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Women’s Creative Cafe

Women’s Creative Cafe in the Copper Coast Visitor Centre  in Bonmahon

Hosted by the Women’s Creative Arts Circle, the Women’s Creative Cafe promises to be an evening of inspiration, connection and new beginnings. Join with a panel of rural women speakers and performers from different arts backgrounds including writers, visual artists, musicians, dance practitioners and theatre/film makers. Explore together, the creative powers of women!

In a lively cafe atmosphere meet other creative ​rural ​women, enjoy some relaxed chat, friendship and food.

Let’s reach out, create and connect! Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.

This event is supported by Waterford Arts Office and is part of the Copper Coast Geopark Festival

Your 5 Euro entrance ticket includes complimentary tea, coffee and finger food. Wine also available to buy on the night.

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