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Commercial Rates Energy Discount Scheme back for 2023



As part of Waterford City and County Council’s objective to deliver a carbon neutral Waterford by 2040, the Local Authority is re-introducing its Commercial Rates Energy Discount Scheme, to support and enable businesses and service providers to transition to carbon neutrality.

Following its success in 2022, which saw 1,000 businesses across Waterford take advantage of the scheme, the Local Authority’s Climate Action team is once again seeking to engage with businesses in an assessment of their energy usage and to identify opportunities for savings and explore the potential of renewable energy.

Businesses are invited to register to complete an energy audit or an energy self-assessment.  An audit or assessment will help businesses identify energy saving opportunities and avail of an 8% rates reduction.

Climate Action Officer with Waterford City and County Council, Grainne Kennedy said, “In Waterford, businesses account for 24.6% of emissions, the majority of those coming from energy use.  By being more aware of energy saving opportunities and exploring renewable energy options, businesses can not only save money, but they can effect real change by adopting a sustainability strategy and reducing carbon emissions.

“Collectively, these changes have the potential to achieve a positive impact for businesses across Waterford.

“1,000 businesses in Waterford undertook energy awareness training last year and made real changes such as transforming operations through the energy saving opportunities that were identified, thus, increasing resilience and gaining the benefits of the green transition.”

One such business to effect real change is Molloy’s Butchers Ardkeen.  Taking a multi-faceted approach, Molly’s Butchers Ardkeen has introduced a wide range of sustainable changes such as ensuring all of their outgoing packaging is either recyclable or compostable where possible, and the company has worked in partnership with BioBag Ireland in developing a new beeswax alternative to clingfilm, thus closing the circle on compostable packs.

According to Keith Molloy, Proprietor of Molloy’s Butchers Ardkeen, “We incentivise customers to bring their own reusable containers when buying their meat to avoid the need for single-use bags and containers.  Our customers can currently save 25% on their order when they bring their own container.  Having engaged qualified energy consultants, all storage and display refrigeration have been upgraded and all our light fittings have also been upgraded to LED.”

Keith added, “Molloy’s Butchers Ardkeen has been making changes in our business in line with our commitment to sustainability for over 10 years.  Through our sustainability efforts, we hope to inspire other businesses across all industries to adopt small changes that really can make a big difference.”

The scheme is open to businesses whose annual rate bill is less than €10,000 or who operate in the hospitality industry. These businesses will be eligible to receive a rates energy discount of 8% once they have either uploaded evidence of the Energy Audit by Friday, September 29th, 2023.  For those who have been unable to secure an audit, they can still avail of the discount by carrying out an Energy Self-Assessment.

To avail of the discount accounts must also be fully paid by 23:55pm on 29th September 2023 or are in an agreed Direct Debit payment plan. The credit will be applied after the deadline once the requirements have been met.

Businesses can register by visiting

Image attached:

John Traynor, Teresa Clancy, Bridget Kennedy, Hazel Molloy and Johnny Byrnes of Molloy’s Butchers Ardkeen

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