail, office, residential and hospitality components of the project and a leasing campaign targeting potential retailers is already underway.

A full team has been contracted for the design and build-out of the project. The Waterford office of Carron & Walsh has been appointed as both project manager and quantity surveyor for the project.  The executive architect is Echo Architecture, an international London based firm which specialises in design and build solutions for retail and hospitality projects. The planning consultant is BMA Planning.  Fewer Harrington & Partners is the technical architect.  Punch Consulting Engineers has been selected as the civil, structural and traffic engineer and also the health & safety consultant. The mechanical and electrical engineer is BDP and the fire engineering consultant is JGA.

Waterford North Quays, an eight hectare real estate mixed use scheme, was conferred SDZ (Strategic Development Zone) designation by the Government in 2016. Falcon Real Estate Development has previously confirmed that work on the project is likely to start before the end of the current year, with the objective of developing a significant quality range of assets and meeting the company’s vision for Waterford to be the “go-to” destination for living, working, shopping and entertainment. The company is currently focused on the pre-development and planning phases with a view to being site active during the last quarter of 2019.

“The proposed scheme makes for an exciting addition to the South East Region and comes at a time when there is a particular focus on how people shop. It’s no longer about the basics, it’s about providing an exceptional retail experience for customers and ensuring best in class amenities & services are all under one roof. The emphasis on this development will be to ensure a diversity of mix with a strong leisure and food & beverage offer but also creating a real state of the art environment. Despite the challenging retail environment Cushman & Wakefield believe that well positioned retail developments will continue to attract both indigenous and multinational retailers,” said Karl Stewart, Head of Retail, Cushman & Wakefield Ireland.

The North Quays and Michael Street developments will mark a major economic boost for Waterford and the South East Region of Ireland. The total investment is estimated to be €350 million in the development, phased over three to five years. 2,500 full time roles will be created during the development of the new district, with an additional 4,500 indirect jobs. The planned integration of the schemes with the existing urban centre of the City will confirm Waterford as the Gateway City of the South East Region, increasing regional and national visitation and tourism, and will serve to reverse regional economic leakage. Combined with the forecasted 2040 population growth of 181,000 people for the South East, the retail market size in the South East is expected to grow from €3.49 billion in 2015 to €6.30 billion in 2025.


Issued on behalf of Falcon Real Estate Development by Heneghan PR

Media contacts

Nigel Heneghan + 353 86 2587206 –

Fiona Peppard + 353 (0) 1 660 7395 –


Note to editors

About Falcon Real Estate Development

Falcon Real Estate Development is an independent company. It aims at developing a significant portfolio of Real Estate projects. The company strategy is to source, develop and operate a quality range of assets in European Growth Markets to reflect the strength and innovation delivered in the home markets of the company’s owners.

CPO No. 1, 2019 – Frank Cassin Wharf, Waterford

The Waterford City & County Council (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”), acting on its own behalf, in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by section 76 of the Housing Act, 1966, and the Third Schedule thereto, as extended by section 10 of the Local Government (No. 2) Act, 1960 as substituted by section 86 of the Housing Act, 1966 as amended by section 6 and the Second Schedule to the Roads Act, 1993 and as amended by the Planning and Development Act, 2000, as amended has on the 20th March, 2019 made a confirmation order confirming the above named compulsory purchase order as respects the land described in the Schedule hereto.

The said order, as so confirmed, authorises Waterford City & County Council to acquire the said land compulsorily.

A copy of the order and of the map referred to in it may be seen between 9.30 a.m. and 4.00 p.m., Monday to Friday at Customer Services Department, Baileys New Street, Waterford and at the The Atrium, Civic Offices, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.

The said order will become operative at the expiration of three weeks after the date of publication of this notice. An application for judicial review of the decision of the Board under Order 84 of the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 15 of 1986) may be
made to the High Court within eight weeks of the date of publication of this notice in accordance with section 50 of the Planning and Development Acts, 2000-2015.

Falcon Real Estate confirms North Quays development to start

Waterford North Quays is a project of Falcon Real Estate Development Ireland
With over 8 hectares, it will be the largest mixed use real estate development in the South East of Ireland

A €350m investment, delivering 2,300 full time jobs by 2022
Waterford, Ireland 12th March 2019:

Falcon Real Estate Development Ireland reasserts its commitment to the Waterford North Quays and Michael Street developments and confirms that work on the project is likely to start before the end of the current year. An independent real estate developer and operator, Falcon Real Estate Development Ireland aims to develop a significant quality range of assets, meeting the company’s vision for Waterford to be the “go-to” destination for living, working, shopping and entertainment and is currently focused on the pre-development and planning phases with a view to being site active during the last quarter of 2019.

Waterford North Quays, an eight hectare real estate mixed use scheme, was conferred SDZ (Strategic Development Zone) designation by the Government in 2016. It will comprise a sustainable mix of 46,900 square metres convenience & comparison retail facilities, leisure, dining destinations and a Waterford Visitor Experience. Complementary to the scheme and core to its values of diversity a 200-room Four Star Hotel & Conference Centre, 15,000 square metres prime Office space, and 300 riverside apartments will be delivered in a contemporaneous and phased approach.

Waterford North Quays is set to become one of Ireland’s most modern transport hubs, connecting the site locally and nationally with Rail, Bus, Greenway, Pedestrian and Electric Bus with a link-bridge to Waterford city centre across the River Suir. It will blend carefully planned infrastructure investments with tourism, retail, business and living needs. Visitors will be able to enjoy easy parking, quality restaurants and cafes with over 35,000 square metres of green open space and a riverside promenade and integral part of the recently opened Waterford-Dungarvan Greenway. Falcon Real Estate Development’s vision is to create a new focus for Waterford city and a destination that is firmly integrated with the local community, offering opportunities for living, working and socializing.

The North Quay development will mark a major economic boost for Waterford and the South East Region of Ireland. The total estimated investment is estimated to be €350 million in the development, phased over three to five years. 2,300 full time roles will be created during the development of the new district, with an additional 4,500 indirect jobs. The planned completed integration of the scheme with the existing urban centre of the City, will confirm Waterford as the Gateway City of the South East Region, increasing regional and national visitation, tourism and will serve to reverse regional economic leakage. Combined with the forecasted 2040 population growth of 181,000 people for the South East, the retail market size in the South East is expected to grow from €3.49 billion in 2015 to €6.30 billion in 2025.


Issued on behalf of Falcon Real Estate Development by Heneghan PR

Media contacts

Note to editors

About Falcon Real Estate Development
Falcon Real Estate Development is an independent company. It aims at developing a significant portfolio of Real Estate projects. The company strategy is to source, develop and operate a quality range of assets in European Growth Markets to reflect the strength and innovation delivered in the home markets of the company’s owners.

Reminder: Part 8 Development of a New Transport Hub on North Quays

In accordance with Article 81 of Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council proposes to carry out the following development:

Construction of a new Transport Hub to include;

  • A Rail station to replace the existing Plunkett Train Station along the existing Waterford City to Rosslare Iarnród Éireann railway (active only to Belview Port);
  • Re-configuration to the layout of the existing Bus Éireann depot site;
  • Construction of additional parking for Bus Éireann at an adjoining site (former Dunlop site);
  • Construction of drainage network upgrades along the Dock Road and in the vicinity of the Transport Hub and construction of flood defences along the southern boundary of the Iarnród Éireann railway. The proposed development will be carried out in the townland of Ferrybank, Waterford.

The works to complete the development will comprise the following:

  • Site clearance to include demolition of the existing railway overbridge at the site, Top Oil Service station, a single storey commercial unit, level crossing signal cabin and part of Bus Éireann Depot Boundary wall;
  • Construction of a train station over a portion of the existing Waterford City to Rosslare railway, comprising:A station building with floor space of 800m2 (internal) and 400m2 (covered external) that will comprise a concourse/waiting area, welfare facilities, a retail space 30.71m2, all associated facilities and a 22m long covered footbridge/concourse over the railway line located at the eastern end of the platforms (that will facilitate connection/integration with future development associated with the North Quays Strategic Development Zone (NQ SDZ);
  • A footbridge spanning 16.6m over the railway at the western end of the Transport Hub to facilitate connection/integration with future development associated with the NQ SDZ;
  • An external canopy structure approximately 105m long facing Dock Road with 15 no. flagpoles, facing a new set down and entrance ‘north plaza’ area.
    Two platforms measuring approximately 200m in length accessed through the east footbridge via the station building;
  • Emergency access from the southern platform, westwards along the rail line, to lead into the North Quays Strategic Development Zone.
  • Road and Drainage improvements and associated public realm works along 710m of the Dock Road Fountain Street (R711).
  • Construction of approximately 840m of flood defence systems along the southern boundary of the existing Iarnród Éireann railway corridor;
  • Construction of pick up and drop off public parking facilities to the east of the station building, comprising approximately; 16 no. car set down spaces, 7 no. taxi set down spaces, 4 no. coach set down spaces and bicycle parking
  • Re-configuration of parking in the existing Bus Éireann Depot and construction of replacement spaces to the east of the existing bus depot site connected to the existing Bus Depot by way of an internal road
  • Works comprising the integration of the Waterford to New Ross Greenway across the site;
  • Upgrades of drainage & foul sewer infrastructure along Dock Road and in the vicinity of the Transport Hub to facilitate future development;
  • Public realm improvements including lighting and landscaping;
  • Provision of boundary treatment and accommodation works and all ancillary works.

In accordance with Article 120(1)(b)(i) and Section 250 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), Waterford City and County Council has carried out an Environmental Impact Assessment Screening and Appropriate Assessment screening and has determined that an Appropriate Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment is not required in respect of this proposed development.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase at a reasonable fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the following locations, between the hours of 9.30 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday for the period 26th July to 23rd August 2019 inclusive (excluding Bank and Public Holidays):

  • Waterford City & County Council, Customer Care Desk, Baileys New Street, Waterford X91 SH42
  • Waterford City & County Council, Civic Offices, Davitts Quay, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford X35 Y326

Online submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated may be made in writing to the local authority, online at no later than 6th September 2019.

Written submissions may be addressed to the Director of Economic Development & Planning, Waterford City & County Council, 35 The Mall, Waterford to arrive no later than 6th September 2019.

Maps & Drawings