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Opening of new facility at Leperstown Council Depot, Dunmore East

Our gallery shows some photos taken last Friday, 17th of November 2017 of the official opening of the new facility at Leperstown Roads Depot in Dunmore East.

The facility was officially opened by Mayor of the Metropolitan District, Councillor Sean Reinhart.  This facility replaces the containers and temporary portable units which have been used as canteen facilities and offices for some time at the site.

The new facility is purpose built , containing a canteen, a drying room, a locker room with shower, offices and a large, secure storage area.

The new facility will help ensure a continued and improved service from the Council Roads Department for the Dunmore East

area for many years to come.

DEADLINE APPROACHING – North Quays SDZ Draft Planning Scheme 2017

OPINIONS NEEDED – North Quays SDZ Draft Planning Scheme 2017

Written observations or submissions regarding the above Draft SDZ Planning Scheme are invited from members of the public and other interested parties including children, or groups or associations representing children.

Submissions and observations can be made either electronically or in writing and should state the name, address and where relevant, the details of any organisation, community group etc. represented, and should be received not later than Thursday the 30th of November 2017.

Submission and observations received during the above time periods will be taken into consideration in deciding upon the Draft Planning Scheme. The planning process is an open and public one. All submission and observations are made available for public inspection and may also be placed in the Council’s website.

Christmas Lights switched on in Dungarvan

Some photos from the recent switching on of the Christmas lights in Dungarvan.

Waterford launches Ireland’s first ‘Ask for Angela’ Campaign

Purple Flag Waterford, partnering with WIT Students Union and working with local venues, have launched ‘Ask For Angela’ – a simple code-word campaign for people feeling unsafe while on a night out.  The campaign, welcomed by local venue owners and managers as a positive step in raising the perception of safety in Waterford, will be fully in place for the busy Christmas party season.

Eric O’Brien, Chair of the Purple Flag Working Group, outlined that the ‘Ask for Angela’ campaign gives assurance that where required, assistance is available. He commended the support shown by venues who will display campaign posters encouraging those in a situation where they feel vulnerable to approach staff and ask for ‘Angela’.

“This code word will alert staff that help is needed to get out of a situation discreetly. Angela is a play on the word (guardian) Angel. The posters are posted in male and female toilets, and provide reassurance there is support available if needed,” Eric said.

The campaign has got global attention since introduced by Hayley Child in Lincolnshire, England in 2016.

Michael Murphy, President of WIT Students Union commented, “The ‘Ask For Angela’ campaign has the potential to make Waterford a safer place by encouraging people to discreetly ask for help by going to venue staff and ‘Ask for Angela’ – a phrase aimed at alerting staff so they can help defuse a situation. It is encouraging to see so many local businesses engaging with the campaign, all with a common objective to protect people who find themselves in vulnerable or distressing situations.”

DEADLINE – Register to Vote by 25th November 2017

Check the Draft Register of Electors by 25th November 2017 in order to have your voice heard.

If by 15th February 2018, you are aged 18 or over, check that your name, address and other details are present and correct on the Draft Register of Electors.

If there is a mistake, tell your Waterford Council before 25th November 2017.

The Draft Register of Electors is on display at your City/County/City and County Council’s offices, Garda Stations, Libraries, Post Offices and online at

RAPID National Capital Grants Programme 2017

On 2nd November 2017, the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michael Ring, T.D., announced the launch of the recast RAPID Programme with an allocation of €2m in Capital funding for disadvantaged urban areas.

The grants programme will run initially from October 2017 to December 2017 and is focused on supporting projects that would improve the quality of life for residents in disadvantaged urban areas, providing tangible supports.

The Programme is being administered by the Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs) along with the Municipal Districts under the remit of the Local Authorities (LAs) on behalf of the Department.

The Programme will take a national approach whereby each LA/LCDC will be given an allocation and will direct this at the areas most in need as per its assessment.  This approach will remove the need to designate any specific areas as RAPID areas.

The physical environment is an area of expertise for LAs and LCDCs, both of whom are ideally placed to identify needs and wants of local residents in disadvantaged urban areas.

Applications are now being invited for funding under this programme.  Documentation is available below.

Direction in Control of Cranes, Hoists and Mobile Elevated Work Platforms on Public Roads in Waterford

Waterford City and County Council intends to introduce a licensing system to control the use of cranes, hoists or mobile elevated work platforms for use on public roads within its functional area and is seeking your observations in relation to this direction.

Applications must be made in respect of hoists and cranes a minimum of 7 days and 14 days respectively prior to the proposed commencement of works.

Licenses will be issued subject to a number of conditions including the submission of the following:

  • Work Method Statement / Traffic Management Plan
  • Pedestrian Management Plan
  • Dimensioned Plan Sketch
  • Insurance Requirements
  • Application fee (a reduced fee will apply for works being carried out to an applicant’s principal private residence)


Waterford well represented at the Retail Excellence Awards 2017

The Retail Excellence Awards 2017 will identify and celebrate those retailers who are delivering exceptional service and standards for their customers.

There are 30 stores nationwide shortlisted in the “Store of the Year” category.  Waterford have 4 entrants in this 30.

The stores are:

  • Applegreen, Waterford Road, Crobally Lower, Co. Waterford
  • House of Waterford Crystal, The Mall, Waterford City
  • Mulligan’s Pharmacy, Cedar House, Dunmore Road, Waterford
  • Tony Roche Menswear, Michael Street, Waterford City

2016 marked the inaugural Ireland’s Friendliest Place Award which truly boosted spirit and pride across many places nationwide.  Waterford City is nominated this year in the “Ireland’s Friendliest Place” category.


‘Ask for Angela’ Campaign

Purple Flag Waterford partnering with WIT Students Union and working with local venues launched an ‘Ask For Angela’ campaign – a simple code-word campaign for people feeling unsafe while on a night out.  The campaign welcomed by local venue owners and managers as a positive step in raising the perception of safety in Waterford, will be fully in place for the busy Christmas party season.

Eric O’Brien, Chair of the Purple Flag Working Group outlined that the ‘Ask for Angela’ campaign gives assurance that where required, informed assistance is available. He commended the support shown by venues who will display campaign posters encouraging those in a situation where they feel vulnerable to approach staff and ask for ‘Angela’  – this code word will alert staff that help is needed to  get out of a situation discreetly. Angela was a play on the word (guardian) Angel. The posters are up in male and female toilets, and provide reassurance there is support available if needed.” The campaign has got global attention since introduced by Hayley Child in Lincolnshire, England in 2016.

Michael Murphy, President of WIT Students Union commented that “the ‘Ask For Angela’ campaign has the potential to make Waterford a safer place by encouraging people to discreetly ask for help by going to venue staff and ‘Ask for Angela’ – a phrase aimed at alerting staff so they can help defuse a situation. It is encouraging to see so many local businesses engaging with the campaign, all with a common objective to protect people who find themselves in vulnerable or distressing situations”.

Provision of a pedestrian and cycleway in Ringnasilloge & Borheen

Provision of a pedestrian and cycleway between the Sports Centre and the Youghal Road in the townlands of Ringnasilloge and Borheen submission of further information.

Waterford City and County Council wish to advise that significant further information in relation to the proposed development has been furnished to An Bord Pleanála in seeking approval of An Board Pleanála under Section 177AE of the Planning and Development Act 2000-2015 as inserted by Section 57 of the Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2010 for a proposed shared pedestrian and cycleway facility comprising inter alia;

Provision of a 2.5m wide pedestrian and cycleway (mainly at grade level with the exception of a raised section as described on project drawings) between the Sports Centre and the Youghal Road in the townlands of Ringnasilloge and Borheen including the provision of public lighting and appropriate fencing.

Part 8 Proposal: Demolition of R&H Grain Store on North Quays

In accordance with Part 8, Article 81 of the above Regulations, Waterford City & County Council, hereby gives notice of proposals pertaining to the above works.

The proposed works includes the demolition of a nine storey, reinforced concrete former grain store and ancillary works on the North Quays, Waterford.

The proposed demolition works are to facilitate the future redevelopment of the Waterford North Quays. Plans and particulars of the proposed development are available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the following location:

  • Waterford City & County Council, Planning Office, First Floor, The Menaipa Building,
    The Mall, Waterford, between the hours of 9:30a.m. to 1:00p.m. and 2.00p.m. to 4.00p.m. Monday to Friday, from Thursday, 9th of November 2017 until Thursday, 21st of December 2017 inclusive (excluding Bank and Public Holidays).

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with the
proper planning and development of the area, may be made in writing to the Director of Services, Waterford City & County Planning Department, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford, to be received on or before 4:00p.m. on Thursday, 18th of January, 2018 and should be clearly marked:

Council Chief Executive Michael Walsh announced as guest speaker at Annual Chamber Event

Waterford City & County Council Chief Executive, Michael Walsh, will be the guest speaker at this year’s Waterford Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner event on Friday, 10th November at the Tower Hotel.

Mr. Walsh will be speaking on the plans for the further development of Waterford over the next few years, and will outline his vision and aspirations for Waterford.

Mayor of Waterford City and County Council, Cllr. Pat Nugent will also address the gathering.


  • Date: Friday, 10th November 2017
  • Time: 7.30pm
  • Venue: Tower Hotel & Leisure Centre Waterford
  • Tickets: €100 inc. VAT
  • Contact Lynda at 051 311130 or

Dungarvan Poet nominated at the Bord Gais Energy Irish Book Awards

Clodagh Beresford Dunne.

It was announced at the Bord Gais Energy Theatre, last Thursday, Nov 2nd, at the unveiling of the 2017 shortlists,  that Dungarvan poet, Clodagh Beresford Dunne, features on a list of four poets nominated for the Listowel Writers’ Week “Irish Poem of the Year” category in The Bord Gais Energy Irish Book Awards.

Now in its twelfth year, the Irish Book Awards were founded to celebrate and promote Irish writing, to the widest range of readers possible.

Each year it brings together a huge community passionate about books and writing – readers, authors, bookseller, publishers and librarians – to recognise and celebrate the very best of Irish writing talent.

The public are invited to vote for their favourite poem, before midnight on the 21st November, and the winner will be announced at a televised awards ceremony, in Dublin, on November 28th.

Clodagh Beresford Dunne, whose nominated poem “Seven Sugar Cubes” appeared in the The Irish Times last April, has been the recipient of a number of literature awards and bursaries from the Waterford City and County Arts Office and Art Links, and in 2016 she received the Arts Council of Ireland Emerging-Writer Award. Her poems have appeared in Irish and international print and online journals and she has given readings and interviews about her poetry in several universities in the USA.

She lives in Dungarvan with her husband and four children, and is currently assembling her first full collection for publication.