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Waterford Council ends Single Use Plastics

A Single Use Plastics Policy was adopted at the recent meeting of the Plenary Council  on 13th February. This policy will result in the elimination of single use plastics from all Council buildings, hired venues, catering and all events organised by Waterford City & County Council.

In addition, all events licensed or funded by Waterford City & County Council will be required to demonstrate measures to eliminate single use plastics and segregation of waste during and after the event and their subsequent disposal.

Following a draft prepared by the SPC for Environment, Climate Action and Biodiversity, the policy was brought to the Plenary Council where it was adopted, with immediate effect.

“Plastic is designed to last forever but is often used just once. Single-use plastic includes products such as straws, bottles, cups and cutlery; any plastic item that’s made for temporary use”, said Fergus Galvin, Director of Services for Roads, Water and Environment.

“Although we might not think much of it when we buy bottles of our favorite drink or buy a sandwich in a plastic box, these choices have a serious impact on the health of our planet and ourselves. This policy enables us to say a firm ‘no’ to single use plastics in our organisation. We are now building on the existing ban on single use bottles and cups in the Council Chambers by extending a ban on all single use plastics across the range of Council buildings and events.”


Background: In January 2018, the European Commission adopted the first-ever Europe-wide strategy on plastics. The strategy envisages that all plastic packaging on the EU market will be recyclable by 2030, the consumption of single-use plastics will be reduced and the intentional use of micro plastics will be restricted. This strategy will transform the way products are designed, produced, used, and recycled in the EU. One of the first key legislative proposals to emerge on foot of the EU Plastics Strategy was the “Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment”, which was published on 28 May 2018.

In January 2019, the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and the Environment, Minister Richard Bruton T.D. announced that government departments, public bodies, and schools will lead the way in the response to cutting down on single use plastics, with a number of measures, including no longer purchasing single-use plastic cups, cutlery and straws for use within their offices.

The single-use plastics directive which was adopted in May 2019 builds on the EU’s existing waste legislation but goes further by setting stricter rules for those types of products and packaging which are among the top ten most frequently found items polluting European beaches. The new rules ban the use of certain throwaway plastic products for which alternatives exist. In addition, specific measures are introduced to reduce the use of the most frequently littered plastic products.  Ireland has supported the ambition of this proposal throughout all the negotiations.

Storm Dennis – Weather Advisory from Met Éireann

Storm Dennis will bring some very wet and very windy weather over the weekend and into Monday.

Some flooding is likely and damaging gusty winds with some disruption possible.

Further Warnings will be issued on Friday 14th Feb.

  • Valid from 03:00 Sat, 15-Feb-2020
  • Valid until 12:00 Mon, 17-Feb-2020

Lecture: ‘The Irish Constitutional Tradition: today’s memory, tomorrow’s dream’

Waterford Treasures Talks 2020 on the occasion of the sitting of the Supreme Court in Waterford and in partnership with the Supreme Court of Ireland presents a lecture ‘The Irish Constitutional Tradition: today’s memory, tomorrow’s dream’, with Mr Justice Donal O’Donnell

Mr Justice O’Donnell has been a judge of the Supreme Court since 2010. He was born in Belfast and educated at St Mary’s CBS, University College Dublin (BCL), The Honorable Society of King’s Inns (BL), and the University of Virginia (LL M). He was called to the Bar of Ireland in 1982, commenced practice in 1983 and was called to the Bar of Northern Ireland in 1989. A Senior Counsel since 1995 he has practised in all the courts of Ireland, in the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).  He was a member of the Law Reform Commission from 2005-2012. He has delivered the John Kelly lecture (UCD), the Brian Walsh lecture (ISEL), the Brian Lenihan lecture (TCD) the Dan Binchy lecture (Brehon Law School) and the keynote address at a conference in the University of Limerick  to mark the 80th anniversary of the Constitution.

He has published articles on a variety of legal topics in the Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, The Irish Jurist, the Dublin University Law Journal, the Judicial Studies Journal, and has contributed to volumes of essays on legal issues. He was a director of Our Lady’s Hospice from 2009-2014 and is the current chairman of the Judges’ Library Committee and a member of the Incorporated Council for Law Reporting and of the Council of the Irish Legal History Society.

In 2009, he became a Bencher of the Honorable Society of King’s Inns. His father, Lord Justice Turlough O’Donnell, was a judge of the High Court and Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland and was later a member of the Irish Law Reform Commission. This public talk will be a survey of highlights of the last century and the lessons that might be drawn. 

  • Monday 24th February 2020,  6.30 pm (please note earlier time!)
  • Medieval Museum, Waterford
  • FREE ADMISSION, all welcome

Enquiries 0761 10 2501/

Creative Ireland Open Call Grants 2020 opens on February 11th

Waterford City and County Council launches its Creative Waterford Open Call Grants 2020 on February 11th. Waterford City and County Council’s Culture and Creativity Strategy 2018-2022 wishes to provide opportunities for access, participation and engagement in culture and creativity for all citizens. This call is open to everyone, from artists & creatives to collectives & communities to apply for funding to assist in developing Waterford’s creativity in all sorts of ways.

Katherine Collins, Creative Waterford Coordinator said:

“This funding has provided great opportunities to communities, groups and individuals to express their creativity in a huge range of disciplines over the past three years. Projects relating to sustainability, climate action, heritage, literature, music, theatre, murals and many more topics have been completed, and we are looking forward to seeing a wide variety of applications again in 2020. This is a competitive Open Call, so we encourage applicants to work through the Creative Waterford Toolkit which gives advice and information on how best to approach devising a project for this or any culture / community application process.”

The Creative Ireland Programme is the Government’s Legacy Programme for Ireland 2016 – a five-year initiative which places creativity at the centre of public policy. It is a culture-based programme designed to promote individual, community and national well being. Its vision is ‘that every person living in Ireland will have the opportunity to fully realise his or her creative potential.’ Creative Waterford delivers the “Creative Communities” pillar of the national programme, which provides funding to community based creativity projects.

The maximum grant to a project is €5,000. The Creative Ireland Open Call application form & information sheet are available in English and Irish at  /ÉireIldánach2020

Waterford City and County Council’s Culture and Creativity Strategy 2018-2022 and the Creative Waterford Toolkit & exercises are available at

The deadline for submissions is 4pm on 05/03/2020

For further information contact


REMINDER: Supporting Communities Fund 2020 now open

Waterford City & County Council is committed to encouraging communities and empowering residents to make a difference to their areas. To support this, the Council is inviting applications to its Supporting Communities Fund 2020.

The Supporting Communities Fund provides grant aid assistance to Residents Associations, Community Groups, Sports Clubs and other groups/committees engaged in community activity, providing community services or carrying out improvement works at local or county level. Groups can apply under one the following 3 funding strands:

  1. Residents Association Fund
  2. Community Activity Fund
  3. Sports & Recreation Fund

Please read the guidelines carefully as there are some changes to this year’s criteria. Please ensure that all documents required are submitted with your application, as incomplete applications or applications with ‘documents to follow’ shall be deemed invalid. The closing date is Friday 28th February 2020 and no late applications shall be accepted. Should you have any queries please contact Colette O’Brien, Community Section on 0761 102016.



Waterford City and County accepted as a member of Age Friendly Global Network

WATERFORD City and County has been accepted as a member of the World Health Organisations (WHO) Global Network for Age Friendly Cities and Communities.

The WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities was established in 2010 to connect cities, communities and organisations worldwide with the common vision of making their community a great place to grow old in. … supporting cities and communities to find appropriate innovative and evidence-based solutions.

Age Friendly means that cities and communities must address social issues like isolation, social inclusion, literacy and engaging seniors in helping to plan their environments. The eight areas which have to be addressed are: Outdoor spaces and buildings, transportation, housing, social participation, respect and social inclusion, civic participation and employment, communication and information, community and health services.

All of these issues are included in the Waterford Age Friendly Alliance City and County five year Strategy which is being driven to its next phases by Waterford Older People’s Council Executive. The voluntary body was formed in the summer of 2019 and has already seen major improvements in a number of key areas including transport and, for the first time, a public bus service between the west of the county and UHW.

Waterford’s certification as a member of the World Health Organisations (WHO) Global Network for Age Friendly Cities and Communities was accepted, at a conference in Slane, by Chief Executive, Waterford City and County Council, Michael Walsh, who is chairperson of Waterford Age Friendly Alliance.

At a ceremony in City Hall, last week, Susan O’Connor, chairperson of Waterford Older People’s Council accepted the accreditation on behalf of the Executive which is made up of volunteers from right across the city and county.

Waterford Older People’s Council can be contacted through their Facebook Page or by calling 089 452 5414.

(Issued by Marion O’Mara on behalf of Waterford Older People’s Council. For further information call 086 8143873).

Road Safety Alert – Yellow Weather Warning for Snow / Ice

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) is advising all road users to prepare for cold weather conditions as Met Eireann have issued a Yellow Weather Warning for Snow and Ice for Monday and Tuesday.

Wintery showers of hail, sleet and snow are expected. With overnight temperatures expected around zero or below over the coming nights there is also a significant risk of icy patches, which will make road use hazardous. Snowfall accumulations are expected to affect the west and north of the country particularly on higher ground, but snow is possible at lower levels into Tuesday.

The RSA has the following practical advice for road users to cope with the icy, hail and snow conditions:

  • Clear windows and mirrors before you set out, use a screen scraper and de-icer. Do not use hot water on the windscreen as it can crack the glass.
  • Remove all snow from your vehicle before commencing your journey. Snow left on the roof will become loose and can drop onto the windscreen during braking, thereby causing sudden and severe restriction to your vision. It can also fall off during your drive and cause injury to pedestrians or a reflex action by another driver.
  • In snow and icy conditions slow down, use all controls delicately and leave extra distance between you and the vehicle in front. Avoid over steering and harsh braking and harsh acceleration. Use the highest gear possible to avoid wheel spin. Select a low gear when travelling downhill especially if through bends.
  • In snow or sleet conditions, visibility will be reduced. Do not drive on the tail-lights of the vehicle in front (Target Fixing). This can give a false sense of security and you will be too close to be able to brake safely. In heavy snow, use your fog lights, turn off your radio and open your window a fraction, so you can hear other traffic, especially at junctions.
  • Use dipped headlights at all times, and fog lights in heavy snow to ensure you are seen by other motorists (but don’t forget to turn them off afterwards).
  • Watch out for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists and allow extra space when overtaking them.
  • Drivers of high sided vehicles like trucks and buses are particularly at risk from both the dangers posed by ice and snow but also from the high winds associated with strong winds.
  • Drivers need to be on guard to the potential danger posed by hailstones. If you encounter hail stones reduce your speed, without breaking if possible. Warn other drivers by using your hazard warning lights. Driving slowly in a high gear will help your tyres maintain grip even as your tyres move over the compacted pellets of ice. Accelerate and brake very gently, and drive particularly slowly on bends where loss of control is more likely. Avoiding sudden actions. See video on driving in Hailstones

For a copy of the RSA’s ‘Top 10 tips for driving in snow or icy conditions’ click here.

Pedestrians are advised to:

  • Be seen. Wear bright clothing but ideally wear a high visibility jacket, reflective armband or reflective belt.
  • Wear appropriate footwear. Walk on the footpath, not in the street. Walk on the right hand side of the road, facing traffic if there are no footpaths.
  • DO NOT underestimate the danger of ice. Many slips and falls happen in places people regard as safe and secure, typically outside their front door, on the door step, on the path or while getting out of the car. When you approach a footpath or roadway that appears to be covered with snow or ice, always use extreme caution.

For a copy of the RSA’s ‘Top 10 tips to avoid a fall or slip in snow or icy conditions’ click here.

Cyclists and Motorcyclists are advised:

  • Visibility is reduced in snowy conditions so cyclists should wear a Sam Browne Bandoleer belt or high visibility vest and ensure the lights on your bike are working correctly.
  • Motorcyclists should avoid wearing a dark visor in any bad light conditions.
  • Remember other road users may not ‘expect’ you and could therefore comprise your safety

More safety tips for Pedestrians, Cyclists and Motorcyclists using the roads in snow and icy conditions can be found here.

For advice on severe weather driving tips and weather updates, please see severe weather advice on the RSA website or check out the RSA Facebook and Twitter pages.

See advice on driving in ice or snow in our series of severe weather warning videos created in collaboration with Teresa Mannion.

For more weather updates visit Met Eireann’s website


REMINDER: Temporary Road Closure – L4345, Tramore Promenade

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council, in exercise of its powers pursuant to Section 75 Roads Act 1993, propose to close the following road to through traffic on Saturday 22nd February, 2020 to facilitate the Waterford Triathlon Club Tramore Duathlon.

Road to be Closed

  • The Promenade in Tramore L4345, section from the Riverstown
    Road roundabout to the Car Park at the end of the Promenade, from 5.30am to 2.30pm
  • The Estuary Road L4340 from the Promenade to the entrance of the Riverstown Business Park at McCarthy’s Homevalue from 11am to 1pm.

Diversion Route

  • Access to the Promenade via Riverstown Road L4144-11 and Strand Road
    L4144-16 or Strand Street L8076.

Objections or submissions may be made in writing to the Director of
Services, Roads, Water and Environment, Waterford City and County Council,
City Hall, The Mall, Waterford not later than 4pm on Friday 24th January

Anti-Litter and Anti-Graffiti Awareness Grant 2020

Waterford City and Council invites submissions from community groups, youth groups, schools or other community development organisations, based in County Waterford, who are interested in receiving funding for public education and awareness initiatives regarding litter or graffiti.

Is your group planning a project to raise litter awareness in County Waterford by holding a cleanup, running an event or creating an information board?

Or maybe you are planning an anti-graffiti awareness initiative? If so, you may be eligible for a grant towards the cost of the project.

Conditions and criteria used in selecting anti-litter and anti-graffiti awareness community initiatives:

1. All projects should seek to promote greater public awareness and education in relation to litter and/or graffiti and should have a particular focus on involving schools, youth groups, environmental groups, voluntary groups or community groups.
2. Grants should be used, where possible, to leverage local business co-funding of anti-litter or anti-graffiti education/awareness measures.
3. If successful a payment of 50 % of the approved grant shall be paid to the name of the
Organisation specified on the Grant Application form. Please ensure that this name is the sameas the name on the Organisation’s bank account. The balance grant of the remaining 50% will be paid following receipt of a completion grant form and evidence of monies spent.
4. Projects that receive funding will be obliged to submit a completion report on their project in 2020 detailing expenditure.
5. Projects should be to a high standard and should aim at establishing or replicating best
practice in relation to litter or graffiti education/awareness measures. Please note only
applications with education awareness will be considered. The grant is not for structural items, such as street furniture, signs or CCTV cameras etc.

How to apply:
1. The application form for this grant is available from the or by phoning 0761 10 20 20
2. The grant application form should be completed and returned to the Environment Section for consideration by the closing date 7th March 2020.

Reminder: Temporary Road Closure – L5522 Lacken Road, Kilbarry, Waterford

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council, in exercise of its powers pursuant to the Road Regulations 1994 Part 8 (7b), will extend the closure of the following road from 6th January to 2nd March, 2020 to facilitate Construction of the new Kilbarry Link Road.

  • L5522 Lacken Road, Kilbarry, Waterford

Diversion Route

  • R675 Tramore Road and R710 Outer Ring Road

Temporary Road Closure – R882 Newtown Road, Tramore

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council, in exercise of its powers pursuant to Section 75 Roads Act 1993, propose to close the following road to through traffic from 19th to 23rd February, 2020 to facilitate Watermains Rehabilitation Works.

Road to be closed:

  • R882 Newtown Road, Tramore

Diversion Routes:

  • Via L8086 Roselawn and Tramore Heights

Objections or submissions may be made in writing to the Director of Services, Roads, Water and Environment, Waterford City and County Council, City Hall, The Mall, Waterford not later than 4pm on 4th February, 2020.

Waterford Treasures Talks 2020: ‘The Irish Constitutional Tradition: today’s memory, tomorrow’s dream.’

Waterford Treasures Talks 2020 on the occasion of the sitting of the Supreme Court in Waterford and in partnership with the Supreme Court of Ireland

‘The Irish Constitutional Tradition: today’s memory, tomorrow’s dream’

Mr Justice Donal O’Donnell

Mr Justice O’Donnell has been a judge of the Supreme Court since 2010. He was born in Belfast and educated at St Mary’s CBS, University College Dublin (BCL), The Honorable Society of King’s Inns (BL), and the University of Virginia (LL M). He was called to the Bar of Ireland in 1982, commenced practice in 1983 and was called to the Bar of Northern Ireland in 1989. A Senior Counsel since 1995 he has practised in all the courts of Ireland, in the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).  He was a member of the Law Reform Commission from 2005-2012. He has delivered the John Kelly lecture (UCD), the Brian Walsh lecture (ISEL), the Brian Lenihan lecture (TCD) the Dan Binchy lecture (Brehon Law School) and the keynote address at a conference in the University of Limerick  to mark the 80th anniversary of the Constitution.

He has published articles on a variety of legal topics in the Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, The Irish Jurist, the Dublin University Law Journal, the Judicial Studies Journal, and has contributed to volumes of essays on legal issues. He was a director of Our Lady’s Hospice from 2009-2014 and is the current chairman of the Judges’ Library Committee and a member of the Incorporated Council for Law Reporting and of the Council of the Irish Legal History Society.

In 2009, he became a Bencher of the Honorable Society of King’s Inns. His father, Lord Justice Turlough O’Donnell, was a judge of the High Court and Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland and was later a member of the Irish Law Reform Commission. This public talk will be a survey of highlights of the last century and the lessons that might be drawn.

Monday 24th February 2020

6.30 pm (please note earlier time!)

Medieval Museum

FREE ADMISSION, all welcome

Enquiries 0761.102501/


Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for employment as
Senior Beach Lifeguards and Beach Lifeguards for the 2020 Bathing

  • Beach Lifeguard Applicants shall be not less than 18 years of age on
    Thursday, 30th April 2020
  • Senior Beach Lifeguard Applicants shall be not less than 19 years of age
    on Thursday, 30th April 2020 with a minimum of 2 years full time Beach
    Lifeguard experience.

Application forms and further particulars can be downloaded from our website

Closing date for receipt of applications is 4p.m on Friday, 28th February
2020.  Waterford City & County Council is an equal
opportunities employer.