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Join the Green Dog Walker Scheme

** NOTE – Due to the unprecedented number of sign-ups, we have had to temporarily suspend this pledge – thank you for participating **

Green Dog Walker Scheme

Pro-actively encourage and support responsible dog ownership

The Green Dog Walker scheme is a positive and pro-active way to encourage and support responsible dog ownership in Waterford.  It aims to increase awareness of the problem of dog fouling which is among the most common forms of littering.

When you sign up to the scheme we will send you a complimentary Green Dog-Walkers high-vis vest and a ‘doggie bone’ poop-bag dispenser with a roll of bags.

By signing up you have ‘Taken the Pledge’ to always clean up after your dog, to carry extra doggie bags and to gladly give others a bag for their dog if they ask for one.  By wearing the high-vis vest you are indicating that you are a responsible dog-owner participating in and supporting the scheme.

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