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Creative Space Workshop with Alison Driscoll, Writer in Residence

Molly Keane Writers’ Retreat, Ardmore, Co. Waterford

October 31st 2020 Zoom 10am to 4.30pm

When you show up to write today where are you both mentally and physically? This year has been tough for everyone between lock-downs and cocooning and missing out on life’s events big and small. But there has been a welcome change of pace, a time for reflection and whether we like it or not more time at home.

With this in mind this workshop will look at our space – how much space have you in life to write, how much space do you want/need, what is your writing space and what does it lack? Participants will be asked to explore their physical creative space (where they are joining us from today – an office, a desk in a bedroom, a coffee shop) and their mental creative space that can become clogged with distractions, doubt and writer’s block.

I invite participants to send some work in advance on any theme for a workshop session in the afternoon. I believe the best lessons come out of these workshop sessions and hope you will all benefit from sharing your work with a group of readers and editors. Up to 1000 words of fiction or 2 poems are required in advance by October 18th. If you don’t have work, don’t worry, I hope something will spark in you during our morning discussions and lead to the production of some work.

This session will be facilitated on Zoom due to the Covid-19 situation and is limited to 10 participants. The session will be open from 9.45am for a 10.00am start. It will end at 4.30pm. There will be a morning break and lunch. There will time for work-shopping and plenty of discussion throughout the day. Booking is essential through

The fee is €60. Alison Driscoll, WIR.


The Arts Office, Waterford City & County Council is offering a limited number of bursaries for writers based within the local authority administrative area to attend Alison’s workshop on zoom free of charge. If you wish to be considered for this bursary please email the Arts Office with ‘WIR – October Workshop’ in the subject box briefly outlining your interest as why you would find it beneficial to participate. Please include your full postal address and mobile number. Closing date for applications is Thursday 15th October at 12 noon. If you have already paid for and booked a place and are successful in getting a bursary, your fee will be reimbursed to you. No correspondence will be entered into regarding decisions.

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