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EIRE signs during “The Emergency”

During the Emergency period of World War II,  several ÉIRE signs were constructed with painted stones to alert pilots from either side that they were flying over neutral Ireland.

A great website to show these locations has been created and is available at

The Heritage Council have also just launched a new Eire signs map on, which features a map of Lookout Posts (LOPs).

Check back tomorrow at 8pm for another built heritage article featuring the “Lookout posts of County Waterford”.

Free Parking available for Essential and Front-line services

In our efforts to support all people who are providing essential services in Waterford City Centre and Dungarvan Town Centre, all Waterford City & County Council operated parking facilities will be free of charge until midnight of 11th April 2020.

We ask people to park responsibly, to continue to obey normal parking rules and never to impede emergency vehicle access.

Clarification on the operation of Planning System during COVID-19 Emergency


Despite the current COVID 19 emergency, Waterford City & County Council continues to provide a range of planning services including the processing and determining of planning applications, as well as associated public submissions/observations.

To enable the continued delivery of planning services, and to facilitate public engagement in the process during the COVID 19 emergency, changes have now been made to planning legislation to provide for a three week extension of time for already commenced public consultation periods, for compliance with any requests/directions made by the planning authority and for the determination of all current planning applications. These new legislative provisions are modelled on an existing and long-established provision of the Act which applies in normal circumstances every year over the Christmas period.

It is important to stress that the effect of the activation of this provision does not freeze the planning system, rather it extends the timelines within which public submissions can be received and within which planning decisions can be made.

While our public counters have been temporarily closed on the advice of the National Public Health Emergency Team, applicants can continue to lodge planning applications by post and the public can view those applications online at:

Members of the public can continue to make submissions by post or by email using the following email address: and should in all instances provide contact telephone numbers to enable the planning authority to verify their submissions and to make arrangements for the payment of any associated fees.

In addition, submissions by applicants for planning permission (such as responses to requests for further information) that would normally be presented at the public counters can now be submitted by email and will then be processed in the normal way.

Face-to-face pre-planning meetings with prospective applicants have been temporarily suspended but our District Planners will continue to engage in pre-planning consultations by email and telephone with those who have completed and submitted the form which is available on our website at:


The Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government has also introduced two specific temporary planning exemptions to deal with issues arising specifically as a result of the current COVID 19 emergency. These are:

a) For the period of the emergency, the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and the associated Regulations will not apply to certain classes of development by or on behalf of a State authority. This may include the change of use and repurposing of existing buildings and facilities, and/or the provision of temporary new-build accommodation and structures to address the COVID-19 civil emergency.

b) A change in use from a premises selling food for consumption on the premises to one providing food for consumption off the premises, during the period of the emergency, will be considered an exempt development.


The following documents provide clarifications on the operation of the planning system during the current COVID-19 emergency:-

Business Continuity Voucher with LEO Waterford

Minister Humphreys introduces new measure as part of COVID-19 Business Supports Package

The new Business Continuity Voucher is now available through Local Enterprise Offices and is open to sole traders and companies across every business sector that employ up to 50 people, the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Heather Humphreys T.D. has announced (March 25).

The voucher is worth up to €2,500 in third party consultancy costs and can be used by companies and sole traders to develop short-term and long-term strategies to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. The goal is to help business owners make informed decisions about what immediate measures and remedial actions should be taken, to protect staff and sales.

Making the announcement, Minister Humphreys T.D. said: “I know this is still a very worrying time for all businesses. And as part of the package of supports that I announced earlier in the month, I am making a €2,500 voucher available through the Local Enterprise Offices from today to enable enterprises to avail of vital business continuity advice, to assist them with developing short-term and long-term strategies to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak. “

She added, “The voucher will give companies access to contingency planning advice that will help them continue trading through this crisis and to be ready for the recovery phase, when it comes. This voucher will also assist enterprises to prepare a business case for application to emergency financial interventions that are available through the Banks, the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland or through Microfinance Ireland”.

Richie Walsh, Head of Enterprise at Local Enterprise Office Waterford, welcomed the new support package. “This is a critical time for small businesses. While businesses are, understandably, caught up in the here and now, this scheme will support companies to make sound, informed decisions on the immediate measures needed to continue to trade in this challenging environment and develop a strategy to assure future business viability.”

“Amongst other things, the Business Continuity Voucher will also include measures such as preparing a business case for application to emergency funding, reducing costs, implementing remote working procedures and exploring supply chain financing options. I would urge small business in Waterford, regardless of their industry or sector, to apply for this voucher. Local Enterprise Office Waterford will work with all businesses to provide practical and pragmatic contingency planning advice.”

The scheme is open to all types of businesses that employ up to 50 people. To apply, companies or sole traders fill out a short application form and submit it directly to Local Enterprise Office Waterford. When a company is issued with a voucher for third party consultancy, they begin working directly with a qualified expert, selected from existing Local Enterprise Office and Enterprise Ireland panels.

To apply for the Business Continuity Voucher, companies submit a short application form to their Local Enterprise Office. Forms are available to download from

Details of other business supports available from the Department of Enterprise, Business and Innovation can be found at


For further information:

Karen Cheevers
B2B Communications, 086 2300700

About the Business Continuity Voucher (through Local Enterprise Offices)

Sole traders and businesses*, employing up to 50 staff, are eligible to apply for a Business Continuity Voucher to the value of €2,500 towards third party consultancy costs to assist with developing short-term and long-term strategies to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the voucher is to provide contingency planning advice to assist enterprises to continue trading through the crisis.

The primary aim of the scheme will be to support companies make informed decisions on the immediate measures needed to continue trading in the current environment while securing the safety of all employees and future business viability through identification of remedial actions.

The Business Continuity Voucher is available to support businesses:

i. Develop a business continuity plan

ii. Assess current financial needs in the short term to medium term

iii. Reduce variable costs, overheads and expenses,

iv. Review and explore supply chain financing options

v. Implement remote working processes or procedures

vi. Leverage HR expertise

vii. Leverage ICT expertise

viii. Prepare a business case for application to emergency financial interventions available through Banks, SBCI (Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland) and Microfinance Ireland.

Application forms are available from and completed forms are submitted to the relevant Local Enterprise Office by e-mail.

Please note: The Business Continuity Voucher is available to all businesses employing up to 50 across all sectors. The applicant must be an Irish-owned enterprise with up to 50 employees. An application must be submitted in the name of a company registered with the Companies Registration Office and incorporated in the Republic of Ireland at the time of application. Applications will also be accepted from Sole Traders and Partnerships.

Dedicated Waterford Community Response Forum helpline now available

At the instigation of Minister Murphy, a Covid-19 Community Response Forum will be put in place for each City and County, and be coordinated by the Local Authority in each case.  The role of the forum is to ensure that there is a coordinated community response and to enable all voluntary statutory agencies to collaborate in support of our communities and particularly of our most vulnerable members.

A dedicated community support helpline of 1800 250 185 and email contact have been established in Waterford City and County to assist at risk members of the public in accessing non-emergency and non-medical supports and advice during the current public health emergency.

The confidential phone service has been established by the new COVID-19 Waterford Community Response Forum (WRCF), which includes over a dozen agencies and organisations. The helpline is focused primarily on ensuring that vulnerable members of the community or those living alone can access deliveries of groceries, medicine and fuels.

Included in the COVID-19 Waterford Community Response Forum are:

  • Waterford City and County Council
  • Health Service Executive
  • An Garda Síochána
  • Waterford Area Partnership
  • Waterford Leader Partnership
  • Waterford Age Friendly Alliance
  • Waterford Traveller CDP
  • Irish Farmers Association
  • Waterford Local Link
  • Waterford Age Friendly Alliance
  • Waterford Public Participation Network (PPN)
  • Waterford GAA County Board
  • An Post
  • Citizens Information Board
  • Red Cross
  • St Vincent de Paul

The new phone line 1800 250 185 is just one aspect of the Forum’s work. Its core aim is contributing to the community-wide effort to limit the spread of COVID-19. Waterford City and County Council, through this group, will ensure that the wide variety of groups working across the county and city to assist those in need, will do so in an organised, collaborative and targeted way.

Chief Executive of Waterford City and County Council, Michael Walsh, explains “There are a number of agencies currently doing excellent work in delivering care to older and vulnerable people in our communities.These groups are currently operating independently of each other and our role in Waterford Council is to provide a targeted, integrated and coordinated approach to the delivery of these much needed services to our more vulnerable citizens across the City and County of Waterford during the COVID-19 pandemic. Waterford Council is ideally placed both statutorily and regionally to channel this great work and provide the governance structure in partnership with all stakeholders. This public health crisis has changed life for so many, and we are there to help with that change. Our own staff whose day-jobs have changed due to this crisis, will be a key resource in the management and operation of this community support programme along with our partner agencies/groups. Set to come into effect from Monday 30th March, we are providing a dedicated contact centre through our main contact number 1800 250 185 and with the lines open from 8:00am to 8:00pm seven days a week.”.

Contact details of this new service will be promoted on all Waterford local newspapers, WLR, Garda Text Alerts, Waterford Council website and our Twitter, MapAlerter service and Facebook pages. An information leaflet including the new freephone number and other information will be distributed around the city and county, particularly to vulnerable households, over the coming days.


Waterford City & County Council Services update

The following are now closed to the public:

  • All City and County offices, with the exception of the Waterford Integrated Homeless Service at 28 Parnell Street.
  • All Customer Services Desks at Bailey’s New Street and Civic Offices, Dungarvan are now closed.
  • All Motor Tax offices are closed and customers should avail of online services at
  • All Libraries, Museums, Theatres and Galleries remain closed.

All Council phone lines are open at 0761 102020.  The new Community Response helpline is available at 0761 102020.

Waterford Dog Shelter closed until further notice

Waterford Dog Shelter is closed until further notice owing to the ongoing restrictions on movement and COVID-19.

Arrangements have been put in place to ensure all animals are well cared for.

Public Notice – Controlled burning of Agricultural Waste

Controlled burning of Agricultural Waste

Waterford City & County Council have been directed by the National Directorate for Fire and Emergency Management that in light of the on-going Covid-19 National Emergency controlled burning of agricultural land by the agricultural community is no longer permitted until further notice.

The public should note that all notices informing Waterford City & County Council of controlled burning will not be accepted for the duration of this emergency and that they should refrain from all forms of controlled burning at this time.

Controlled burning calls will not be accepted by the Fire Service or 999/112 for the duration of this emergency and all forms of controlled burning should not be carried out during this time.

It should also be noted by the public that if a 999/112 call is received relating to any controlled burning event on their property, then the Fire Brigade will be mobilised to attend and extinguish the fire. All the costs associated with the attendance of the Fire & Rescue Service will be invoiced to the property owner.

This measure has been deemed necessary when Fire & Rescue Services resources may be stretched due to Covid-19 crisis and, at a time when Waterford City & County Council are trying to maintain essential staffing levels.

Waterford City & County Council announces new COVID-19 measures

In response to the Taoiseach’s announcement of Friday 27th March, Waterford City and County Council have implemented the following measures:

  • With immediate effect from Monday 30th March 2020, all City and County Council offices are closed to members of the public until further notice, with the exception of Waterford Integrated Homeless Services at 28 Parnell Street, Waterford and some very limited public access, strictly by appointment, for certain housing services.
  • Phone lines will be manned on a 24/7 basis at 0761 102020 – Please note the out of hours service is for EMERGENCY COUNCIL SERVICES ONLY.
  • Waterford Integrated Homeless Services (WIHS) at 28 Parnell Street, Waterford will remain open during normal opening hours to deal with homeless emergencies. WIHS can be contacted directly at or on 0761 10 2499.
  • A dedicated Community Support Helpline – 0761 102020 – is operational in Waterford City and County Council to assist at risk members of the public in accessing non-emergency and non-medical supports and advice during the current public health emergency. The helpline is focused primarily on ensuring that vulnerable members of the community or those living alone can access deliveries of groceries, medicine and fuels. The confidential phone line service is being established by the new COVID-19 Waterford Community Response Forum, which includes over a dozen agencies and organisations.
  • Only priority services will continue to be maintained (e.g. water supply and wastewater services) as well as emergency response services (e.g. roads maintenance, public lighting and housing maintenance) together with minimal waste management/street cleansing services and a minimal parks maintenance service.
  • Waterford Fire Service will continue to operate as normal.
  • The Motor Tax Offices will be closed, however postal and online motor tax service will continue to operate.

Council staff will ensure a continuity of essential and critical service across our key operations and the Council’s Crisis Management Team will continue to meet on an ongoing basis.

General information on Council services can be accessed online and the Council is asking members of the public to avail of these services by:-

Waterford City and County Council’s response will continue to be informed by advice from the HSE and Public Health Authorities.

Waterford Council takes the lead in joining together local organisations to assist citizens during Covid-19

Dedicated community support helpline to be available from Monday

At the instigation of Minister Murphy a Covid-19 Community Response Forum will be put in place for each City and County and co-ordinated by the Local Authority in each case.

A dedicated community support helpline will be established in Waterford City and County Council to assist at risk members of the public in accessing non-emergency and non-medical supports and advice during the current public health emergency. The confidential phoneline service is being established by the new COVID-19 Waterford Community Response Forum, which includes over a dozen agencies and organisations. The helpline is focused primarily on ensuring that vulnerable members of the community or those living alone can access deliveries of groceries, medicine and fuels. The role of the Forum is to ensure that there is a coordinated community response and to enable all voluntary statutory agencies to collaborate in support of our communities and particularly of our most vulnerable members. 

Included in the COVID-19 Waterford Community Response Forum will be:

  • Waterford City and County Council
  • Health Service Executive
  • An Garda Síochána
  • Waterford Area Partnership
  • Waterford Leader Partnership 
  • Waterford Local Link
  • Waterford Age Friendly Alliance
  • Waterford Public Participation Network (PPN)
  • Waterford GAA County Board
  • An Post
  • Other community, voluntary and sports representatives

The new phoneline is just one aspect of the Forum’s work. Its core aim is contributing to the community-wide effort to limit the spread of COVID-19. Waterford City and County Council, through this group, will ensure that the wide variety of groups working across the county and city to assist those in need, will do so in an organised, collaborative and targeted way.  The Council’s COVID-19 Community Response Forum is there to ensure the very best use of the many resources assisting vulnerable persons with their daily needs at this unprecedented time, whether that is collecting medication, food shopping, social support and contact. 

Chief Executive of Waterford City and County Council, Michael Walsh, explains “There are a number of agencies currently doing excellent work in delivering care to older and vulnerable people in our communities.These groups are currently operating independently of each other and our role in Waterford Council is to provide a targeted, integrated and coordinated approach to the delivery of these much needed services to our more vulnerable citizens across the City and County of Waterford during the COVID-19 pandemic. Waterford Council is ideally placed both statutorily and regionally to channel this great work and provide the governance structure in partnership with all stakeholders.  This public health crisis has changed life for so many, and we are there to help with that change. Our own staff whose day-jobs have changed due to this crisis, will be a key resource in the management and operation of this community support programme along with our partner agencies/groups. Set to come into effect from Monday 30th March, we are providing a dedicated contact centre through our main contact number 0761 102020 with the lines open from 8:00am to 8:00pm seven days a week.”.

Contact details of this new service will be promoted on WLR, Waterford Council website and our Twitter and Facebook pages. An information leaflet including the new freephone number and other information will be distributed around the city and county, particularly to vulnerable households, over the coming days.


TICK TOCK – Reminder – the clocks go forward tonight


And while we’re at it … here’s a little on Waterford’s iconic Clock Tower.

The Clock Tower, originally called the Fountain Tower, is a renowned landmark in Waterford City. Constructed in 1863, it cost £200 to build and the clock, installed in 1864, was donated by Waterford Corporation.

The tower was designed by Charles Tarrant in an ornate Gothic style and its interesting architectural and artistic features include diamond panels on the clock faces and subtle portrait detailing. The construction and carved dressings are indicative of high quality stone masonry.

Mr. Tarrant was the engineer and county surveyor for Co. Waterford, from 1855-1877 and he was also involved in designing Waterford Gaol and Cavendish Bridge at Lismore.

The tower retains most of the original clock fittings and mechanisms and they are maintained regularly by an horologist.

REMINDER: 2020 Molly Keane Creative Writing Award

Waterford City & County Council’s Arts Office is pleased to announce that it is currently accepting entries for the Molly Keane Creative Writing Award 2020, and has extended the deadline for entries until May 1st.

Annually since 1998, to celebrate this rich literary life, the Waterford Arts Office, by kind permission of the Keane family has invited entries for a previously unpublished short story to a maximum of 2000 words.

There is no entry fee, no age limit and no restriction on the subject matter.  A prize of €500 will be awarded to the winner at an event in the Molly Keane Writers Retreat, Ardmore, Co. Waterford  in June 2020.

Social Distancing the only community response to limiting spread of COVID-19

Following a difficult week, we understand that the weekends may be a time for recreation and to get out of the house.  But now is a time we must follow national advice to cut all unnecessary journeys, to maintain social distance, to look out for the elderly and vulnerable by staying at home … to flatten the curve.

If you are out and about over the weekend, please practice “Social & Physical Distancing” and avoid locations that may attract large crowds.  Community Gardaí will be a visible presence at potential gathering places … please respect their advice.

Use only local amenities and, if at all, ensure that you do so at off-peak times.

REMEMBER: Social & Physical Distancing is the only community response to limiting the spread of #COVID-19.