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2020 Art’s Venue Grant Applications

Arts Centres are described by the national Arts Council as “full-time, public-facing, professionally managed, building-based arts organisations.

They support the creation, presentation and mediation of the arts across a range of artforms and arts practices. They support professional, collaborative, voluntary and amateur arts practice.” This is the description that Waterford City & County Council are adopting for the 2020 Venue Grants.

While these forms are part of our continuing alignment with national protocols we will be convening an open meeting with Venue Leaders to see is there a better or more efficient way with better local contexts and transparency for which to go forward with.

Please note closing date is October 22 at 4pm. Please read the guidelines before applying.

Integration Strategy for Migrant Communities – Consultative Workshops

LCDC logo

Waterford City and County Council invites residents of Waterford, who have come from other countries and made Waterford their home, to Integration Strategy meetings in Dungarvan and Waterford City in November.

Waterford Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) is currently finalising an integration strategy for migrants and migrant communities.  To assist in this process, in early 2019 a Migrant Integration Forum – consisting of migrant representatives from across Waterford – was set up to support the Council in developing this strategy.

Further Information on our Integration Strategy

Information about the strategy is available on the Council’s website:


The LCDC wishes to give all migrants, including members of migrant communities (non-Irish nationals, foreign-born persons and dual nationals) an opportunity to influence and shape the strategy.  Therefore, we wish to invite you to attend a specially convened consultative workshop (roundtable) on either:

  • Monday, 4th November at 7pm in the Granville Hotel, Waterford City or
  • Tuesday, 5th November at 7pm in Lawlor’s Hotel, Dungarvan.

We welcome input from everybody at these meetings, not just the migrant community. The City and County Council and the LCDC look forward to working with you to implement and give effect to the strategy over the coming years.

Development of Coastal Walking Trail from Portally to Ballymacaw

Waterford City & County Council are now accepting the public’s submission on the development of a Coastal Walking Trail from Portally Cove to Ballymacaw Cove, Co. Waterford.

The principle features of the proposed walking trail will be:


  • The development of a 4.8km recreational coastal walking trail from Portally Cove to Ballymacaw Cove within the townlands of: Portally; Rathmoylan and Ballymacaw
  • The development of 3 water crossings proposed for Portally Cove; Rathmoylan Cove and Ballymacaw Cove
  • The 4.8km trail surface will be retained as is for the majority of the route with rerouting only proposed in the interest of safety and will traverse agricultural grassland which will be fenced where required
  • Fencing, access gates, drainage and ancillary trail infrastructure will be installed to Sport Ireland Trails Office standards

Waterford City and County Council has carried out an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Report in accordance with requirements of Section 120(1B)(b)(i) and has determined that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment. Accordingly, it has determined that EIA is not required in respect of this proposed development. In addition, the proposal has undergone Appropriate Assessment Screening under the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the Planning and Development Act 2000 as amended, and the Planning Authority has determined that a Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment is not required in this instance.

Plans and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the following locations:

  • Waterford City & County Council, Customer Services Desk, Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan
  • Waterford City & County Council, Customer Services Desk, Baileys New Street, Waterford, between the hours of 9.30 am to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday for the period 17th September 2019 to 14th October 2019, inclusive (excluding Bank and Public Holidays)

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the proposed development would be situated, may be made, to be received on or before 4 p.m. on Monday 28th October, 2019:

  • In writing, to the “Director of Economic Development & Planning, Waterford City & County Council, No. 35 The Mall, Waterford”  OR

Documents and Drawings

Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 – next targeted call for funding

The following information workshops will be held in advance of opening the next official call for Expression of Interests (EoI) for funding under the new Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.

Attendance at the Information Workshop is compulsory if you intend to apply for funding.

Wed 23rd Oct 2019Waterford Leader Partnership, Presentations Building,
Mitchell Street, Dungarvan
9.30am -11am

To book please call on 058 54646 / 51505 or Email:

Following attendance at the above workshop, Waterford Leader Partnership CLG, on behalf of County Waterford LCDC, will seek Expressions of Interest (EOIs)

  • OPENING DATE FOR EOIs IS THURS 24th Oct 19 /CLOSING DATE IS 12PM Tues 29th Oct 19

Successful & unsuccessful EOI’s will be advised by 5pm on Wednesday 30th Oct ‘19. Invitation to application on Wed 30th Oct 19 with deadline for submission by 12pm Mon 18th Nov ’19

Invitation to application stage does not mean that you will be awarded grant aid as it is a
competitive process. (Please note that the minimum grant amount is €5,000 and the maximum is €30,000)

Funding may be awarded under all themes and sub themes to a maximum of 50% of the total project cost for private promoters and up to 75% for community group applicants. Consideration of the rate of aid offered will be done on a project by project basis.
CALL THEMES & BUDGETS AS FOLLOWS; Total Budget for Call €30,000.00.

Local ObjectiveStrategic ActionBudget
LO9 The promotion of water based renewable energy9.1 Development of Renewable Energy€30,000.00
Total Call Budget€30,000.00

NATIONAL FOOD CALL: Please note that we are accepting projects on a rolling basis subject to Departments budgets being available.

Hour of Code – FREE training for Primary School Teachers

Waterford Primary School Teachers can join Rob O’Connor from Waterford’s Institute of Technology Department of Computing & Mathematics for a Talk and workshop on the Hour of Code and learn how to run their own coding activity in the classroom.

The “Hour of Code” is an international initiative to demystify coding and help make it accessible for all. All the resources are free and many of the activities are collaborations with licensed properties such as Star Wars or Minecraft. In the workshop, Rob will talk about some of their findings and reflections on the Hour of Code as well as how you can run you own activity.

This free workshop is organised by The Waterford Europe Direct Information Centre in partnership with WIT Dept. Of Computing & Mathematics and is part of EU Code Week. The WIT faculty from the Dept. of Computing & Mathematics have been running Hour of Code workshops since 2016.

The event takes place in The Hub, at Waterford Central Library, Lady Lane on Tuesday 15 October from 4:15 – 5:15pm. There will be some devices available on the day but attendees are welcome to bring their own laptop, tablet or iPad. Contact Lorraine Boyle on for more details.

Free but booking (via eventbrite) essential at:

Waterford Festivals Support Grants 2020 now open

Calling all Festival and Event Organisers

Each year Waterford City & County Council provide funding for festival and event organisers to aid with the development and promotion of events in Waterford City and County.  The purpose of the grant scheme is to help groups and organisations to fund a diverse range of events that are inclusive and add to the reputational value of Waterford as a ‘happening place’.

This year submissions can be made online via a new information website, which has been co-designed with both staff and festival and event organisers.

A helpline number, 0761102169, will be available during office hours where staff will answer queries in relation to online applications.

We are also holding ‘Walk In’ information sessions at:

  • Waterford Central Library on Wednesday 16th October from 6-8pm and
  • Dungarvan Library on Thursday 17th October from 6-8pm, with no appointment necessary.

To enable online registration festival and event organisers are asked to bring their organisation’s generic email address with them .

To apply, please visit
Closing date for applications is 5pm Friday, 8th November 2019.

Storm Lorenzo – weather advisory

Ahead of Storm Lorenzo, there is a Yellow warning in place for Waterford from 9am on Thursday to 6am on Friday.

Waterford City and County  Council have arrangements in place to close the promenade in Tramore during this time and have ensured large sand bags are available and placed near vulnerable premises.  Our teams are on standby in the event of a further disimproved warning / status update.

Jellyfish warning – TRAMORE BEACH


We are currently dealing with several (dead) Portuguese Man-Of-War jellyfish on TRAMORE BEACH.

Please be advised that there is a no swimming order now temporarily in place. We also advise walkers / dog owners not to approach these jellyfish, as even when washed up/dead, they can give a nasty sting.

Severe Weather Management Team meet ahead of Storm Lorenzo


The Severe Weather Management Team in #Waterford met this morning to ensure preparedness and are reviewing ongoing updates from the National Directorate for Fire & Emergency Management Severe Weather Assessment Team. Further updates to follow.

CE’s Report on Submissions regarding the Bilberry to Waterford City Greenway link

This Chief Executive’s Report forms part of the statutory process as required by Part XI of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Part VIII of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended).

The Chief Executive’s Report summarises and details the outcomes of the public consultation on the Part VIII Planning Procedure relating to the 2.1kms section of Greenway between the Bilberry Car Park and the Clock Tower and contains the following:

  • A description of the nature and extent of the proposed development including a plan
    of the proposed development and map of the area to which it relates (Section 1 and
    Appendix A).
  • An evaluation of whether or not the proposed development is consistent with the
    proper planning and sustainable development of the area (Section 1.3).
  • The screening determination on why Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is not
    required (Section 1.4).
  • A list of the persons or bodies who made submissions or observations (Table 2.1).
  • A summary of the issues raised and the response of the Chief Executive (Table 2.2
    and Table 2.3) and;
  • A recommendation as to whether or not the proposed development should proceed
    with as proposed, or as varied or modified as recommended in the report or should
    not proceed with, as the case may be (Section 3).
  • Read the CE Report – Bilberry to City Centre – Sept 2019

REMINDER: InterTradeIreland Local Government Supplier Engagement Event

InterTradeIreland, together with the Local Government Management Agency (LGMA) are hosting a Supplier Engagement event focusing on Local government procurement opportunities in greater Dublin and surrounding areas.

Local government in Ireland manage contracts which support and maintain civic amenities and community services. This is your opportunity to engage with the relevant
people on the ground in councils to help inform future contracting approaches, market
requirements and service delivery models.

Meet with local council sector experts and decision makers from these categories to
provide market updates on new products or innovations and find out about procurement
processes and tender opportunities coming up in the next 18-24 months.

● Corporate Services and Housing
● Emergency Services
● Environment
● Finance & ICT
● Water Services (Irish Water)
● Community, Sports, Arts and Recreation
● Roads, Transportation, Marine & General Services
● Green Energy

Notice of the passing of a Resolution to Vary the Rate of Local Property Tax

In pursuance of the provisions of section 20 of the FINANCE (LOCAL PROPERTY TAX) ACT 2012 (as amended), I the undersigned, hereby notify the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government of the passing of a resolution at a meeting of the above mentioned local authority on the 24th September 2019 to the effect that the basic rate of local property tax should stand varied upwards by two and half per cent (2.5%) for the year 2020 in respect of relevant residential properties situated in the local authority’s administrative area.

Signed:  Michael Walsh,  Chief Executive
Dated:  25th September 2019