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Waterford Dog Shelter closed today

Please note that Waterford City and County Council Dog Pound, Bilberry, Waterford will be closed on Monday, 28th September, 2020.

For enquiries please telephone 0761 10 20 20 or e-mail

Waterford City and County Council regrets any inconvenience caused.

Notice of the passing of a resolution to vary the rate of Local Property Tax

In pursuance of the provisions of section 20 of the FINANCE (LOCAL PROPERTY TAX) ACT 2012 (as amended), I the undersigned, hereby notify the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government of the passing of a resolution at a meeting of the above mentioned local authority on the 22nd September 2020 to the effect that the basic rate of local property tax should  stand varied upwards by ten per cent (10%) for the year 2021 in respect of relevant residential properties situated in the local authority’s administrative area.

Signed:  Michael Walsh, Chief Executive
Dated: 23rd September 2020

Waterford & COVID-19 : It’s in Our Hands

Joint Statement on behalf of the Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr. Damien Geoghegan, Chief Executive of Waterford Council, Mr. Michael Walsh, Chief Superintendent of An Garda Síochána, Padraig Dunne and Chief Officer of South East Community Healthcare, Ms. Kate Killeen White.

It is clear that the Covid-19 numbers in Waterford have been growing in recent weeks and we are now at a critical juncture for this disease.

We have a window of opportunity to bring this disease under control and to keep Waterford at Level 2 restrictions. To do so, we all need to act now and break the chains of transmission, to ensure we live as optimally as we can with the virus, keep our schools open, resume non-covid healthcare and protect our vulnerable people.

We are asking you and your family to take positive action immediately, and change your current behaviours.

This means:

  • Meeting less people inside your home.
  • Limiting the number of people you meet outside your home as much as possible.
  • Avoiding crowds.
  • Prioritising the people you need to see, keeping groups small, and seeing them regularly, rather than meeting lots of different people from different households. Concentrate on your core circle in the coming weeks.
  • With those you do meet, be particularly attentive to safe practices – keep your distance, wear a face covering where appropriate, cough into a tissue and bin it, wash your hands.

We all know the core messages, and it’s time to double our efforts to stay safe.

Remember this disease can spread even if you have no symptoms. Act as though you have the virus to protect your family, friends and colleagues and others you meet going about your day. Keeping that little bit of extra distance from others is really important as we try to work safely while living with the threat of this virus.

If you have symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of smell, loss or change to sense of taste, isolate yourself from others and phone your GP for advice – remember that a referral and test for COVID are free and you do not have to be registered with a GP.

Our individual actions do matter. They all count. They do work. The good news is that we know the most effective tools to keep this virus at bay. We just need to keep working with them.

As a collective we are appealing to the people of Waterford to please maintain social distance and limit your number of close contacts in the coming days. Whether in our workplaces, our homes or social settings let us all be advocates of Covid good behaviour.

It is in our hands!

Waterford & COVID-19 : It’s in Our Hands

Joint Statement on behalf of the Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr. Damien Geoghegan, Chief Executive of Waterford Council, Mr. Michael Walsh, Chief Superintendant of An Garda Siochana, Padraig Dunne and Chief Officer of South East Community Healthcare, Ms. Kate Killeen White.

It is clear that the Covid-19 numbers in Waterford have been growing in recent weeks and we are now at a critical juncture for this disease.

We have a window of opportunity to bring this disease under control and to keep Waterford at Level 2 restrictions. To do so, we all need to act now and break the chains of transmission, to ensure we live as optimally as we can with the virus, keep our schools open, resume non-covid healthcare and protect our vulnerable people.

We are asking you and your family to take positive action immediately, and change your current behaviours.

This means:

  • Meeting less people inside your home.
  • Limiting the number of people you meet outside your home as much as possible.
  • Avoiding crowds.
  • Prioritising the people you need to see, keeping groups small, and seeing them regularly, rather than meeting lots of different people from different households. Concentrate on your core circle in the coming weeks.
  • With those you do meet, be particularly attentive to safe practices – keep your distance, wear a face covering where appropriate, cough into a tissue and bin it, wash your hands.

We all know the core messages, and it’s time to double our efforts to stay safe.

Remember this disease can spread even if you have no symptoms. Act as though you have the virus to protect your family, friends and colleagues and others you meet going about your day. Keeping that little bit of extra distance from others is really important as we try to work safely while living with the threat of this virus.

If you have symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of smell, loss or change to sense of taste, isolate yourself from others and phone your GP for advice – remember that a referral and test for COVID are free and you do not have to be registered with a GP.

Our individual actions do matter. They all count. They do work. The good news is that we know the most effective tools to keep this virus at bay. We just need to keep working with them.

As a collective we are appealing to the people of Waterford to please maintain social distance and limit your number of close contacts in the coming days. Whether in our workplaces, our homes or social settings let us all be advocates of Covid good behaviour.

It is in our hands!

Culture Night 2020

Lots of exciting things happening in Waterford for Culture Night 2020.

This year Waterford will push upon all boundaries and embrace all the changes Culture Night 2020 has to offer.

We’re highlighting events such as the city wide yarn bombing, the live online Molly Keane award and celebrating our people and historic buildings. We’re reinventing Waterford City through art, words and music and above all uniting as a community and reaching out to
every inch of our county – online and offline!

Double success for Waterford in International Green Flag Awards for Parks

Waterford City and County Council has attained Green Flag Award status for two outstanding amenities in Waterford City and County. The Kilbarry Nature Park and the Waterford Greenway are the worthy and fitting winners of the An Taisce Green Flag Award for parks and green spaces. The announcement was made today (Thursday 17th September 2020) by An Taisce.  The Green Flag Award scheme is an international mark of quality which recognises the efforts of local community engagement with green space involvement.

The Mayor of the City and County of Waterford, Cllr Damien Geoghegan, today said “As a new entrant to the Green Flag Award scheme, Waterford is honoured to be awarded green flag status for two of our flagship sites. I want to commend the work of the environment and roads sections for their impeccable attention to detail in their maintenance of these, and indeed, all of our stunning amenities in Waterford. We are fortunate here in Waterford to have these beautiful places on our doorstep and the work of Waterford Council staff is to be applauded”.

Waterford Greenway is the first Greenway to win such a prestigious award and is in keeping with the various successes already attained since opening in 2017 including the Reader Travel Award in 2019 for ‘Ireland’s Favourite Adventure’, the 2018 LAMA All Ireland Community and Council Award for ‘Best Tourism Initiative, and Grand Prix winner’. Waterford Greenway attracted over 284,000 visitors in 2019 and was a finalist in The Irish Tourism Industry Awards under ‘Best Ireland’s Ancient East Tourism Experience (Large)’.

Waterford Greenway has received a Green Flag Award for Parks – awarded by An Taisce Environment Education Unit.

The success of Waterford Greenway is, in a large part,  down to the commitment of local communities and their engagement with the amenity in local festivals, events and community clean ups. The many attractions along the 46km track which interact and bring additional visitor experiences are also part of what has become one of Ireland’s favourite amenities. The work of  Waterford City and County Council’s maintenance crew who work to maintain the Greenway to an impeccable standard is to be commended in working to achieve this prestigious award.

Kilbarry Nature Park is a safe, secure and accessible amenity in the heart of Waterford City which encompasses an integrated wetland , wildflower meadows, Kilbarry Bog and promotes good practice in the management of native flora and fauna. A former municipal landfill site, the area has been re-mediated to create a popular space for the community. Waterford Council has been entrusted to do this in a sustainable and socially inclusive manner which seeks to protect and enhance biodiversity within the City bounds. The Kilbarry Nature Park is also the first remediated landfill to win this prestigious award.

Kilbarry Nature Park has received two Green Flag awards, those being:

Green Flag for Parks – awarded by An Taisce Environment Education Unit.
Green Flag for Parks Pollinator Awards 2020 – ‘Highly commended’. Special Award 2020. Pollinator Award  jointly run with National Biodiversity Data Centre  and An Taisce Environmental Education to support the All Ireland Pollinator Plan.

Eoin Dullea, of Waterford City and County Council’s Environment Department coordinated the Green Flag application process, while staff of both Parks & Open Spaces and Amenities are tasked with the everyday care and maintenance of Kilbarry Nature Park, thus ensuring the park is managed to high standards. This award is recognition of their commitment to Kilbarry Nature Park and the amenity it offers to the people of Waterford.

Graham Fallon, student of Horticulture from Waterford Institute of Technology, has also been hugely influential in compiling the necessary items for the application documents which resulted in these awards.  Green Flag for Parks is part of the Horticultural college programme and this has been a firsthand experience for Graham in the benefits of the Green Flag for Parks.  WCCC has a close relationship with both WIT and Kildalton Collage and has hosted many horticultural students over the years as part of their work experience programme


For Press queries please contact Claire Hartley, 087 2905194

Summary of Social Housing Assessment 2020

Please read this notice if you have previously applied for Social Housing Supports

The Housing Section of Waterford City & County Council will shortly carry out a Housing Needs Assessment in accordance with Social Housing Assessment (Summary) Regulations, 2016.

  • Q. What is a Housing Needs Assessment?
    A. The Housing Needs Assessment is a review of all approved applicants for social housing supports who are currently on the social housing list with Waterford Council. The information provided by each approved applicant will be re-assessed under the Social Housing Assessment Regulations 2016 taking into account the applicant’s eligibility and need.
  • Q. How will the Local Authority contact approved applicants?
    A. Waterford City & County Council will write to/email/telephone each approved applicant on its social housing list using the current address provided by the applicant. (If you have moved address please contact the Housing Section on 0761 10 24 77 to update your address details.)
  • Q. What will you have to do?
    A. Each approved applicant will be asked to complete a form and provide documentary evidence of any changes to circumstances. The completed form and all relevant supporting documentation should either be posted to the Housing Applications Office, Bailey’s New Street, Waterford or emailed to
    • In the interest of public safety during the ongoing pandemic we would urge applicants to return update forms and supporting documentation by post or by email rather than in person at the Customer Services Desk in either Waterford City or in the Civic Offices in Dungarvan.
  • Q. What will happen if I do not return the information requested?
    A. If you fail to return this information within the specified time period your application for social housing may be terminated and therefore you may not be considered for future offers of social housing support.
  • Q. What about HAP, RAS and leasing tenants?
    A. HAP, RAS and leasing tenants will not be contacted for the purposes of this exercise, but their housing applications will remain open and approved.

Waterford Council informs recipients of pilot Shop Front Improvement Scheme

16 businesses across Waterford City centre have been successful in their application for funding under a pilot Shop Front Improvement Scheme.  The aim of the scheme, launched by Waterford City and County Council in August, is to support business owners to enhance the appearance of commercial premises in the city centre.

There were 27 applicants to the scheme, with projects totaling over €69,000 and successful applicants were selected following an assessment of the condition of the building, the potential of the works to have an impact on their area and on the location of the business.

In addition to improving the appearance of the city centre, the scheme has a knock on effect of supporting a number of local trades people who submitted quotes to the businesses for works to be undertaken as part of the scheme including painting, signage etc.,  All works funded under the scheme are to be completed before the year end.

REMINDER: Community Heritage Grant Scheme now OPEN for applications

The Heritage Council invites applications for the Community Heritage Grant Scheme 2020.

Communities and heritage non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are encouraged to apply for funding to support capital projects that improve access and inclusion to heritage sites; that apply good heritage practice to the management of places, collections or objects (including buildings). The scheme also supports the purchase of essential equipment.

This Community Heritage Grant Scheme is part of the rescue package recently announced by the Minister for State for Heritage and Electoral Reform, Mr Malcolm Noonan, TD.

Minister Humphreys announces second tranche of rural Towns and Villages supports

Minister Humphreys announces second tranche of rural Towns and Villages to receive COVID-19 adaptation supports

  • 120 additional towns and villages to benefit from €3.3 million
  • Funding to help communities shop, socialise and work safely during COVID-19
  • 226 projects have now benefited from Town and Village Renewal Scheme since July

The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, has today (Friday, 11 September 2020) announced details of the projects that have been approved for funding under the second round of the enhanced Town and Village Renewal Scheme that supports towns and villages to respond and adapt to COVID-19.

The focus of the funding is on measures and interventions that help towns and villages to adapt to social distancing requirements and to provide safe environments that encourage people into towns and villages to shop and socialise.

In the latest allocation of funding by Minister Humphreys, €3.3 million has been approved for 120 projects countrywide.

This is in addition to the €2.8 million that was announced under Round 1 of the scheme in August.

Examples of the successful projects being funded under the latest allocations include:

  • Cavan: Creation of outdoor meeting and event space at Ballyconnell Market Square;
  • Cork: Purchase of stage and amplification equipment for hosting medium scale events and concerts in West Cork;
  • Donegal: Establishment of outdoor food market in Donegal town;
  • Laois: Converting car parking spaces into outdoor spaces (parklets) for public seating and dining, as well as the enhancement of other central areas in Stradbally with landscaping and street furniture;
  • Tipperary: Repurposing eight community buildings throughout the county to facilitate Broadband Connection Points and remote working.
  • Mayo: The creation of three covered outdoor spaces for community based exercise classes and other community events in Belmullet and Westport.

Speaking today, Minister Humphreys said:

“I’m delighted to announce a second round of funding for projects under the enhanced Town and Village Renewal Scheme. The challenges of recent months have highlighted the central role that our towns and villages play in the lives of people in rural areas.  They are where we live, work, shop and socialise.

“The impact of COVID-19 has brought changes to all of our daily lives, but the projects I am approving today will assist rural towns and villages to adapt to those changes.  It is important that we make our towns and villages as welcoming as possible and that we provide the infrastructure to allow people to engage with local shops and services, and with each other, in a safe manner at this time.

“The €3.3 million in funding which I am allocating today to 120 towns and villages is for projects that can be delivered quickly and which will encourage people into our towns and villages, and giving them the confidence to spend more time there. Today’s funding is in addition to an allocation of €2.8 million made to 120 projects in August and is supported through the Government’s July Stimulus Package.”

The Minister continued:

“Once again the Local Authorities, together with their local communities, have brought forward projects that will help meet the specific needs of their own areas. A wide variety of innovative measures are being supported under this round of funding, including the purchasing of marquees and equipment to facilitate outdoor events and festivals, and the provision of sheltered outdoor meeting spaces.

I’m also pleased to be able to provide support for the fit out of a number of Broadband Connection Points throughout the country, which will be vital for people in remote locations to stay connected or to work remotely.”

Full details of the 120 projects supported under Round 2 are available on the website here.



The Department of Rural and Community Development Press Office

076-1006993 / 086-7912704

Waterford Council launches free Wifi in Grattan Square, Dungarvan – WiFi4EU

Waterford City & County Council welcomes the rollout of Free Public Wi-Fi across Waterford.  This free service is now live in Grattan Square, Dungarvan. The Wifi4EU initiative is an EU funded scheme which hopes to develop more digital communities and improve digital access across the European Commission area.

WiFi4EU aims to advance free and open access to Wi-Fi for citizens in public spaces including squares, libraries, community centres, public parks, leisure centres, sports centres, art facilities, and community and council facilities.

The deployment of Wi-Fi in Waterford’s tourist centres is seen as a critical element to our upcoming Digital strategy. Additionally, free public Wi-Fi is seen as an enabler for economic growth and promotes Dungarvan as progressive town. Waterford City & County Council hopes to bring Wi-Fi to the Waterford Tourism experience through digital services, making it more accessible and opening new ways to enjoy the cultural and environmental heritage of Waterford.

According to Kieran Kehoe, Director of Services, “The WiFi4EU initiative complements well the upcoming Digital strategy by promoting wireless access to internet by citizens and visitors in public places. The deployment of free Wi-Fi hotspots is the first step in allowing everyone access to infrastructure and services”.

TheWiFi4EU initiative is been supported by the Department of Rural and Community Development and is providing match funding to that provided by the European Commission. The Irish Government has defined a National Broadband Plan (NBP) which aims at guaranteeing that all citizens and businesses have access to a modern and reliable broadband network.

“Waterford City & County Council now plan to leverage the WiFi4EU programme to cover other key places across the county, and expand the network through Waterford City & County  The new hotspots will be placed in tourism centres and public areas, with the goal of finding a balance between services for citizens and tourism services. The service will be rolled out further to Walton Park, Waterford’s Cultural Quarter, Tramore, Lismore and Waterford Greenway carparks in the coming weeks.” explained Jack Doyle, Broadband Officer .

The network will also enable deeper insight into tourists’ footfall and habits, allowing data-driven improvements to provide a service tailored around tourists’ needs while fully respecting personal data.


Community Heritage Grant Scheme now OPEN for applications

The Heritage Council invites applications for the Community Heritage Grant Scheme 2020.

Communities and heritage non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are encouraged to apply for funding to support capital projects that improve access and inclusion to heritage sites; that apply good heritage practice to the management of places, collections or objects (including buildings). The scheme also supports the purchase of essential equipment.

This Community Heritage Grant Scheme is part of the rescue package recently announced by the Minister for State for Heritage and Electoral Reform, Mr Malcolm Noonan, TD.

Lifeguard service ended for the season

Full-time lifeguard service has finished for the season on Waterford beaches.

However, the following Blue Flag locations will be life-guarded on weekends of 5th and 6th and 12th and 13th of September.

  • Ardmore
  • Clonea
  • Dunmore East
  • Tramore

Special Voters’ List

The Special Voters List is for people who have a physical disability or illness who are residing in hospitals, nursing homes or similar institutions and who wish to vote at those locations.

To qualify, an elector’s physical disability must be likely to continue for the duration of the register and prevent him/her from going to the polling station to vote. To apply, fill out the
application form for entry onto the Special Voters List Form SV1.

Applications for inclusion on the Special Voters List must be made every year before 25th November and in the case of the first application, must be accompanied by a medical certificate.

Electors on the Special Voters list vote by marking a ballot paper delivered to them by a special presiding officer accompanied by a Garda.

Application forms are available on and from our Customer Services Departments in Baileys New Street, Waterford and Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan which are open from 9.30am-4pm (Monday-Friday).

To be included on the February 2021 Special Voters List complete and return the form by 25th November 2020 to the Customer Services Department or by post to:
Register of Electors, Waterford City and County Council, City Hall, The Mall, Waterford.