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Silver for residents of Tramore’s An Garrán

An Garrán residents’ association in Tramore was named as runner-up at the All-Island IPB Pride of Place awards last weekend.

The awards, hosted by Dublin City Council and held in the Clayton Hotel in Dublin, celebrate the best in community development, and recognise the efforts of people in making their local neighbourhoods better places to live, work and socialise.

An Garrán residents’ association was nominated by Waterford City and County Council, in the Urban Neighbourhood (Under 3,000) category.

Speaking following the awards ceremony An Garrán’s spokesperson, Katariina Bent was delighted with the accolade. “Initially we started out as a small group to keep the estate tidy, but soon realised that we needed to form a residents’ association to achieve more and to reach more residents.

“With the help of Waterford City and County Council’s Estate management team we formed a committee, and this gave us the focus to engage directly with the residents of the estate and access more supports and funding.

“Estates Manager with the Council, Eamonn O’Leary was invaluable in the assistance he gave us in encouraging a great community spirit and helping us build a safe, inclusive, secure place for all the families living here.”

Built in 2009, An Garrán is a joint venture between Waterford City and County Council and Tuath Housing.

Eamonn O’Leary, Waterford City and County Council, congratulated the residents’ association on its award.  “What’s great about An Garrán is the enthusiasm and drive the residents have in creating and maintaining an estate that they all proudly call home.

“The Council nominated An Garrán last Autumn not only because we have built strong and enduring relationships with the committee and the residents there, but we are as committed as they are to continuing the excellent work that has been done over the last fifteen years.”

Eamonn continued, “One of the highlights over the years must be the outdoor fun day last summer to celebrate European Neighbours’ Day.  With music, fun activities, a biodiversity area and an estate clean-up, it really was an example of how the residents have created a warm, welcoming place for young and old.”

The awards, hosted by RTE’s Marty Whelan, took place in in front of 400 community volunteers from across the island.

Sponsored by IPB Insurance, the Pride of Place competition was initiated 20 years ago though a Co-operation Ireland programme to acknowledge the invaluable work undertaken by volunteers and those involved in local community development.

It has grown into the largest competition recognising community development achievements on the island of Ireland.


Image 1:

l-r At the Pride of Place Awards Eamonn O’Leary Waterford City and County Council, Katriina Bent An Garrán residents association, Paul Lynch An Garrán residents association , John Kearns CEO IPB Insurance – Sponsors of Pride of place, Peter Sheridan CEO Co-operation Ireland and Jennifer Ring An Tuáth Housing Manager.

Image 2:

Residents of An Garrán celebrating European Neighbours’ Day

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