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Attention all Housing Applicants of Waterford City & County Council

hnaThis is an important message from the Housing Department of Waterford City and County Council for all Housing applicants.  If you or your family are on the Housing waiting list and you have recently received an assessment form from the Housing office, you should listen carefully to this notice.

You are advised to return the completed Housing Needs Assessment form as a matter of urgency.  If you have changed address since you first applied for social housing and did not advise the Housing Office of your new address you need to contact the Housing Section Immediately.

As this is the latest of several reminders, if you fail to return the form by Wed 14th September, your application to remain on the Housing waiting list will be closed.

Returned forms can be posted to the Housing section, Baileys New St Waterford, or in person to the Customer Service desks at Baileys New St Waterford or Civic Offices Dungarvan as a matter of urgency.

Tel: 0761 10 20 20

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