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Waterford Council encourages businesses to apply for enhanced Restart Grant Plus

Businesses throughout Waterford City and County are encouraged to apply for the COVID-19 Restart Grant Plus, through Waterford City and County Council. With an additional €300m funding made available by Local Authorities Ireland, the enhanced Restart Grant Plus is available to help businesses impacted by COVID-19 with the costs associated with reopening, reemploying workers and reconnecting with customers.

The €300m funding is in addition to the €250m previously committed and businesses that have not already applied, which have a turnover of less than €25m and less than 250 employees, were impacted by at least a 25% reduction in turnover between April 1st and June 30th, 2020 and intend to retain employees on the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) can apply.

The Restart Grant Plus is the equivalent to the commercial rates bill of the business in 2019, and for first-time applicants under Restart Plus, the minimum grant is €4,000 and the maximum is €25,000. Businesses that are in a commercially rateable premises but not rate-assessed in 2019 or currently in arrears are still eligible to apply.

The Restart Grant Plus, with increased eligibility criteria, also means that rate paying sports clubs and trading charity shops can also apply. Non-rateable B&Bs can apply through Failte Ireland.

Michael Walsh, Chief Executive Waterford City and County Council, said “The increased eligibility criteria means that across all sectors many more small and medium sized businesses will now be eligible for the Restart Grant Plus.”

“This direct aid will prove timely and beneficial to those businesses in helping with the costs of dealing with COVID-19. The costs associated with reopening, implementing health and safety measures, retaining staff, replenishing stock or ongoing fixed costs, such as insurance and utilities can be met in some way with the Restart Grant Plus.”

“Whether the business is up to date with its 2019 commercial rate payments or not, the Restart Grant Plus will help take the financial burden out of the costs associated with getting back up and running and the return to viability.”

The application process is quite straight forward, and businesses will need to submit their Council rates account number, bank account details, a bank statement header, and indication of reduction in turnover. Applicants will also be required to self-declare information.

Businesses that qualified for a grant under the original Restart Grant scheme are simply required to re-declare via email that the information supplied continues to be true.

Applications for the Restart Grant Plus can be made via and the closing date for receipt of applications is September 30th, 2020.


Notes to Editor:

About the Restart Grant Plus

Small and medium sized businesses are particularly vulnerable to the economic effects of Covid-19. Many businesses, even while closed, continue to incur costs including fixed costs without being able to generate revenues. It is recognised that businesses will also incur costs in preparing their businesses to reopen and meeting the needs of employees and customers. The enhanced Restart Grant Plus is designed to alleviate the pressure on businesses in this context.

To avail of the Restart Grant Plus, a business must:

·   Be a commercial, trading, entity

·   Operate from a premises that is commercially rateable by a local authority

·   Have 0 – 250 employees

·   Have a turnover of less than €100k per employee to a maximum of €25m[1]  

·   Have suffered a 25%+ loss in turnover between 1 April and 30 June 2020

·   Commit to remain open or to reopen if closed

·   Intend to retain employees that are on The Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS).

The DETE will arrange to carry out spot-checks to ensure compliance with the qualifying criteria.

[1] The criteria regarding turnover of < €100K per employee will be assessed in groups of 25, e.g. <50 staff must have under a maximum €5m turnover, 51 to 75 staff must have a maximum of €7.5m turnover, 76 to 100 staff must have a maximum of €10m turnover, 101 to 125 staff a maximum of €12.5m turnover, 126 to 150 staff must have a maximum of €15m turnover, 151 to 175 staff a maximum of €17.5m turnover, 176 to 200 staff a maximum of €20m turnover, 201 to 225 employees a maximum of €22.5m turnover and 226 to 250 employees a maximum of €25m turnover. Employee numbers are expressed in Full-Time Equivalents.

For further information:

Karen Cheevers

B2B Communications

086 2300700

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