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Tramore Railway Station windows update

Under the Historic Towns Initiative 2021, the  Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, and the Heritage Council  awarded   Waterford City and County Council an allocation of €77,500 for conservation works at The Railway Station in Tramore.

As part of the works the historic sliding sash windows and frames have been removed and taken to  the workshop at National Joinery in Wexford. There the paint was stripped back and  repairs were carried out . With the stripping back some on the numerals used  when assembling the windows  such as” VIII”  was revealed. The  very fine joinery work is evident  such as the mortice and tenon joints , which is where 2 pieces of wood meet , mainly at right angles such simple and strong detailing has contributed to the longevity of the  original windows.

Where wood is damaged, it is removed and replaced (spliced) with a new piece of wood. Works such as these   ensure   the embodied energy retention  by reuse of our historic stock. At present the windows are being painted and glazed.

We will keep you updated with their progress and their journey back to Tramore !

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