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Portalis – exploring the earliest connection between Ireland and Wales

The €1.95 million project aims to raise awareness, protect shared cultural and natural heritage and support sustainable engagement, establishing two new experiential tourism and cultural cross-border networks.

Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT)’s School of Humanities leads a new trans-disciplinary pilot project exploring the earliest connection between Ireland and Wales. Portalis maps the story of the first human journey between Ireland and Wales dating back to the Mesolithic period, in the context of contemporary resilience and climate adaption for both local coastal communities and their visitors.

New visitor experience

This is achieved by consolidating existing evidence with new data to develop a powerful new cross-border narrative, accessible within a new visitor experience at Waterford Museum of Treasures, Ireland, and Ceredigion Museum, Wales. The €1.95 million project aims to raise awareness and support community and business sustainable engagement, resulting in the establishment of two new experiential tourism and cultural networks in both Ireland and Wales.

Historic connections between Ireland and Wales

The Irish Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath, TD, said:

“There are special and interlinked historic, cultural, academic and economic bonds linking communities in Ireland and Wales across the Irish Sea. This Sea is not a barrier but rather a shared space and a link between peoples. In developing this project to create a new narrative, I wish the Portalis Project every success and congratulate the partners on accessing funding from the 2014-2020 Ireland Wales Cooperation Programme. The approach of utilising traditional archaeological techniques in combination with digital technologies while closely involving local communities to highlight our shared natural and cultural heritage is to be commended and is well worthy of support. Like all other projects funded under this EU Programme it acts as a visible symbol of the ongoing close cooperation between Wales and the South East of Ireland.”

Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, Welsh Government, Dawn Bowden, commented: “We welcome the development of projects that will strengthen our relationships with our closest European neighbour, and this project will provide a fascinating insight into exploring the earliest connections between Ireland and Wales.”

Ireland Wales Cooperation programme

Supported by €1.5m from by the European Regional Development Fund through the Ireland Wales Cooperation programme, the project consists of four partners, Lead Partner Waterford Institute of Technology and Operation Partners University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Ceredigion County Council, and Waterford Chamber of Commerce.

The Ireland Wales 2014-2020 European Territorial Co-operation (ETC) programme is a maritime programme connecting businesses and communities on the West coast of Wales with the South-East coast of Ireland. The programme focuses on seeking solutions to shared challenges including adaption of the Irish Sea and coastal communities to climate change, and cultural and natural resources and heritage.

20-month project

The 20-month project commencing in February features a range of different techniques including drilled core sampling, excavation, lab analysis, citizen archaeology, visitor experience design with film and virtual reality, a new app with a 3D online exhibition, and tailored network development events and resources.

Dr Suzanne Denieffe, Head of School of Humanities at WIT said, “We are delighted to be leading the Portalis project. This project is important and timely in that it speaks to key Irish and Welsh strategy and policy documents and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The unique wealth of nationally important natural and cultural heritage sites within the joint operation jurisdiction, together with the outlined project activities, provides new cross border shared data, and this will in turn underpin further research.

The project also promotes healthy living by using coast and sea as an enabler for outdoor experiential heritage tourism activity, with the deployment of new innovative visitor experience design to enhance the cultural experience of the location while lowering the environmental impact.”

Business opportunities for coastal communities

According to Gerald Hurley, CEO Waterford Chamber: “As the largest business representative organisation in the region, Waterford Chamber is delighted to be partnering on such an important project. This has the potential to unlock the estuary in terms of business opportunities for the coastal communities and will add to Waterford’s extensive tourist offering. The historical significance, the magnificent scenery and the fascinating linkage with Wales is just waiting to be explored and this project will uncover just that.”

Joy Rooney, Portalis Senior Responsible Officer, (SRO), and Lecturer and Researcher in Design at WIT, added, “Portalis builds on over 40 years of research and 10,000 years of shared heritage. Portalis is design led, delivering a unique, compelling new cross-border visitor experience at two key museums and linked coastal community destination experience sites. Highly significant natural and cultural assets provide evidence of Mesolithic, (Early Stone Age), human habitation. As we explore the earliest connections between Welsh and Irish coastal civilizations, this mirrors the multi-agency cross-border partnership now being forged by our contemporary coastal communities into two distinct cross-border networks within the inter-coastal area. In terms of climate change, Portalis will also provide new data and models of best practice, examining the adaptability and resilience within both communities from our earliest times.”

Public archaeology and citizen scientist programmes

Both Irish and Welsh communities are invited to join the Portalis team in discovering and protecting shared cultural and natural heritage, contribute to new research exploring the challenges of coastal climate change through Public Archaeology and Citizen Scientist Programmes, and in doing so, help trace the footsteps of potentially the first journey and cultural connection between Wales and Ireland.

To find out more visit:

Local Waste Prevention Grant 2022

Are you part of a group that wants to help to take steps on waste prevention, re-use and repair activities in your local area?

Waterford City and County Council invites submissions from community groups, youth groups, schools or other community development organisations, based in County Waterford, who are interested in receiving funding for initiatives regarding waste prevention, reuse and repair.

The main focus for projects this year should be on food waste prevention and projects to promote a circular economy. Maybe you want to cut down on disposable coffee cups in your town, promote refilling water bottles or have a project to reuse items locally. Why not apply for funding to help you carry this project out?

How to apply
The application form for this grant is available here :

The grant application form should be completed and submitted for consideration by the closing date 5pm Friday, 1st April 2022.

Éire Ildánach Phort Láirge Glao Oscailte 2022

Tá an clár Éire Ildánach bunaithe ar an gcultúr agus dearadh é chun dea-bhail an duine aonair agus an phobail agus an náisiúin a chur chun cinn. An bun tuiscint is ea go spreagann rannpháirtíocht i ngníomhaíocht chultúrtha an chruthaitheacht phearsanta agus chomhchoiteann agus go dtéann sin i bhfeidhm go suntasach dá réir ar bhail agus ar éifeacht an duine aonair agus na sochaí.

An aisling atá leis is ea:
‘Go mbeidh sé de dheis ag gach duine atá ina c(h)ónaí in Éirinn an tualaing chruthaitheach atá ann nó inti a bhaint amach ina hiomláine’

Mar is amhlaidh le gach Údarás Áitiúil faoin gclár Éire Ildánach, tugadh de chúram do Chomhairle Cathrach agus Contae Phort Láirge Colún a Dó de na Cúig Cholún sa Chlár Éire Ildánach Náisiúnta a chur i bhfeidhm.

Colún 2
Comhphobail Chruthaitheacha – An Chruthaitheacht a Chumasú i ngach Comhphobal.
Faoin gClár Éire Ildánach tá iarratais ar thionscadail agus ar thionscnaimh a bheidh ar siúl in 2022 á lorg anois.

Tabharfar tús áite do thionscadail cruthaitheacha trasearnálacha agus comhoibritheacha a thagann ón bpobal, nó atá dírithe ar an bpobal. Chun go n-éireoidh le hiarratas, caithfidh iarrthóirí a léiriú conas a ndéanfar pobail a ghríosadh i slí ghníomhach chun a bheith níos cruthaithí.

An deontas is mó a bheidh ar fáil do thionscadal faoi leith sa bhabhta maoinithe seo is ea €8,000.

Cuirtear fáilte freisin roimh iarratais ar dheontais ar mhéideanna níos lú.
Beidh 75% de chostas ceadaithe an tionscadail ar fáil ó Chlár Éire Ildánach Phort Láirge mar thaca, agus íocfaidh na hiarrthóirí a n-éireoidh leo 25% den chostas.
Tá cead ag grúpaí pobail agus deonacha, ag eagraíochtaí, ag ionaid, ag ealaíontóirí, ag scríbhneoirí, ag taibheoirí, ag seandálaithe, ag staraithe, ag cartlannaithe, ag scoileanna, ag coláistí agus ag daoine aonair a bhfuil in ann cion oibre a dhéanamh le leas na cruthaitheachta agus an chultúir i bPort Láirge iarratais a chur isteach.

An cuspóir is ea an tionscadal atá agat a nascadh le Straitéis Cultúir agus Cruthaitheachta Chomhairle Cathrach agus Contae Phort Láirge 2018 – 2022 agus le ceann nó níos mó de Phríomhthéamaí Ghlao Oscailte 2022 Éire Ildánach Phort Láirge.

Tá Foireann Uirlisí le haghaidh Straitéis agus Phobail Chruthaitheacha Phort Láirge ar fáil ag

Chun iarratas a dhéanamh ní mór duit; Foirm Iarratais Ghlao Oscailte 2022 Éire Ildánach
Phort Láirge a chomhlánú agus a chur isteach ag

REMINDER : RSA & Local Authorities remind landowners to cut hedgerows before March 1st

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) and the County and City Management Association (CCMA) are calling on all landowners to cut their hedgerows before March 1 to ensure they are not causing a potential serious road safety hazard.

Overgrown hedgerows and roadside verges can result in road fatalities and serious injury collisions. They also pose difficulties for pedestrians and cyclists and to trucks and agricultural vehicles carrying loads, especially on local rural roads in the case of sightlines at junctions or obstructions to road signs.

In accordance with the Wildlife Act, the season when cutting hedgerows and verges is between the start of September and the end of February the following year.

Mr. Sam Waide, Chief Executive, RSA, said: “We are calling on all landowners across the country to remember the impact that overgrown hedgerows can have on other road users. They can cause a road safety hazard that could potentially cost the life of another member of your community.  Road safety is a shared responsibility, and it is important that landowners remain alert and take accountability for maintaining hedgerows. We will only make our roads a safer place if we all step up to the mark and take personal responsibility for what happens on the roads.”

On behalf of local authorities, Paddy Mahon, Chair of the CCMA Climate Action, Transport and Networks Committee said: “Local authorities have an obligation to ensure roadside verges are maintained and that local road safety issues should be prioritised. Equally, landowners and anyone living along the roadside has a responsibility to check that hedges or trees on their property are not causing a road safety hazard. If they are, the landowners should take the necessary steps needed to ensure road safety. We are also calling on members of the public to report road safety issues caused by overgrowth to their local authority which can then contact the landowner.”

For further information please contact:

Road Safety Authority Press Office, 096 25008

CLOSING SOON : Supporting Communities Fund 2022

Waterford City & County Council is committed to encouraging communities and empowering residents to make a difference to their areas. To support this, the Council is inviting applications to its Supporting Communities Fund 2022.

The Supporting Communities Fund provides grant aid assistance to Residents Associations, Community Groups, Sports Clubs and other groups/committees engaged in community activity, providing community services or carrying out improvement works at local or county level. Groups can apply under one the following 3 funding strands:

1. Residents Association Fund, 2. Community Activity Fund, 3. Sports & Recreation Fund

Once completed please submit your application with necessary documentations by email to or in hard copy to:

Colette O’ Brien, Supporting Waterford Communities Fund 2022, Waterford City & County Council, Baileys New Street, Waterford.

Closing date for applications is 4pm Monday 28th February 2022 – No applications will be accepted after this date.

Local Anti Graffiti & Anti Litter Awareness Grant 2022

Have you noticed litter in your area and want to prevent it? Are you part of a group that wants to help to put a stop to graffiti in your community?

Waterford City and County Council invites submissions from community groups, youth groups, schools or other community development organisations, based in County Waterford, who are interested in receiving funding for initiatives regarding litter or graffiti.

The main focus for projects this year should be on coastal litter, roadside litter and dog fouling. Applications for projects under these themes will be prioritised for funding, however all relevant applications will be considered. Closing date for completed applications is 5pm Friday 1st April 2022. The applications form and terms & conditions for this grant are available below.

How to apply:
1. The application form for this grant is available from here :
2. The grant application form should be completed and returned to the Environment Section for consideration by the closing date 5pm Friday, 1st April 2022.

Shop Front Improvement Scheme 2022

Waterford Council has now opened applications for the 2022 Shop Front Improvement Scheme to support city and town centre businesses in improving their shop front aesthetic. As part of this scheme Waterford will cover 50% of the costs for successful candidates for shop front refurbishment up to a maximum of €1,000 or €2,000 depending on the works. This scheme covers businesses in Waterford City centre, Dungarvan town centre and Tramore town centre.


The scheme is now open and will take applications until the 3rd of March 2022, 5pm for works to be completed by the 31st of August 2022. 

Creative Waterford Open Call 2022 applications welcomed until February 28th

The Creative Ireland Programme in Waterford is delighted to announce funding for projects that embed creativity in the community. The annual Creative Waterford Open Call accepts applications from groups, organisations and individuals. A collaborative approach that brings creatives and groups together is encouraged.

  • Application forms can be found at Details are also available on Creative Waterford social media.
  • The closing date is February 28th at 4 p.m.

The Creative Ireland Programme is a five-year Programme which connects people, creativity, and well-being. “Creative Communities” is a local authority-led initiative which pioneers and supports local creative projects in areas such as arts, heritage, local history, STEAM and the creative industries. Previous projects in Waterford have included partnerships from a variety of creative genres such as theatre, Irish language, visual art, literature and has included projects related to health and well-being, sustainability and migration.

Creative Waterford Coordinator Katherine Collins said “each year our adjudicators are extremely impressed with the quality of applications that are submitted for funding. In this, the final year of the Creative Ireland Programme 2018-2022, we have increased the amount of funding available to individual projects to €8,000 and are looking forward to seeing applications that have a variety of partners and big ambitions to support creative communities.”

This is a competitive Open Call, applicants are encouraged to work through the Creative Waterford Toolkit which gives advice and information on how best to approach devising a project for this or any culture / community application process. Applications are welcomed from February 2nd to 28th.


Storm Franklin updates (21st Feb 2022)

Weather advisories and updates/disruptions to services, roads, trees etc. will be posted here as we are made aware of them.  Please call 0818 10 20 20 or email to report damage/flooding/debris etc.



Tree fallen at L7084 Tikincor. Road impassable.

Roadworks at Carroll’s Cross N25

From Monday 21st February, the construction of a traffic calming scheme will commence at the Carroll’s Cross Junction on the N25.

one way system will be in operation for the duration of the works with stop go in place at various stages as the work progresses.  

Motorists can expect delays while the work is ongoing, which is due for completion in early June.

Boil Water Notice now lifted for Ballyogarty Water Supply scheme

Following consultation with the HSE and receipt of satisfactory monitoring results, the Boil Water Notice that was in place for the Ballyogarty Water Supply Scheme has been lifted with immediate effect and water is safe to drink



Finn Ryan announced as Grand Marshall for Waterford St. Patricks Day Parade

Lego-loving Finn Ryan from Ferrybank stole the hearts of the nation when he appeared on the Late Late Toy Show in November, and now he will lead the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Waterford as it makes a welcome return for 2022.

Mayor of Waterford City & County, Cllr. Joe Kelly said, “I don’t think that there could be anyone more deserving of the honour of Grand Marshall than Finn. I would like to offer my best wishes to Finn on becoming the Grand Marshall in such a momentous year for the parade, and to congratulate him on being a fantastic ambassador for Waterford.  I think I speak for everyone when I say that Finn made a lasting impression on his Late Late Toy Show appearance and his courage, bravery, strength and sense of fun had us all enthralled.”

“I look forward to seeing Finn lead the parade on March 17th and hope that he and his brother Liam have a day to remember. I also hope that the people of Waterford will get out and enjoy everything that is planned for the three-day St. Patrick’s Festival in Waterford.”

Finn’s Dad Billy added “We’re delighted that Finn will lead the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Waterford.  We’ve always enjoyed the parade and the fact that Finn will be Grand Marshall and his brother Liam will be part of the entourage, will make it even more special for us this year.”

The theme for this year’s parade is ‘Waterford – Ireland’s Best Place to Live’ and the festival will pay homage to Waterford’s people and communities, its culture and heritage, its diversity, and its musical and artistic talent.

The Waterford St. Patrick’s Day parade will start at 1pm, with entries gathering at the Bridge Street end of the Quay. The parade begins at the Waterford Bus Station and will proceed along the Quay, past the Clock Tower and the Plaza, concluding at the Parnell Street end of the Mall.

There will also be an online streaming of the Parade, so those who cannot attend or remain cautious about attending large events can still enjoy the celebrations.

To find out more details of the St. Patricks Day Parade and three day festival in Waterford visit or keep an eye on WaterfordStPatricksDayParade social media channels.

Images – Andrew McDermott

Finn Ryan, Grand Marshall of Waterford’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2022 and Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr. Joe Kelly


Local Enterprise Office Waterford announces programme for Local Enterprise Week 2022

Local Enterprise Office Waterford announces programme for Local Enterprise Week 2022

Waterford Local Enterprise Office has announced a programme of 26 events during Local Enterprise Week 2022, taking place for Waterford City and County businesses from March 7th to March 11th.

This year’s Local Enterprise Week will feature a host of informative and engaging workshops, seminars, presentations and advice clinics aimed at local businesses, whether in pre-start, start-up or as an established business looking to grow.

You can learn how to create digital opportunities for business, talk to financial and HR experts, see future trends for food exporting, get advice for selling online or even learn how to think around corners.

A key event in this jam-packed programme is the ‘Social Media Mash-Up’, taking place on Thursday March 10th from 2p to 4pm. Titled ‘Future opportunities for your business’ this two hour event hosted by Teresanne O’Reilly features Twitter expert, Author, International speaker Samantha Kelly; one of the world’s youngest serial entrepreneurs, a BAFTA nominated 20 year old and self-taught programmer Jordan Casey; the creator of Waterford Whispers News Colm Williamson and founder of Waterford in your pocket Paul Dower.

Kicking off the week in Waterford at 11am on Monday March 7th is a vital event for all current and future entrepreneurs, ‘Roadmap to funding and supports for innovative business ideas’. This one-hour session takes those attending through the financial and alternative supports available to those wish to take their idea or their business to the next level.

Later on Monday, at 4.30pm Waterford LEO is hosting a complementary session on how best to obtain and utilise a trading online voucher.

Given Waterford’s rich culinary traditions and sparkling successes over the past number of years it Is not surprising that food takes up a big part of the week. Anyone in food production shouldn’t miss the ‘Food exporting event’ on Thursday March 10th from 12 noon to 2pm.

Head of Enterprise at Local Enterprise Office Waterford Richie Walsh said, “This year’s Local Enterprise Week programme has something for everyone, whatever phase your business is in, or whatever sector your business is in.  The range of events and the calibre of speakers and facilitators have been specifically chosen by the team here in Waterford to address, with practical insight, what is required in achieving your business goals.”

“Waterford Local Enterprise Office is delighted to work in conjunction with various key business support organisations and state agencies, including Enterprise Ireland and Waterford Chamber of Commerce to provide a programme that ultimately gives start-ups and small businesses opportunities, advice and resources to unleash their potential and help them on the path to growth.”

Other events taking place throughout Local Enterprise Week include the County final for the national enterprise awards, the county final for the student enterprise programme, a business after hours with Waterford Chamber, Thinking Around Corners: Creativity and Creating Opportunities from Problems, and a one-to-one HR advice clinic.

To register for Local Enterprise Week events taking place in Waterford city and county from March 2nd to 6th, or to find out more about what business support services are available visit

Most events are online and completely free of charge while some have a nominal booking fee.  As with every year, many of the events are expected to book up quickly so early booking is strongly advised.