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Dungarvan Begins its Transformation Journey

In a new initiative being driven by the Council, the local Chamber, Waterford LEO and a number of industry partners, ambitious plans have commenced to create a Digital Transformation Hub for Dungarvan. With a clear purpose – to enable Dungarvan to achieve its potential and become a thriving 21st century town.

The initial focus of the Hub will be on providing safe, remote workspace in the town centre for people currently struggling while working from home due to the Covid pandemic. And for those people who will be in a blended working situation over the next number of years.

Thereafter, the Hub will expand its services to allow all business in the area, large medium and small, embrace the opportunities offered by digital transformation. Through collaboration with mentors and experts at a national level, local businesses can re-imagine their processes, culture and customer experience with tailored solutions. This will allow these organisations to meet the challenging and changing requirements of the 21st century marketplace.

Right now the input of the general public is vital, to ensure the Hub meets the needs of all the people from the Dungarvan area. To this end, the partners are conducting a survey so as to get broad input on future needs and priorities. The survey is anonymous and can be accessed on the web-sites and social media platforms of Waterford City and County Council, Dungarvan and West Waterford Chamber of Commerce and Waterford Local Enterprise Office.

#WorkLiveDungarvan is an initiative which will set Dungarvan up for a future in enterprise that will be sustainable, vibrant, collaborative and, most certainly, digital in focus. The Partners are appealing to all people interested in the future of Dungarvan to complete the survey. It is the first part of the process and will contribute to the creation of Dungarvan’s future. Today.

Kieran Kehoe, Director of Services with the Council and designated Dungarvan Town Manager says: ‘The Council has commenced “Dungarvan 2040 – a Strategic Urban Development Framework” and this will be a hugely important piece of work. But this digital transformation initiative will parallel this framework and will ensure investment in Dungarvan’s enterprise infrastructure at the same time as its broader future is being planned. So the big immediate ask is for people to take the survey and help Dungarvan’s future journey begin’.

Waterford Council open applications for Fáilte Ireland’s new ‘Outdoor dining enhancement scheme’

Waterford City & County Council opens applications for Fáilte Ireland’s new ‘Outdoor dining enhancement scheme’, today April 12th 2021.

This scheme is open to attractions, hotels, restaurants, cafes, public houses and other establishments where food is sold for consumption on the premises.

Applicants can apply for a grant of up to €4,000 for up to 75% of the ex VAT cost of equipment purchased. Eligible expenditure will include: outdoor tables, chairs, umbrellas, electric heaters, screens, wind breakers, plant stands and wooden platforms.

Expenditure must have been incurred between 1st April 2020 and 30th September 2021.

The provider of the hospitality offering must hold a section 254 licence in accordance with section 254 of Planning and Development Act 2000.

No fees will be applied for the 254 licence in 2021.

Free “walk-in” COVID-19 test centre in Waterford

A free “walk-in” COVID-19 test centre has been established in Waterford by the HSE.

In line with similar facilities established elsewhere, the centre located at the WIT complex in College Street, Waterford, it will operate from 11am to 7pm each of five days from Saturday 10th April to Wednesday 14th April inclusive.

The walk-in test centre can be accessed by anyone resident within 15 kilometres of Waterford City.

The HSE’s South East Public Health Department and South East Community Healthcare, working with the National Ambulance Service aim to carry out 200-300 COVID-19 tests per day.

The criteria for the free walk-in COVID-19 testing service are:

  • Aged 16 years and over
  • Do not have symptoms of Covid-19 but would like to be tested
  • Live within 15km of the walk-in testing centre
  • You have not tested positive for COVID-19 in the last six months

Process for Self-Referral:

Each person presenting will be requested to provide ID e.g.:

  • A valid passport (passport book or passport card)
  • A current driving licence (Irish, UK, EU, US)
  • A Public Services Card
  • A National Age Card (issued by An Garda Síochána)
  • An identification form with a photograph signed by a member of An Garda Síochána
  • Free Travel Pass
  • A valid student identity card issued by an educational institution
  • A bank card

Members of the public will need to bring photographic ID with them and provide a mobile phone number in order to provide test results. The normal social distancing measures will apply and people have the option to return at another day or time if the waiting times are too long.

The public are being advised that they should not attend the walk-in clinic if they are showing symptoms (high temperature, a new cough, shortness of breath or a loss or change to sense of smell or taste) of COVID-19. The HSE are continuing to advise people with these symptoms to self-isolate and phone their GP straight away, who will advise if they need a free COVID-19 test.

Welcoming the opening of the test facility in Waterford, Dr Carmel Mullaney (Director of Public Health with the HSE’s South East Public Health Dept.) said:

“This is an additional tool in the fight against COVID-19. It is an opportunity to find cases which may not otherwise come to light, to prevent further spread and to better understand emerging trends in the incidence of Covid19. The fact that the centre is easily accessible will enable people to avail of testing who might not otherwise do so. Though the daily numbers are lower in Waterford in recent weeks, there are still cases appearing and we would encourage anyone who is concerned to take advantage of this opportunity to be tested.”

Free “walk-in” COVID-19 test centre in Waterford

A free “walk-in” COVID-19 test centre has been established in Waterford by the HSE.

In line with similar facilities established elsewhere, the centre located at the WIT complex in College Street, Waterford, it will operate from 11am to 7pm each of five days from Saturday 10th April to Wednesday 14th April inclusive.

The walk-in test centre can be accessed by anyone resident within 15 kilometres of Waterford City.

The HSE’s South East Public Health Department and South East Community Healthcare, working with the National Ambulance Service aim to carry out 200-300 COVID-19 tests per day.

The criteria for the free walk-in COVID-19 testing service are:

  • Aged 16 years and over
  • Do not have symptoms of Covid-19 but would like to be tested
  • Live within 15km of the walk-in testing centre
  • You have not tested positive for COVID-19 in the last six months

Process for Self-Referral:

Each person presenting will be requested to provide ID e.g.:

  • A valid passport (passport book or passport card)
  • A current driving licence (Irish, UK, EU, US)
  • A Public Services Card
  • A National Age Card (issued by An Garda Síochána)
  • An identification form with a photograph signed by a member of An Garda Síochána
  • Free Travel Pass
  • A valid student identity card issued by an educational institution
  • A bank card

Members of the public will need to bring photographic ID with them and provide a mobile phone number in order to provide test results. The normal social distancing measures will apply and people have the option to return at another day or time if the waiting times are too long.

The public are being advised that they should not attend the walk-in clinic if they are showing symptoms (high temperature, a new cough, shortness of breath or a loss or change to sense of smell or taste) of COVID-19. The HSE are continuing to advise people with these symptoms to self-isolate and phone their GP straight away, who will advise if they need a free COVID-19 test.

Welcoming the opening of the test facility in Waterford, Dr Carmel Mullaney (Director of Public Health with the HSE’s South East Public Health Dept.) said:

“This is an additional tool in the fight against COVID-19. It is an opportunity to find cases which may not otherwise come to light, to prevent further spread and to better understand emerging trends in the incidence of Covid19. The fact that the centre is easily accessible will enable people to avail of testing who might not otherwise do so. Though the daily numbers are lower in Waterford in recent weeks, there are still cases appearing and we would encourage anyone who is concerned to take advantage of this opportunity to be tested.”

Residential centre for brain injury survivors opens in Waterford

Check out this article on RTE’s website by Conor Kane.

The development was designed by Dungarvan-based architect Michael Regan of E-Project Chartered Architects and developed by ABII in partnership with the Anvers Housing Association, with funding from Waterford City and County Council and the Department of Housing and Local Government.

Online ‘Physio-Pilates’ classes

Colette O’Flynn from PhysioNow Ireland will show you how to stay energised, fit and healthy during the pandemic, with this free introduction to Physio-Pilates on Wednesday 21st April at 12.30pm.

To register for free, please click here.

The exercises are ideal for house-bound people of any age or fitness and can be done at any time with little or no equipment. There is no need to change into gym gear. All you need is a mat and some space.

PhysioNow is a network of chartered physiotherapist clinics, operating across Dublin and online. During the lockdown, they developed a series of online ‘Physio-Pilates’ classes, which combined the principals of Physiotherapy and Pilates and has since become very popular with companies and individuals.

This webinar is part of the Waterford Healthy Ireland at your Library initiative. For more information, please go to our website, here.

For more information, please phone 0761 102141 or email

#KeepWell #BeWell #HealthyIrelandatYourLibrary #HealthyWaterford #HealthyIreland

Town & Village Renewal Scheme 2021

Waterford City & County Council now seeks expressions of interest from towns and villages for funding of suitable projects under this initiative.

Expression of Interest forms and details of the Scheme outline can be obtained by emailing and completed Expression of Interest forms are to be returned before 5.00pm Friday 23rd April 2021.

Let Dandelions Bee!

Let Dandelions Bee!

A campaign to let dandelions bloom for a short few weeks to help feed bees this Spring. They are our wild bees’ most favourite food. Help halt the bee decline by simply leaving dandelions to grow in your garden this March and April. The best way to help our bees this year is to do nothing! For more information, see or

The competition is to take a photo of dandelions in bloom and send it to, like and share this post. Closing date: 5pm 30th April 2021. Prize: the winner can choose either a €100 Dungarvan Chamber gift voucher or €100 Waterford Chamber gift voucher.

Digitising our Local Heritage: Europeana in focus

Europe Direct Waterford and Waterford Libraries in partnership with Waterford Archives, the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) and Europeana are delighted to organise a free webinar Digitising our Local Heritage: Europeana in focus on Tuesday 20 April from 10am – 11am.

Europeana works with thousands of European archives, libraries and museums to share cultural heritage for enjoyment, education and research.

The Europeana website gives access to millions of books, music, artworks and more – with sophisticated search and filter tools to help researchers find what they are looking for with many features such as online exhibitions, galleries and blogs to inform and inspire anyone with an interest in history and cultural heritage.

Join our expert panel and find out more about Europeana and how to use it. Learn how Europeana strives to empower the cultural heritage sector in its digital transformation and how you or your organisation can get involved.

Expert Panel:

Adrian Murphy, Collection Engagement, Europeana Collections Manager Europeana Foundation

Killian Downing, Europeana Members Council Member, Archivist Dublin City University

Dr. Kathryn Cassidy, technical team at the Digital Repository of Ireland

Joanne Rothwell, Waterford City and County Archivist (Chair)

This webinar open to the general public, teachers, educators, librarians, archivists, local authorities, cultural and heritage organisations.

Book your free place at:

Rediscovering Ireland’s Railway Routes: Iarnród Enda with former Taoiseach Enda Kenny

Rediscovering Ireland’s Railway Routes: Iarnród Enda with former Taoiseach Enda Kenny

Waterford features heavily in the first episode – RTÉ One Monday 5th April at 8.30pm

Programme One: ​Waterford to Dungarvan – The Waterford Greenway in the ‘Sunny South East’ has brought a new lease of life to this beautiful region, yet before the railway line closed it helped encourage a vibrant commercial and farming environment, as well as making a strong contribution at the end of the 19th​ Century to growth and development of the newly formed GAA.

This programme has contributions from historian Donnchadh O’Ceallacháin, Tom Hartery, Garvan Cummins, Mary Crowley, PJ Maher – the last station master before the line closed, and renowned chef Paul Flynn cooks up a barbecue for Enda.

Common South East Priorities set out in first ever ‘First Citizens Accord’

The first-of-its-kind South East First Citizens Accord has created a Forum of the First Citizens from Carlow, Kilkenny, Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford who are coming together with the key goal of addressing the structural challenges faced by the South East. The region is particularly vulnerable to the impact of the pandemic having had the highest regional unemployment rate coming into the crisis. The Accord agrees on immediate common priorities for the region as a whole that can aid economic recovery coming out of the Covid-19 crisis and can address the historical imbalance in State funding and engagement with the South East. 

The First Citizens invited the regional TDs and Senators to attend a meeting last Friday where the priorities were presented and the need for each outlined. There was strong support among the Oireachtas members to align behind these critical issues, many of which they are currently and actively engaged on. The seven priorities are:

1.     Technological University of South East – €250 million investment by 2025The new TUSEI will require funding that matches the scale of the ambition of the project, similar to the State support given to the €500m development of TU Dublin.

2.     A €30m region-specific South East Innovation Fund: There is a need for specific funding for the South East to support strategic projects that can drive job creation  (similar to the €28m Border Fund and the €44m Midlands Just Transition Fund).

3.     Investment in South East Ports & more strategic collaboration between them: Government support is required to develop the South East ports (Rosslare and Belview, Waterford) as strategic national solutions to Brexit, to take advantage of their huge potential as offshore wind hubs and to act as drivers of the region’s economy.

4.     40 new IDA companies in South East and new IDA property in each county by 2024: The South East has amongst the lowest levels of IDA jobs in Ireland. More ambitious IDA engagement in the South East is required to make up the shortfall.

5.     A specific Enterprise Ireland Regional Director for South East: The South East is one of the only regions in Ireland without a specific Enterprise Ireland Regional Director. Our SMEs are vulnerable to Brexit and Covid, and senior EI leadership is required urgently.

6.     Accelerate upgrades of N24 and N80 road connectionsThe South East requires upgrades on its road connectivity to the west and internally. The N24 upgrade needs to be progressed and the route should also be seriously examined as an alternative motorway route to the proposed N20 development.

7.     Provision of a 24/7 Cardiac Care Centre for the South East: The announcement of the appointment of the contractor to build the second Cath Lab in UHW is very welcome and we now need to ensure that this translates to comprehensive delivery of 24/7 cardiac care service to ensure that patients do not have to travel long distances for urgent care.

The Forum will operate a rotating Chair and speaking on behalf of the five First Citizens, current Chair, Cllr. Damien Geoghegan said, “In signing the ‘South East First Citizens Accord’ the five First Citizens are agreeing to work collaboratively to achieve significant progress on these seven common priorities for the region. Advancing these tenets are critical to addressing the structural deficits in the South East economy and creating sustainable regional economic and social development. It is the right time for us to work together with the aim of developing a prosperous future for everybody in the region.”

The five Local Authorities in the Region have increased their collaboration over the past five years and have resourced the Ireland South East Development Office (ISEDO). ISEDO manages the delivery of the South East Regional Enterprise Plan and facilitates collaboration among industry and public agencies within the region. The signing of the First Citizens’ Accord now builds on this work by ensuring political cohesion on key priorities. The five First Citizens in the Region are: Cllr. Tom O’Neill, Carlow; Cllr. Andrew McGuinness, Kilkenny; Cllr. Michael Smith, Tipperary; Cllr. Damien Geoghegan, Waterford; and Cllr. Ger Carthy, Wexford.


Speaking on behalf of the people of Kilkenny, Cathaoirleach of Kilkenny County Council, Cllr. Andrew McGuinness said:  “I welcome the establishment of the First Citizens Forum. Collaboration by the counties in the South East Region is key to the delivery of key priorities for our Region, such as the Multi Campus TUSE, the upgrade of the N24 and 24/7 Cardiac Care.  I look forward to working with my fellow First Citizens for the betterment of the Kilkenny and the South East.”


Speaking on behalf of the people of Wexford, Cathaoirleach of Wexford County Council, Cllr. Ger Carthy said “There are a number of serious issues that need addressing in Wexford and the wider South East region.  By coming together and signing up to the First Citizen’s Accord, it will afford us a much stronger position when we are looking to progress issues such investment in Rosslare Port and a University for the South East for our Wexford citizens.”


Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council, Councillor Michael Smith said “I am looking forward to working with the other members of the forum, collaborating and addressing the structural deficits in the South East with a view to attracting businesses and people to the region.”


Cllr. Tom O’Neill , Cathaoirleach Of Carlow County Council said “being part of the South East and working together, it is essential we collectively work together with a single force to enhance the South East as an ideal place to work , live and visit. I look forward to working with my counterparts in the other local authorities so collectively we can make a difference at local and regional level to put the South East on the International Map.”

The Ireland South East Development Office is a regional collaboration initiative of the five local authorities of the South East (Carlow, Kilkenny, Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford) and is the first office of its kind in Ireland.

Full details can be found at

Waterford Council to open applications for Fáilte Ireland’s new ‘Outdoor dining enhancement scheme’

Waterford City & County Council to open applications for Fáilte Ireland’s new ‘Outdoor dining enhancement scheme’ on April 12th.

In accordance with the new Fáilte Ireland’s ‘Outdoor dining enhancement scheme’ for tourism and hospitality businesses launched this afternoon Waterford City & County Council will be accept applications from April 12th.

This scheme will be open to attractions, hotels, restaurants, cafes, public houses and other establishments where food is sold for consumption on the premises.

Applicants can apply for a grant of up to €4,000 for up to 75% of the ex VAT cost of equipment purchased. Eligible expenditure will include: outdoor tables, chairs, umbrellas, electric heaters, screens, wind breakers, plant stands and wooden platforms.

Expenditure must have been incurred between 1st April 2020 and 30th September 2021.

The provider of the hospitality offering must hold a section 254 licence in accordance with section 254 of planning and development act 2000.

No fees will be applied for the 254 licence in 2021.

Full details of the Fáilte Ireland’s ‘Outdoor dining enhancement scheme’ scheme along with the application process will be available on Waterford City and County Council’s website on April 12th.

Lismore Castle Arts Stable Studio Awards 2021

Lismore Castle Arts welcomes applications from artists for our Stable Studio. The studio is available for free with mentoring and support from Lismore Castle Arts. Each award will also include a stipend of €400.

The studios are available for 1 month periods throughout 2021:

1 – 28 June;

1 – 30 July;

2 – 31 August.

(Note the above dates may be subject to change depending on Government restrictions)

To register your interest please send a letter and supporting documents to LCA by 7 May 2021:

Supporting materials may include a CV, PDF of examples of work, links to video hosting websites etc.  Note the studio does not have access to wifi, but artists can use wifi and office systems in LCA.

Community Monuments Scheme 2021

The Community Monuments Scheme is now open for applications. The scheme is available for monuments in private ownership or community groups who want to commission a conservation plan, carry out conservation works or install heritage interpretation at archaeological sites and monuments.

Applications must be sent to Waterford City and County Council by April 12th 2021 to