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Bring Nature Back to your Garden

Many people are taking delight in the abundant birdsong that can be heard all around us now that life has quietened down in the current pandemic. A new booklet “Gardening for Biodiversity” is now available to help you attract more bird life, bees and butterflies to your garden and do your bit for nature.

Developed by wildlife author Juanita Browne and supported by the NPWS, Department of Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht, the Heritage Council and Local Authority Heritage Officers, this free booklet offers practical advice for beginner wildlife enthusiasts and DIYers.

Leave a strip of dandelions, delay mowing your grass, build a log pile or even a bird bath and watch your garden become a haven for wildlife.

Check out and their Facebook page for identification swatches and recording apps to help you identify all the different species of birds, flowers and bugs.

It’s all in our Nature !

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