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Good news for Built heritage in Waterford

The Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht has announced 2 funding schemes for Protected Structures – the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2018 (BHIS) and the Structures at Risk Fund (SRF) 2018.

The BHIS scheme seeks to leverage private capital for investment in small-scale, labour-intensive projects and to support the employment of skilled and experienced conservation professionals, craftspeople and tradespersons in the repair of Protected Structures and in certain cases, the conservation of structures within Architectural Conservation Areas (ACA).  Waterford has been allocated €104,000. Funding awards made under the scheme will be between €2,500 and €15,000, with applicants matching in full the grants being awarded.

Qualifying works include appropriate repair and conservation of historic structures, which are sympathetic to the character and special interest of the structure, and are of a standard that matches the historical detailing, materials and techniques.  Works that improve the energy efficiency may also be funded.   These works will contribute to the regeneration and vitality of the city’s and county’s built heritage and act as a stimulus for job creation.

The Structures at Risk Fund is only for structures that are in immediate danger of significant deterioration.  The Department will consider 4 applications per local authority. A fifth application may be made relating to an Irish Historic House in private ownership.  The minimum funding available under the SRF will be €15,000 up to a maximum grant of €30,000.

These schemes will be administered by Waterford City and County Council. Details and application forms for the Built Heritage Investment Scheme   and Structures at Risk Fund  are now available on 

Completed application forms and photos of the structures must be submitted by email to by 5 pm on 17th of January 2018. The Department will formally approve projects for funding by the 2nd of March 2018. Successful applicants must have the works completed by 28th of September 2018.

For further information or if you have any queries in relation to the scheme please contact: Rosemary Ryall, Executive Conservation Officer, Waterford City and County Council e-mail:

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