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DEADLINE: Inclusion on the annual draft Register of Electors

A new Register of Electors is compiled each year, and the draft of this is published on 1st February of the following year.

You can be included on the draft register by completing Form RFA and returning it to the Franchise Section of Waterford City and County Council.

You can inspect the Draft Register during working hours at Customer Services of the City and County Council or the Offices of the County Registrar, at public libraries, post offices and Garda stations. The public is invited to check the Draft Register to make sure they are correctly registered.

You have until the 25th November to make a correction or have your name included on the draft Register. The Live Register of Electors is then published on 1st February of the following year and comes into force on the 15th February.

To be able to vote in an election or referendum, a person’s name must be entered in the Register of Electors for the locality in which the person ordinarily resides.

Please note it is a person’s own responsibility to ensure that they are registered (or de-registered), and/or to inform the local authority of a change of address. A person may be registered at one address only.

Application Forms

Foirmeacha Iarratais

Rolling Call for funding under LEADER Rural Development Programme 2014-2020

This is a final call for rolling applications under the LEADER Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.

Waterford Leader Partnership CLG, on behalf of County Waterford LCDC, will seek Expressions of Interest (EOIs)


Successful & unsuccessful EOI’s will be advised by noon on Tuesday 13th October. Successful applicants will then be invited to submit a funding application with a deadline of 12pm Friday 6th November 2020. Only projects that have all the required permissions & documentation by this deadline will be considered eligible for this call.

Invitation to application stage does not mean that you will be awarded grant aid as it is a competitive process. (Please note that the minimum grant amount is €5,000 and the maximum is €200,000). Funding may be awarded under all themes and sub themes to a maximum of 50% of the total project cost for private promoters and up to 75% for community group applicants. Consideration of the rate of aid offered will be
done on a project by project basis.

An Irish version of this Call will be available on our website

Creative Space Workshop with Alison Driscoll, Writer in Residence

Molly Keane Writers’ Retreat, Ardmore, Co. Waterford

October 31st 2020 Zoom 10am to 4.30pm

When you show up to write today where are you both mentally and physically? This year has been tough for everyone between lock-downs and cocooning and missing out on life’s events big and small. But there has been a welcome change of pace, a time for reflection and whether we like it or not more time at home.

With this in mind this workshop will look at our space – how much space have you in life to write, how much space do you want/need, what is your writing space and what does it lack? Participants will be asked to explore their physical creative space (where they are joining us from today – an office, a desk in a bedroom, a coffee shop) and their mental creative space that can become clogged with distractions, doubt and writer’s block.

I invite participants to send some work in advance on any theme for a workshop session in the afternoon. I believe the best lessons come out of these workshop sessions and hope you will all benefit from sharing your work with a group of readers and editors. Up to 1000 words of fiction or 2 poems are required in advance by October 18th. If you don’t have work, don’t worry, I hope something will spark in you during our morning discussions and lead to the production of some work.

This session will be facilitated on Zoom due to the Covid-19 situation and is limited to 10 participants. The session will be open from 9.45am for a 10.00am start. It will end at 4.30pm. There will be a morning break and lunch. There will time for work-shopping and plenty of discussion throughout the day. Booking is essential through

The fee is €60. Alison Driscoll, WIR.


The Arts Office, Waterford City & County Council is offering a limited number of bursaries for writers based within the local authority administrative area to attend Alison’s workshop on zoom free of charge. If you wish to be considered for this bursary please email the Arts Office with ‘WIR – October Workshop’ in the subject box briefly outlining your interest as why you would find it beneficial to participate. Please include your full postal address and mobile number. Closing date for applications is Thursday 15th October at 12 noon. If you have already paid for and booked a place and are successful in getting a bursary, your fee will be reimbursed to you. No correspondence will be entered into regarding decisions.

Tramore wins Overall Local Business & Community Enterprise Initiative!

Well done to all involved in Tramore on winning Overall Local Business and Community Enterprise Initiative!

Other than the €20k which the winner receives, it is a huge compliment to the town, to the various community and business organisations working together, to the Council and Waterford Chamber of Commerce and to the various contributors to the advance presentations and on judging day itself.

Waterford Local Enterprise Office and Waterford Chamber of Commerce brought together an excellent demonstration of all that Tramore has to offer and also outlined what Tramore could be in the future.

The excellent presentation by Teresanne O’Reilly of WLR FM clearly demonstrated the wealth of community endeavour, retail excellence and business innovation and so well communicated in the fitting location of the National Surf and Lifeguard Training Centre. Representatives from the retail sector, sporting organisations, community and voluntary organisation spoke with obvious pride of the resilience that Tramore has shown since early 2020 in responding to COVID-19.

It has been decided that some €5k of the winning prize will go towards the development of the town’s new Sensory Garden and that the €15k will act as a Community Contribution lever towards a larger project, possibly under Town and Village Renewal or similar. This project is to be agreed between Waterford Council, Waterford Chamber and Tramore Tidy Towns.


Proposed One-Way system for Meeting House Lane and Sargent’s Lane, Waterford

A one-way system is proposed for Meeting House Lane and Sargent’s Lane, Waterford City as set out in the drawing below. This proposal would see Meeting House Lane becoming one way from it’s junction with Thomas Hill, in an easterly direction and it’s junction with Sargent’s Lane/Jenkins Lane carpark.

Vehicles exiting Jenkins Lane carpark would be forced to turn right on to Sargent’s Lane and right again at its junction with O’Connell Street to access the Quay via Gladstone Street. The proposal would improve traffic flow while also addressing traffic safety concerns in the area and make the road safer for pedestrians/cyclists and also facilitate future development of pedestrian safety measures.

Objections or submissions may be made in writing to Aideen Jacob, Administrative Officer, Roads Department, Waterford City and County Council, City Hall, The Mall, Waterford or by email to not later than 12 Noon on 2nd November, 2020.

Fergus Galvin
Director of Services,
Roads, Water and Environment. 6th October, 2020.

Santa Gives Scrooge the Boot – Waterford Winterval returns for 2020!

It’s official – Christmas is NOT cancelled! Santa has sent Scrooge packing and assured the people of Ireland that the magic of Christmas will be alive on the streets of Waterford when Winterval returns on November 13th for its 9th year.

Ireland’s Christmas Capital has made some changes in line with government guidelines and the Winterval Elves have been working hard to adapt, so after 8 years of delivering hugely exciting programmes for young and old alike, 2020 will be no exception.

Some changes are inevitable due to social distancing and restrictions on mass gatherings, so some of the old favourites like the large festival market, ice skating and Winterval Illuminates will be taking a break for this year. However, visitors can still hop on the Winterval train, take in the incredible views of Ireland’s oldest city from the iconic 32 meter high Waterford Eye, enjoy a trip of a lifetime on a family helicopter flight over Winterval with Santa himself as your pilot, post that all important letter to the big man in Santa’s Giant post box and even see his elves loading up the mail, take in the city’s lights and sights and pick up that perfect Christmas gift.

Booking opens, Friday October 2nd on for an incredible new Santa experience, and after your visit with the chap in the red suit, you can take the opportunity to sample the best of Irish, in Waterford – Ireland’s 2019 Foodie Destination of the year, while enjoying the unrivalled carnival atmosphere.

Winterval event controller Finn Brophy assures visitors – “The Winterval 2020 programme has been amended to reflect the current times, and management will be following all guidance issued by the HSE. Winterval is being designed to allow for managed queues and social distancing, the safety of our visitors is, as always, paramount.”

The Mayor of the City and County of Waterford, Damien Geoghegan said “I am delighted for the children of Ireland that Santa has confirmed he will be visiting everybody this Christmas and especially happy that Santa will be here for Winterval Waterford. Christmas is a magical time of year and Winterval brings that magic alive in Waterford each year. I am delighted that we will get to experience that this year and look forward to what promises to be an exciting Christmas season.”

Picture: Patrick Browne

With events taking place over extended hours from November 13th to December 23rd Winterval will sprinkle some much-needed joy and sparkle over Christmas 2020. The city streets to Dungarvan and Tramore will be alight for the festive season – so plan your getaway now, Ireland’s Christmas Capital will be waiting to welcome you.

Book your Santa visit Friday 2nd October on, full programme to be announced mid – October.


For more information Contact :
Winterval Marketing Manager – Sandra Power 086-1557627

Temporary Road Closure – O’Connell St., Waterford

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council, in exercise of its powers pursuant to the Road Regulations 1994 Part 8 (7b), will extend the closure of the following
road from 6.30pm Friday to 12 midnight Sunday each week commencing on 2nd October to 17th January, 2021.

These measures are to facilitate new operational arrangements for retailers impacted by Covid-19 and to facilitate social distancing requirements for the public.

Road to be closed:

  • O’Connell Street, Waterford from its junction at O’Connell Street/Thomas Hill to the junction of Sargents Lane/O’Connell Street.

Diversion Routes:

  • Thomas Hill/Meeting House Lane/Sargents Lane.

Waterford Council call for applicants for Festival Grants for 2021

2020 has been a challenging year for all and in particular the arts and culture sector.  Each year Waterford Council supports a wide range of festivals and events across the city and county and plans are already progressing to continue to support a programme of festivals and events in 2021.

Festival and event organisers across Waterford are being encouraged to submit their application for funding for next year’s events.  While the final budget allocated for festivals and events will be agreed later this year as part of the Council’s annual budget process, the call now highlights the value that Waterford Council places on the many community and voluntary committees and professional arts organisations that bring arts, culture and vibrancy to Waterford.

Applications can be submitted online at from October 6th and the closing date for applications is Friday November 6th.  This year’s application reflects the impact that Covid has had on events in 2020 and invites applicants to consider how they can be creative in the programming of their event to ensure all or part of it can go ahead if the level of local or national restrictions change and to make sure they have measures in place to ensure public safety.

A helpline will be open from October 6th to November 6th to answer any queries relating to the application process – 0761 10 2169

Art of the People at Central Library

Art of the People celebrates Waterford art making and art makers. Presented in the windows of Waterford City & County Council’s Central Library, the installation itself, offers a window into the diversity and vibrancy of artistic practice in the city including: theatre, music, outdoor arts, film, literature, visual arts, dance and photography. It reflects art as an integral part of our society and its ability to express a sense of people and their place.

Art of the People includes photography by Jamie Beamish, Noel Browne, Tereza Čechová, Sofia Daniela, Joe Evans, Eadaoin Murphy, Leon Murphy, Gerard O’Keeffe, Matthew Reilly, Colin Shanahan and Hayley Stuart.

“This is Waterford library’s contribution to the Well Festival of Art & Well-being 2020,” said librarian Sinead O’Higgins from Central Library. “This style of presentation allows us to overcome Covid-19 limitations and can be enjoyed safely by passers-by. We were delighted to work with T.V. Honan, himself a powerhouse in the Arts in Waterford to create this timely exhibition. Art of the People is not presented as a comprehensive study of art making in Waterford but it does capture a very personal view of and tribute to all our art makers. We hope that Art of the People will inspire, fire imaginations and start conversations about the potential impact of the arts in these very different times.”

The installation which is organised by Europe Direct Waterford can be viewed from Lady Lane and Bakehouse Lane runs until the 31st of October.

The Well Festival of Arts & Well-being continues this week until Saturday 10 October with opportunities for all ages to make music, dance, paint, create, experience and celebrate the arts, and it’s all free. The Well Festival is organised by Waterford Libraries, Garter Lane Art Centre and Waterford Healing Arts Trust.  Check out for the full programme.


For further information Contact: Sinead O’Higgins 087 3637119

Photo credit: Colin Shanahan
Company: Waterford Pantomime Society

Waterford Dog Shelter closed today

Please note that Waterford City and County Council Dog Shelter, Bilberry, Waterford will be closed on Wednesday, 30th September, 2020.

For enquiries please telephone 0761 10 20 20 or e-mail

Waterford City and County Council regrets any inconvenience caused.

Waterford Dog Shelter closed : Wednesday 30th Sept

Please note that Waterford City and County Council Dog Shelter, Bilberry, Waterford will be closed on Wednesday, 30th September, 2020.

For enquiries please telephone 0761 10 20 20 or e-mail

Waterford City and County Council regrets any inconvenience caused.

Waterford Libraries welcome investment of €100,000 towards upgrade works

Waterford Libraries are delighted to receive funding of €100,000 for upgrade works announced today. City and County Librarian, Jane Cantwell said: “This very welcome funding will allow us to continue to make our library branches across the City and County more comfortable and welcoming spaces for our communities and will ensure that when we can welcome our customers back for all the events, classes, exhibitions and new digital services that we have been missing during Covid, our libraries will be bright, spacious and safe for everyone”.

This funding will supplement the already substantial investment by Waterford City and County Council in upgrading our branch library network. Director of Services for Culture, Kieran Kehoe, said “The Minister’s announcement is most welcome as it demonstrates the support by Government for our library service and how libraries are serving communities at local level. This funding will be allocated in particular to upgrade works in Central Library, Dungarvan and Cappoquin branches and we would expect works to commence over the coming weeks”.

The work of Waterford Libraries was all the more important for the people of Waterford during the early stages of COVID 19 restrictions and although the doors were closed the services were certainly not. Traffic to the Waterford Libraries website in March 2020 grew by almost 70% on March 2019 and use of online resources such as Press Reader and Borrow Box saw usage grow exponentially.

Waterford Libraries continue to work collaboratively to bring services that are relevant and accessible to all and this funding will allow this to continue.


Is mian le Comhairle Cathrach & Contae Phort Láirge a chur in iúl don bpobal go mbeidh an clós súgartha ag an bPáirc Líneach, Dún Garbhán, dúnta 28/09/20 & 29/09/20. Caithfear an clós súgartha a dhúnadh chun go ndéanfar obair chothabhála riachtanach ar an áit. Tabhair faoi deara go mbeidh an clós súgartha ag an bPáirc Walton, Dún Garbhán fós oscailte don bpobal le linn an tréimhse seo.

Waterford City & County Council wishes to advise the public that the playground at the Linear Park, Dungarvan will be closed on 28/09/20 & 29/09/20. Closure of the playground is required to facilitate the carrying out of essential maintenance work. Please note that the playground facilities at Walton Park, Dungarvan, will continue to be open to the public during this period.

Mayor of Waterford welcomes jobs announcement by Zevas Communications for Dungarvan

The Mayor of the City and County of Waterford, Cllr Damien Geoghegan welcomes today’s announcement of 30 new jobs in Dungarvan.

Cllr Geoghegan, attending the press launch in Dungarvan today, said “I welcome Zevas Communications to Dungarvan and welcome this significant jobs announcement. I am particularly heartened by the reasons for choosing Dungarvan as a location for expansion. The quality of life which Dungarvan and indeed all of Waterford offers is second to none and this announcement is living proof of what we have to offer in Waterford.”

David Cashman, Chief Commercial Officer at Zevas said, “Dungarvan is full of potential and this is something we want to harness. At Zevas, we are characterized by our people, they are firmly our Number 1 strength, and I’m looking forward to adding to this talented team. We have big plans and I’m excited for what we can do in the South East.”

Zevas Communications currently employ 200 people in Cork and Dublin and have been looking at a “hub strategy” for expansion since 2019. Established in 2001, Zevas have a client list from across Europe, North America and Asia and are specialists in “Go To Market” design, outbound sales and inbound customer service management.