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Waterford Council details Sec. 254 Outdoor Furniture Grant Scheme

Waterford launched the COVID 19 Economic Recovery Plan Monday 8th June as a response to getting Waterford reopened and moving into recovery phase. A number of initiatives have been implemented as part of the recovery Plan and plans are now in place for the roll out of the Outdoor Furniture Grant scheme.

The objective of the street furniture grant scheme is to contribute to vibrant City, Town, and Village centre and assist and support the hospitality sector with a grant towards the cost of equipment in providing additional outdoor seating and accessories in reopening  post COVID-19.

A consistent and high quality standard in the street furniture will be required in order to enhance the appeal of the city, town and village centre and to create confidence in visiting and dining in city, town and village centre.

The details of the Outdoor Furniture Scheme are as follows:

  • Food and Beverage retailers who wish to avail of the Outdoor Furniture Scheme need to apply in the first instance for a S.254 licence in order to be approved to place furniture in public spaces outside premises. The application form and details of the application process are detailed on the Council’s website.   The fee for S.254 licence has been waived as a recovery measure by Waterford City and County Council.
  •  All grants will be subject to compliance with conditions of a licence granted under section 254 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) or the conditions of a relevant grant of planning permission

The following items are eligible for the grant :

  • Tables, Chairs, Umbrellas, electric heaters, screens/windbreaks, plant stands, temporary bike stands and wooden platform
  • Items must be purchased between 1st June and 31st August 2020 and payment will be made to applicants on submission of receipt  for equipment purchased. The scheme will provide up to 75% of the cost of equipment purchased / installed, with a maximum allowable contribution of €2,000 per applicant.

For further details on the scheme, please visit the Council’s website or call 0761 102020.


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