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Creative Ireland Open Call Grants 2020 opens on February 11th

Waterford City and County Council launches its Creative Waterford Open Call Grants 2020 on February 11th. Waterford City and County Council’s Culture and Creativity Strategy 2018-2022 wishes to provide opportunities for access, participation and engagement in culture and creativity for all citizens. This call is open to everyone, from artists & creatives to collectives & communities to apply for funding to assist in developing Waterford’s creativity in all sorts of ways.

Katherine Collins, Creative Waterford Coordinator said:

“This funding has provided great opportunities to communities, groups and individuals to express their creativity in a huge range of disciplines over the past three years. Projects relating to sustainability, climate action, heritage, literature, music, theatre, murals and many more topics have been completed, and we are looking forward to seeing a wide variety of applications again in 2020. This is a competitive Open Call, so we encourage applicants to work through the Creative Waterford Toolkit which gives advice and information on how best to approach devising a project for this or any culture / community application process.”

The Creative Ireland Programme is the Government’s Legacy Programme for Ireland 2016 – a five-year initiative which places creativity at the centre of public policy. It is a culture-based programme designed to promote individual, community and national well being. Its vision is ‘that every person living in Ireland will have the opportunity to fully realise his or her creative potential.’ Creative Waterford delivers the “Creative Communities” pillar of the national programme, which provides funding to community based creativity projects.

The maximum grant to a project is €5,000. The Creative Ireland Open Call application form & information sheet are available in English and Irish at  /ÉireIldánach2020

Waterford City and County Council’s Culture and Creativity Strategy 2018-2022 and the Creative Waterford Toolkit & exercises are available at

The deadline for submissions is 4pm on 05/03/2020

For further information contact


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