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Waterford Joint Policing Committee public meeting – June 12th

Notice of Public Meeting

Reachtáilfidh Comhchoiste Póilíneachta Phort Láirge cruinniú poiblí ar an 12 Meitheamh 2017 in Óstán na Páirce, Dún Garbhán, Co. Phort Láirge ar a 7.00i.n.  Sé an téama ná “Sábháilteacht phoiblí, cosc ar choireanna agus sábháilteacht phearsanta a fheabhsú trí bheith ag obair le pobail.”

Beidh fáilte roimh bhaill an phobail a bheith i láthair.

Reachtáilfear ceardlann agus ina dhiaidh san freagrófar ceisteanna ó bhaill den bpobal maidir leis an téama. Tabhair faoi deara go dtabharfar tús áite do cheisteanna a chuirfear isteach i scríbhinn roimh an chruinnithe.

The Waterford Joint Policing Committee will hold a public meeting on 12th June 2017 in the Park Hotel, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford at 7pm.  The theme is “Improving public safety, crime prevention and personal safety through working with communities”.

Members of the public are welcome to attend.

A workshop will be held followed by answers to questions from members of the public in relation to the theme.  Please be aware that questions submitted in writing in advance of the meeting shall receive priority.  Questions are to be submitted in writing to Colette O’ Brien, Community Department, Bailey’s New Street, Waterford or by email to no later than 4pm on Wednesday 31st May.

Questions will be accepted from any person affected by the policing of the area. Questioners must give their name and address, however this will be kept completely confidential and will not be publicised.  The public are advised that in some cases it may not be possible to provide information or respond to a question for legal reasons, in cases relating to an individual or in relation to information received in confidence by the Gardaí or the local authority, or because to do so would involve the disproportionate use of resources.

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