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Layout, signalling changes at Railway Square, Manor Street and Bath Street

Waterford City & County Council will  phase in the new one-way layout and signalling changes at Railway Square, Manor Street and Bath Street this week (week ending 12th January).

These changes are part of the Waterford City Centre Urban Renewal Scheme initiated in 2015, with many of the changes supporting the policy objectives of the Waterford City Development Plan (2013-2019), including the ‘provision of a citywide cycle network to link all areas of the city to each other via main routes’.

On Monday the 8th January from approximately 10:30am works will recommence at the end of College Street to install a solid island – this particular work will be completed by Tuesday evening. Traffic on College street turning onto Bath Street will be restricted to one lane.

On Wednesday, the 10th January, the traffic lights at the College St / Bath St / Manor St junction will be switched off to facilitate the change over.   On Thursday the 11th January the one way loop around Railway Square will become operational.

There will be traffic management in place  and unfortunately there will be delays in the coming week with the new layout will be operational by the 11th January. We ask for your patience during the coming period.

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Michael Carrick
6 years ago

Thanks and Good Luck.

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