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Waterford Dog Shelter – Restricted Opening Hours

Waterford Dog Shelter – Restricted Opening Hours

  • THURSDAY 17th June 2021 TO FRIDAY 18th June 2021 – Restricted opening hours will apply
  • SATURDAY 19th June 2021 CLOSED

For enquiries and access to the Pound please, telephone 0761 10 20 20 or e-mail

MONDAY 21st June onwards – Usual opening hours apply

  • Monday to Friday 11am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm
  • Saturday 11am to 1pm

Facebook friend request from “Waterford Council”


We are hearing several reports of “friend requests” from a profile purporting to be Waterford Council. Please note these are fraudulent and should not be accepted.

A business ‘page’ cannot send friend requests to an individual’s ‘profile’.  Someone else is after your info !

Please report incidents such as this to Facebook and to ourselves.

Local Property Tax adjustment factor

The Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended), makes specific provision that elected members of a local authority may pass a formal resolution to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax for their administrative area by a percentage known as the local adjustment factor.

The members of Waterford City and County Council meet each year to consider this matter. They may set a local adjustment factor within the range of +/- 15% of the basic rate, or may decide not to adjust the basic rate, on an annual basis.

Waterford City and County Council welcomes written submissions from the public on this matter specifically covering the potential effects of varying the basic rate of the Local Property Tax on businesses, individuals and on local authority services.

To make your submission you can write to: Local Property Tax Consultation, Finance Section, Waterford City and County Council, City Hall, Waterford. OR Alternatively submissions can be made by email to or by online submission at:

All submissions must be received by 30th June 2021. There is no prescribed format for a submission.

Waterford City & County Council and Minister Humphreys launch Broadband Connection Points (BCPs)

Our Rural Future: Waterford City & County Council and Minister Humphreys launch Broadband Connection Points (BCP’s)

  • Knockanore Community Centre
  • Ballysaggart Community Centre
  • Modeligo Community Hall
  • Mount Melleray Community Hall

Waterford City & County Council, and Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD today launched the county’s Broadband Connection Points (BCPs).

The rollout of the BCPs are a key part of the Connected Communities Initiative, which is led by the Department of Rural and Community Development and the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications in partnership with National Broadband Ireland and Vodafone.

‘Connected Communities’ delivers high-speed internet access at publicly accessible sites for remote work, study, community/digital skills training, filing of forms and applications and a host of other digitally enabled services and amenities.

The initiative provides communities with connectivity (amber area of the National Broadband Plan), in advance of homes and businesses receiving future-proofed fibre broadband directly to their door.

The rollout of 300 BCPs nationwide is a key part of Our Rural Future, the Government’s five year strategy for rural Ireland.

Today, Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys formally announced the four BCPs for Waterford.

Minister Humphreys said:

“I am delighted to officially launch the Waterford BCP network today.

“As part of the Connected Communities Initiative, this is an important step in having Waterford fully connected under the National Broadband Plan.

“The Government’s ambitious new plan for rural Ireland, Our Rural Future, places a huge emphasis on remote working and improving digital connectivity in our rural communities.

“The connectivity brought through the BCPs will be key to making these communities more attractive places to live, work and raise a family.

“As Minister, I am delighted to provide funding for a dedicated Broadband Officer in Waterford Local Authority. Not alone is my Department supporting the delivery of BCPs in terms of connections, we are also providing funding to support the fit out of these locations under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme and we will continue to support Waterford with its plans for future development”.

Councillor Geoghegan Cathaoirleach of Waterford City & County Council stated:

“these facilities offer free WIFI outside in the car park and inside the community centre which is set up taking into account social distancing for citizens who need to complete tasks online, all free of charge”.

Councillor James Tobin Cathaoirleach of Dungarvan/Lismore District Council stated:

“Access to high-speed broadband connectivity has never been of greater importance and has become a vital utility, particularly in our rural communities. We are delighted to see Knockanore, Ballysaggart, Modeligo and Mount Mellary Community Centres open as Broadband connection points (community WIFI). The local community and surrounding communities can call to the community centre and access this high-speed broadband. This is a significant milestone for the area”.

Kieran Kehoe, Director of Services, Waterford City & County Council:

“welcomed the launch of the County’s BCP’s, highlighting the important roll BCPs can play in providing access to high-speed broadband during the Covid-19 crisis, enabling rural communities to stay connected and in touch”.

Jack Doyle, the Council’s Head of IS and Digital Officer stated:

“Waterford City & County Council are delighted that Waterford have 4 BCP’s connected at Knockanore Community Centre, I wish to thank the local community volunteers at the 4 Community Centre’s for their vital input and help in getting the sites up and running. I would like to invite all citizens to come and experience this community WI-FI.”

Peter Hendrick, Chief Executive Officer at National Broadband Ireland, commented:

“NBI is proud to be empowering the Broadband Connection Points programme by installing community facilities with essential access to free high-speed internet access. As our teams continue to make tremendous progress with our Fibre-to-the-Home rollout to bring high-speed broadband to every home, farm, business and school in the Intervention Area, Broadband Connection Points pave the way for the wider rollout of the National Broadband Plan.”

Anne O’Leary, CEO Vodafone Ireland said:

“Vodafone is proud to partner with Government on Connected Communities, providing best in class Wi-Fi to rural communities across Ireland. Today, we are delighted to see the launch of Waterford Connected Communities, bringing high-speed connectivity across the county. Technology and connectivity has afforded us a sense of normality in truly abnormal times and has supported the dramatic and necessary shift to online in terms of how we live, work and interact. These Connected Communities will help Waterford embrace this digital society by giving opportunities for remote work, study, community and digital skills training and a host of other digitally enabled services. As they evolve and grow, Connected Communities will provide an opportunity to transform the economic and social fabric of rural towns and communities by addressing the digital divide, improving lives, creating jobs and stimulating rural economic growth”.

The broadband officer also thanked the Dept of Rural and Community Development, Dept. of Environment, Climate and Communications, National Broadband Ireland, and Vodafone Ireland for their work to develop a network of BCPs in Co. Waterford under the connected communities initiative.


For further information on this initiative please contact


Tánaiste Opens Funding Scheme to Help Businesses with Fixed Costs

Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID (SBASC) open from today for applications from both SMEs & microenterprises

Thursday 10 June 2021 The Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Leo Varadkar TD today, opened the Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID (SBASC) for a second round of applications from both SMEs and microenterprises. Businesses that received the grant in the first round can receive a second grant provided they are still eligible.

From today SMEs and microenterprises can apply for a grant of €4,000 for those with turnover above €50,000 and €1,000 for microenterprises with a turnover of between €20,000 and €49,999, via a new streamlined application process through their Local Authority or Local Enterprise Office.

Following on from a recent Government decision, businesses operating from non-rateable premises, such as a home office or hot-desk are also eligible to apply.

The Tánaiste said:

“This Scheme will help small businesses not eligible for our other schemes with their fixed costs. Both SMEs and our microenterprises, those with fewer than 10 employees, can apply for a grant of €4,000 or €1,000 depending on the size of the business.

“We extended the eligibility recently to include those businesses that are operating from non-rateable premises such as a home office or hot-desk. Our aim throughout the pandemic, has been to include as many businesses as possible with all the Government funding schemes that are in place.

“Interested businesses can apply from today through their Local Enterprise Office (LEO) or Local Authority and I’d encourage them to do so. I know it’s a modest enough grant but it will make a big difference in helping with utility, IT, legal and accountancy bills and the other fixed costs incurred by a business.

“My message to those running businesses today is that the Government will continue to help you as you get back on your feet. Brighter days are ahead.”

The Small Business Assistance Scheme for COVID (SBASC) is for businesses which are not eligible for CRSS or other sector specific grants, that are down 75% or more of turnover.

Those who applied under Phase 1 are still eligible to apply for a second payment of €4,000 or €1,000 if they continue to meet the criteria. Interested businesses should contact their Local Authority or LEO. Closing date for Phase 2 applications is the 21st of July.

Businesses in receipt of the Employment Wage Subsidy can apply for and receive this grant without it affecting their claim.  It is a grant, not a loan or tax credit and is not re-payable.

These schemes are in addition to the comprehensive package the Government has put in place to help businesses and workers during the pandemic, including the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS), the Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP), the Covid Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS), low-cost loans, the deferral and warehousing of tax liabilities and the waiver of commercial rates.

The Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail, Damien English T.D. said:

“With the economy now re-opening in clear phases, and the vaccine roll-out comprehensively underway, the SBASC is an important element of the Economic Recovery Plan which sets out our renewed package of assistance, investments and policies for a new stage of economic recovery, providing a clear pathway for the labour market and enterprise towards new opportunities.

“SBASC will support those small and micro businesses in Ireland who will play a pivotal role in maintaining jobs and creating new opportunities for employment right across the country.  I urge qualifying businesses to apply for this support to help them through the next few months as the economy emerges once again from the impact of the pandemic.”

Minister for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation, Robert Troy T.D. said:

“Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and their recovery will be central to our jobs-led recovery. As we gradually reopen society, the expansion and streamlining of SBASC for Q2 applications to assist both small and micro enterprises will help address some of their fixed costs as they get back to business. While modest, Government is committed to supporting their long-term viability, particularly as we move into the early stages of recovery.

Through the various policies, financial support schemes available and regulatory responses currently underway we hope to rebuild a better, more resilient economy. Engagement will continue to ensure we are responsive to the needs of business and I encourage small businesses to ensure they are aware of the supports available to them.”


Artlinks Collaboration Award 2021 Bursary Announcement

The ArtLinks partners are pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Artlinks Collaboration Award are Na Cailleacha, an exhibition collaboration between visual artists from the South East region including Gerda Teljeur and Maria Lavigne based in Wexford, and Helen Comerford and Catherine Marshal based in Kilkenny. This collaborative exhibition will tour to arts venues in the South East including Wexford Arts Centre and Garter Lane Arts Centre,Waterford in 2021 and 2022 .

Recognising the importance of supporting our artists, the local authority Arts Offices of Wexford, Carlow, Kilkenny and Waterford, through the Artlinks programme, have been supporting artists in all art forms living in the South East region in the form of annual bursaries and professional development initiatives. In 2020 we introduced the Artlinks Collaboration Award worth up to €10,000, the aim of which is to encourage more collaboration between artists across the Artlinks counties and support artists seeking to expand their practice and networks regionally.

Na Cailleacha (the Witches) is an artists’ collective composed of eight women ranging in age from 64 to 84 years, dedicated to exploring creativity and lobbying for the needs of ageing artists. As part of Na Cailleacha exhibition they are planning a series developmental workshops and exploratory discussions , with invited guests from disciplines and areas of work, to be hosted in partner venues as they tour the South East beginning with The Age of Reason/Unreason at the Wexford Arts Centre in 2021 and later at Garter Lane Arts Centre, Waterford. These workshops and discussions will explore ageing, art practice, health, creativity as a source of energy, isolation reduction and feminism, from a variety of viewpoints and will take place across disciplines of film, performance, music and painting,

For all ArtLinks enquiries please contact

Follow on Facebook and Instagram for more information and updates.

Sanofi to invest €630,000 in Waterford environment

Photo by Colin Shanahan – DigiCol Photography (c) 2021 –

Sanofi are launching a three-year environmental awareness programme centred on Waterford and providing a model for the biopharmaceutical company’s sites worldwide. This spectacular 45-metres x 18-metres sand art was created on the Copper Coast in Co Waterford by Sean Corcoran of The Art Hand assisted by Joe Lonergan (Pic: Colin Shanahan, Digicol)

Sanofi is to invest €630,000 in a three-year programme driven by a team at its biopharmaceutical and medical device site in Waterford that aims to raise environmental awareness and reduce plastic consumption. ‘Waterford Loves Planet Not Plastic’ developed by the Waterford site’s ‘Green Team’ was today (03 June 2021) named as one of three winners in the company’s Planet Mobilization ideas generation programme.

As part of a long-standing commitment to reduce the environmental footprint of the company’s products and activities, Sanofi launched the €3m Planet Mobilization fund to support employee ideas and projects that will further contribute to a healthier environment. The other winners alongside Waterford this year come from Vietnam and a combined entry spanning sites in Belgium, France and Italy.

The funding to be invested at Waterford consists of two-thirds from Sanofi’s Planet Mobilization fund and one-third of in-kind support from the site which employs more than 750 people and is celebrating 20 years since its establishment.

Key elements of the three-year programme include a schools campaign; organised clean-ups of coastal, mountain and other scenic areas in Waterford and its hinterland; a multilingual app helping households to measure their plastic consumption and find alternatives and a sustainable shopping scheme to promote greener options to consumers. A toolkit developed at Waterford will be shared with Sanofi colleagues globally to support them in rolling out similar environmental programmes in their local areas.

Welcoming the investment, Eamon Ryan T.D., Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, said: “Waterford has already shown leadership with its decarbonisation pledge and this initiative is a very welcome addition. The government has committed to tackle the issue of plastic waste with a ban on 10 single-use plastic items coming into force in July and more developments through our Waste Action Plan over the next few years. But we also need to win hearts and minds and encourage people to make changes. The ‘Waterford Loves Planet Not Plastic’ project’s focus on awareness, education and clean-ups will support individuals and communities as we move towards a greener, more environmentally-friendly future and I wish it every success.”

“Because the fight against climate change is also a fight for health and wellbeing, Sanofi commits to Planet Mobilization,” said Philippe Luscan, Executive Vice President, Global Industrial Affairs, Sanofi. “We strongly believe our employees are the most powerful agents of positive change for people and for the planet. It is with this ambition and objectives in mind that we decided to create a fund of €3m to finance ideas and projects coming from our employees in support of our environmental ambition. Today, it is fair to say that teams all over the world took up the challenge, even beyond our expectations. That’s collective intelligence in motion!”

Cllr Damien Geoghegan, Mayor of Waterford, added: “Sanofi have a 20-year track record of being both great employers and corporate neighbours in Waterford. This major investment in our local environment builds on that and the benefits from ‘Waterford Loves Planet Not Plastic’ will reach into many communities right around our city and county. It also fits well with the broader ambition to make Waterford Ireland’s first decarbonised city by 2040. Sanofi are to be commended for this initiative and I congratulate their ‘Green Team’ for bringing this prestigious prize home to Waterford.”

Dr Johannes Schweppenhäuser, Site Head, Sanofi Waterford and a member of the site’s ‘Green Team’, said: “We are obviously delighted with today’s news. It means a lot to the site team. Waterford city and county is very much part of this success and it is the local environment that we all share which will see the benefits of this major community investment to 2024 and beyond. We are fortunate to live in a very special place and that brings with it a responsibility to protect our fragile environment.”

In all, there were 161 entries involving more than 500 people in 29 countries in the Planet Mobilization competition with Waterford winning the ‘Colibri’ category for ideas built around small steps with a big collective impact when they are taken by many people. A full programme of bootcamps, hackathons and design-thinking workshops led by Sanofi’s Lyon, France-based Innovation Lab, helped the teams turn their ideas into sustainable projects that the finalists then pitched to a panel of judges.

The members of the Sanofi Waterford ‘Green Team’ are – Jennifer Murphy; Becky O’Brien; Brian Nolan; Sean Duggan; Sinead Keane; Matt Joy; John Norris; Louise Davey; Johannes Schweppenhäuser; Martin O’Leary and Gerard Coey.

Globally, Sanofi is committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from its activities by 55% by 2030 and is aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050. To date, it has cut greenhouse gas emissions by 27% and reduced water withdrawal by 22% since 2015. The company reuses, recycles or recovers 73% of its waste and has designed a new recyclable cardboard packaging for vaccines to replace aluminium and PVC blisters.


Green your Picnic campaign

Please see below details of the online events that are being run as part of the Green your Picnic campaign

Tuesday 15th June at 10am: Join us for Green Your Picnic tips with a show and tell of different single use swaps that can be made from what people will often have around their home, as well as Ray Foley from An Taisce’s Clean Coasts programme, who will speak about the issues with marine litter, the 2 minute beach clean campaign and the importance of reusing materials instead of buying single use item. This summer, think reuse, not single use. Book your place at this event by registering at

Tuesday 15th at 7pm:  Find out how to green your summer with Elaine Butler from Living Lightly in Ireland. Book your place at this event by registering at  Whether it’s through reducing food waste or avoiding microplastics in our food, sustainable living has a lot of personal and environmental benefits. Elaine Butler runs the website Living Lightly in Ireland, a sustainable living guide with all the information needed to live a greener life; from where to shop, to what to cook.

Wednesday 16th: International Refill Day, join us to hear from speakers from two of Ireland’s leading reuse programmes, Refill Ireland and the Conscious Cup Campaign. This summer, think reuse, not single use. Book your place at this event by registering at

Thursday 17th: Find out how to green your next picnic. If you’re enjoying the outdoors, keep it green. Maire Shanahan, Certified Leave No Trace Advanced Trainer with Leave No Trace Ireland will talk about eco picnics and offer tips for having a plastic free low waste picnic. Book your place at this event by registering at

Waterford City & County Council launch Summer Campaign to Help Reduce Waste and Litter at the County’s Beauty Spots

  • Launching the Green Your Picnic campaign is Mayor from Waterford City & County Council Cllr Damien Geoghegan and Environmental Awareness Officer with Waterford City & County Council, Ella Ryan.

    Local Authority are asking for the public’s assistance to make Waterford the cleanest county in Ireland this summer through the Green Your Picnic Campaign.

  • More than 2.25 million single use plastic bottle and cups are used in Ireland each Bank Holiday Weekend; refill cups and bottles can significantly reduce this waste.

Waterford City & County Council is asking for the public’s help in ensuring the county’s beaches, parks and beauty spots are amongst the cleanest in Ireland this summer, as the local authority launches a new waste and litter prevention campaign: Green Your Picnic.

Key to the campaign is the people of the Déise’s assistance in keeping millions of single use cups, bottles and cutlery from ending up in the waste system or as litter.

Each day in Ireland more than half a million single use coffee cups and close to a quarter of a million single use plastic bottles are used in Ireland, the equivalent of 2.25million single use cups and bottles over a bank holiday weekend.

Just removing single use items from the family picnics or bench dining with friends would significantly reduce Ireland’s waste output.

By reducing single use items for picnics and outdoor events this summer, staycationers and day-trippers will also reduce the amount of litter they need to bring home for disposal.

Mayor of Waterford City & County Council Cllr Damien Geoghegan explained, “The Summer months of June, July and August 2021 will see an increase number of people holidaying at home, taking day trips and visiting all public amenities in the county. As evidenced from the Summer of 2020, these staycations will result in pressure on waste disposal at these locations.

“We are asking people therefore to bring their litter home with them after they have enjoyed the many beautiful outdoor sites Waterford City and County has to offer, and to use reusable items wherever and whenever possible. Leaving no trace and reducing the amount of single use items is not difficult and in fact can be quite fun. Over the coming weeks Waterford City & County Council will run the Green Your Picnic campaign on media and social media, as well as a number of workshops outlining some simple ways we can all make a difference this summer, while also having many stress free, memorable trips throughout the county.”

Environmental Awareness Officer with Waterford City and County Council Ella Ryan said, “Simply using reusable cups and bottles is a great way to minimise the amount of waste generated. It is worth noting that reusables were not banned during the Covid-19 pandemic. Government policy continues to promote contactless coffee and advocates for reusable options. There are also a number of free tap water points in businesses, public buildings and outdoor locations across the county. This saves us all from bringing large bottles of single use bottled water with us on our day trips, allowing us to fill up as we go,” she advised.

As part of the Green Your Picnic Campaign Waterford City & County Council will host a series of online workshops from Tuesday June 15 to Thursday June 17, 2021.

“By following these simple tips and life hacks holiday makers and day trippers can help protect Waterford’s beauty spots from litter and reduce unnecessary waste, all the while saving money, supporting small businesses and improving their outdoor experience,” said Ms Ryan.

Waterford City & County Council’s Green Your Picnic Workshop Details:

  • Tuesday June 15, 2021 at 10 am.
    Session 1: Green Your Picnic tips with a show and tell of different single use swaps that can be made from what people will often have around their house.
  • Wednesday 16t June 16 at 10am
    Session 2: Reuse with speaker from Refill and Conscious Cup highlighting the impact of single use and advising how to use map/reusable safely e.g. contactless coffee.
  • Thursday June 17 at 10 am
    Session 3: Reduce the impact of your litter on the area with speaker from Leave No Trace.

Single use cups:

Prior to the pandemic, it was estimated that 500 billion single use cups were discarded to landfill or incineration every year globally. That’s one million cups a minute, every hour of every day of every year. In Ireland it’s estimated that we disposed of 22,000 per hour every day, and as a result of the pandemic this number has increased significantly.

The Conscious Cup campaign promotes contactless coffee and advocates for reusable options. Reusable refers to crockery if consuming on a premises or using your own reusable cup or participating in a deposit return scheme for beverages on the go. Over 500 businesses accepting reusables are listed on the Conscious Cup map but there are even more businesses than that gladly accepting reusables including chains such as Starbucks, Costa and Rosa Coffee.

Single Use Plastic Bottles:

According to Voice 220,000 plastic bottles were generated each day in Ireland prior to the Covid-19 pandemic and this number has increased since then. 69% of them were not recycled as there are very few recycling points outside of home and especially “on the go”. Refill Ireland ( started in 2017 and works to encourage the creation of refill locations for tap water. There are now 1,500 free tap water points across the country and they are provided by businesses such as cafes and pubs as well public buildings and outdoor locations like parks, walks and greenways

Waterford Council launches new anti-dog fouling campaign : “Bag it & Bin it”

Waterford City and County Council has launched a new anti-dog fouling campaign promoting a simple theme; “Bag it & Bin it”.

The campaign asks dog owners to clean up after their dog. It is being run in conjunction with Carlow, Kilkenny, Wexford County Councils.

This campaign is set to run for the remainder of 2021, and is set to firmly emphasise that dog fouling is your responsibility as a dog owner. The campaign will address a range of issues surrounding dog fouling, from its effect on the public who use our streets, parks and beaches, to attitudes to cleaning up as dog owners, from health issues to civic pride. The campaign will reach across social media, local newspapers, radio, community groups and schools.

Speaking at the launch of the Anti-Dog Fouling campaign Mayor of the City and County of Waterford Councillor Damien Geoghegan explained that, “Currently there are some dog owners who do not clean up after their dog and some who clean up, but leave the bag on a wall, tree or ground when nobody is watching. We believe that a relatively small proportion of dog owners behave badly in this way, but it has a big impact on others who use our public spaces; children, walkers, wheelchair users, runners, ball players, etc. Whether you walk your dog on a street, in a park or on a beach, the message is simple… Bag it & Bin it. “

Cllr Geoghegan went on to say that, “We regularly receive complaints about dog fouling from around the county… If you don’t pass a bin on your walk home, then simply put the bag in your black bin when you reach your house. It may not be the most glamorous part of owning a dog, but it is part and parcel of it all the same.” The key of the campaign’s success will be the community support behind it and we are keen to collaborate with local groups to spread the campaign message across the county. We are already working with a number of residents associations, community groups and Tidy Towns groups to spread this message in local communities.

Over the next 12 months a variety of community initiatives will be rolled out throughout the county and county and an education pack aimed at primary schools will be launched in the autumn.

See below for some resources:

Waterford Treasures re-opens with a brand new ‘Freedom of Waterford’ Tour

Photo by Colin Shanahan – DigiCol Photography (c) 2021 –

Waterford’s collection of museums has now re-opened to the public and there is a brand new tour available offering visitors the ‘Freedom of Waterford’.

Visitors can now enjoy a guided walking tour experience with one of the expert guides at Waterford Treasures taking in the insights into the 1,000 years of history of Waterford all within 1,000 paces. The tour highlights include an opportunity to learn of the City’s Vikings foundations, be inspired by medieval wonders and experience elegant Georgian architecture.

Following the walking tour, the Freedom of Waterford Tour ticket enables each visitor to take a deep dive into their favourite era of Ireland’s heritage with complete access to the Medieval Museum, Bishop’s Palace, and the brand new Irish Museum of Time (officially opening and accessible on June 14th) and the Irish Silver Museum (officially opening on June 24th and currently accessible).

At the Medieval Museum visitors can take a step back into 13th and 15th century Waterford and explore the atmospheric underground Choristers’ Hall and the 15th century Mayors Wine Vault. An exhibition highlight includes the medieval Cloth-of-Gold Vestments and the 1373 Great Charter Roll of Waterford – viewed by Queen Elizabeth II on her 2011 visit to Ireland.

The Bishop’s Palace Museum is an authentic 18th-century Georgian grand residence built in 1743 which is also home to the oldest surviving piece of Waterford Crystal in the world. A spectacular 4D ‘Masterpieces in Glass’, the story of glassmaking is included in the ticket.

The two new museums have only been completed over the last number of weeks and while are presently open from pre-views both of which are set to be officially opened to the public in early June. Speaking of the upcoming occasions Museum Director Eamonn McEneaney says, “We are delighted to be welcoming visitors back to our museums again and we are very excited to unveil the two new experiences, a fascinating Museum of Time which hosts the largest collection of timepieces in Ireland and a showcase of science and technological development and at the Irish Silver Museum we have the grandeur of Ireland’s past from exquisite coffee collections to rare and ancient coins.”

The Irish Silver Museum offers a journey through Irish history using beautiful, intimate and personal objects as a guide to the fascinating story of Ireland and its ostentatious past.

The Irish Museum of Time at Greyfriars gothic-style church is a fitting home for what is beyond doubt the finest collection of Irish timepieces in the world. It features the oldest Irish-made grandfather clocks, table clocks and watches in the world and celebrates the incredible skills of the virtuoso craftspeople who, since the seventeenth century, created timepieces of remarkable beauty and technological genius.


Search for Waterford’s Nesting Swifts – We need your help this summer

BirdWatch Ireland, in partnership with the Heritage Office of Waterford City and County Council, are coordinating a nesting Swift survey over the summer months to identify the remaining nest sites still used by Swifts in the county. The project aims to build-on and complement the work of the West Waterford Eco Group who have successfully catalogued Swift nest sites in the west of the county in recent seasons.

Swifts are a small migratory bird that flies to Ireland each summer from southern Africa. They nest where suitable cavities can be found in buildings in our cities, towns, and villages. From May to August each year you can encounter Swifts, you will usually hear Swifts before you see them, their distinctive ‘screaming’ call is uttered on the wing as they fly superbly at high speed over rooftops.

However, their future is seriously threatened in Ireland mainly due to the loss of suitable nesting sites. Studies show an almost 58% decline of Swifts in Ireland, and their survival is under threat. As a result, they have been added to the red list of Birds of Conservation Concern in Ireland.

The good news is that there is a lot that we can all do to halt the decline and the survey will help identify where these conservation measures are required most urgently.

The support and active engagement of the public throughout Waterford is critical to the success of the project. This summer, BirdWatch Ireland, in partnership with the Heritage Office of Waterford City and County Council, will conduct a County Swift Survey in Waterford and we are asking interested people, communities, Tidy Towns groups, residents, and families to get involved by recording and reporting the presence of Swifts in their areas.

BirdWatch Ireland has already successfully completed Swift Surveys in eleven counties including in the neighbouring county of Tipperary and this summer will be actively surveying in three more counties, namely, Kilkenny, Dublin City and Waterford. BirdWatch Ireland acknowledges the massive efforts of West Waterford Eco Group and others who have made huge efforts to record Swift nest sites and take practical action to protect these birds in towns such as Dungarvan, Ardmore and Cappoquin.

To find out more about Swifts and to help in the Waterford Swift Survey you are invited to join an online webinar on Thursday June 3nd at 7:30pm. To register your interest for the webinar email:

This project is co-funded by Waterford City and County Council and The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, through the National Parks and Wildlife Service’s National Biodiversity Action Plan Fund.

If you would like more information, please email or call Ricky Whelan (BirdWatch Ireland Project Officer) at


For media queries please contact: Ricky Whelan, BirdWatch Ireland Project Officer 085 783 2545