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Dungarvan Town Centre Improvement Scheme 2017

Waterford City & County Council are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the Dungarvan Town Centre Improvement Scheme 2017.

The scheme is funded by Waterford City & County Council and is an element of the Dungarvan Town Centre Management Groups presentation strategy.

The scheme is an initiative which aims to financially assist and support independent business owners to improve the appearance of their shop fronts/commercial properties. This funding is being provided in recognition of the fact that a building’s facade makes a big impact on our town centres.

Proposals for funding do not have to involve a significant or expensive change. Simple jobs like repainting a shop front or seasonal window dressing may qualify. Each application will be assessed on its own merits and any job that will enhance the town’s character may qualify for grant aid.  Terms and conditions of the scheme are outlined on the application form.

The Scheme is applicable to Dungarvan Town Centre; as defined in the Development Plan 2012-2018, the grant will be applicable to properties within the defined town centre.

The Grant will cover 50% of the costs capped at a maximum contribution by the Council of €600.00.   For more information you can contact us in Economic Development Offices, Waterford City & County Council, Dungarvan or telephone 0761 10 2804 or 0761 10 2169 or to download the form please view

Waterford public encouraged to take part in Cruinniú na Cásca

Cruinniú na Cásca, a Creative Ireland initiative presented by RTÉ is a free public event which will take place in towns and cities across Ireland, on Easter Monday with a special large-scale event in Dublin, with other events around the country.

Cruinniú na Cásca is a one day celebration of culture from live music and dancing, to theatre, art and other creative workshops, including talks and food tasting, poetry readings and film screenings.

Cruinniú na Cásca events will take place in each of the 31 Local Authorities across the country. Admission is free (although tickets are required for some events with limited capacity) and there is a special focus on events for families and children.

Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Heather Humphries TD said, “Creative Ireland is all about putting culture and creativity at the heart of communities nationwide and Cruinniú na Cásca will do just that this Easter Monday. There will be a wide series of family friendly events right across Dublin city centre, curated by RTÉ, with events of a large and small scale also happening in every county nationwide. We want to encourage people to become involved in the cultural life of their own county through a national day of creativity.

“We have set ourselves some ambitious targets for year one of Creative Ireland, with Cruinniú na Cásca top of the list. I am delighted that people nationwide will have the opportunity to come together and participate in cultural and creative activity on Easter Monday, driving our collective wellbeing and our sense of community. I would like to acknowledge the work of all of the key partners involved in delivering the events in Dublin and the Culture Teams in the 31 Local Authorities who have helped to put together an impressive series of events, with the list still growing.”

Entering the North Quays foreshore for the purposes of site investigation works

Site Investigation Works for the Waterford North Quays public infrastructure and River Suir Pedestrian Bridge development will be undertaken within the River Suir (on the foreshore) between the months of May and August 2017.

The works comprise of 10 number boreholes and a seismic refraction geophysics survey.

The works will be carried out along the line of the proposed bridge site which crosses the river approximately parallel with Barronstrand Street and at locations adjacent to the
North Quays between Rice bridge and the eastern end of Frank Cassin Wharf.

Lar Power
Director of Services,
Economic Development and Planning

Minister Damien English launches ‘Spring into Story-time 2017’, a new public library initiative

Minister Damien English, T.D., Minister of State for Housing and Urban Renewal today, 5 April 2017, announced ‘Spring into Story-time’, the latest initiative from the Public Library Service’s ‘Right to Read’ programme.

‘Spring into Story-time’ will deliver a range of story-time events for children of all ages in the 332 libraries throughout Ireland in April.  Announcing the initiative, Minister English said, ‘Spring into Story-time’ provides an ideal opportunity for children to take time to enjoy a variety of stories in their local library.  Children will experience reading as an activity which is fun, entertaining and importantly allows families to share this happy time together.’

At the launch in Pearse St Library, the Minister praised the initiative saying “it is a wonderful programme and I would encourage parents to bring their children to the local library and join in.  Reading enhances children’s well-being, creativity and imagination with better social and health outcomes and an overall better quality of life as they get older.”

Noting that library staff welcome parents to the story-time sessions, he added, “I would encourage everybody involved with children, both families and educators, to check out the list of events at their local library. The public libraries provide a fantastic opportunity to find new stories, get new ideas and learn more about favourite hobbies and interests.”

Further information can be found at or by contacting local library services.

Spring Exhibitions in Old Market House Arts Centre, Dungarvan

The Old Market House Arts Centre, Lower Main Street, Dungarvan is hosting the works of two local artists Rayleen Clancy, An Rinn and Margaret (Gooee) O’Brien, Lismore.

‘Delight is Tempered by Hidden Fears’ is a collection of oils on canvas by Rayleen Clancy using a cast of iconic classical figures, her work taps into the exploration of the universal soul of Anima Mundi. Rayleen is a graduate of the National College of Art & Design in Dublin, San Francisco Art Institute, Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology, and WIT. She currently teaches art in Coláiste Chathail Naofa, Dungarvan and is the recipient of an Artlinks bursary for 2017.

‘The Immensity Within Ourselves’ by Margaret O’ Brien is a series of landscapes, portraits, still life and clay forms. Margaret completed an MA Fine Art in Cambridge School of Art, and an MA Landscape Architecture in Writtle University College in the UK. Formal studies were augmented at the Florence Academy of Art online and other schools. She also studied at the University of Cambridge and University College Cork.

In the upstairs gallery ‘Seomra de Paor’ there are works by Utta Hogan, Maria Dowling, Noeleen Crossan, Andrea Jameson, Rodney Cairns and Mary Duffy.

Joan Clancy, Director of the Joan Clancy Gallery, Ring officially opened the exhibitions giving the audience an in depth considered reaction to the work and reminding people that the art works on view are for sale.

These exhibitions run until Saturday April 22nd 2017. The Arts Centre is open Tuesday to Friday 11am-5pm (lunchtime close 1.30 to 2.30pm) and Saturdays 1pm to 5pm. Admission is free and all are welcome.

Council welcomes allocation of €4.7m LIHAF DoHPC & LG funding

Waterford City and County Council welcomes allocation of €4.7m LIHAF Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government funding.

Waterford City and County Council is working closely with the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government to secure the allocation of the funding which is targeted at developing enabling works in two areas of Waterford City. The proposed works include a distributor road at Kilbarry which will create a potential for 450 new housing units by 2021 and an access road at Gracedieu with a potential to access 200 new housing units by 2021. In the longer term, the proposed infrastructural investments would generate the potential for 3,700 housing units.

Michael Walsh CE of Waterford City and County Council says “The allocation of €4.7 million of LIHAF funding presents an opportunity for Waterford to ensure that the necessary infrastructure will be put in place to progress essential housing development at a time when demand is increasing”.

Illegal dumping at Owenashad River walk, Lismore

See below some before and after photos which relate to illegal dumping at the Owenashad River walk also known as “the Strand” in Lismore, Co Waterford.

We are currently investigating the material collected and if evidence is available, we will prosecute those responsible. The area is now also under surveillance.

If you see illegal dumping, please report it – either on Facebook or by calling 0761 10 20 20.


‘Let’s Grow It Together’ free seed sowing workshop

This 90 minute free workshop is entitled ‘Let’s Grow It Together’, taking place on Monday 3rd April.

Tea and coffee is available from 6.30pm, with the workshop beginning at 7pm sharp in GIY’s GROW HQ (directly across the roundabout from University Hospital Waterford).

This workshop will look at seed sowing, growing, harvesting and composting. There will be a focus on preventing food waste also. This workshop is funded through the Local Agenda 21 Environment Partnership Fund 2016 and so is free of charge. Booking is essential however as places are limited.

If you would like to enquire about this workshop or book a place on it, please do so by emailing

“Sundial” Art work re-installed on Dungarvan’s Causeway

Waterford City & County Council has re-installed an artwork originally commissioned in 1987 by the artist John Burke, titled ‘Sundial’.

It was paid for at the time by the ‘Per Cent for Art Scheme’ for the Shandon Bridge project.

Conference highlights vital role played by Local Authorities in developing Tourism

The local government sector is hosting a national tourism conference entitled ‘Collaborate Locally to Compete Globally’ on 29th and 30th March in Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.


Supported by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTAS), the conference will hear from a number of key speakers, including Jim Deegan, Professor of Tourism at Limerick University, Raymond Coyle of Tayto Park, Paul Kelly from Fáilte Ireland, David McLoughlin of the Wexford Opera Festival and Simon Kay of Center Parcs.

This event will highlight the significant Irish success stories in tourism, share key learnings, and highlight the role of local authorities in facilitating this success. The Irish tourism market is supported by very targeted and active participation by local government and in partnership with a number of government agencies, who work very positively on national, regional and local initiatives.

Between 2011 and 2016, the local government sector leveraged a total capital investment of €170.9 million in tourist attractions, with €73.3 million of this investment made by local authorities, while the matching €97.6 million capital was made by other stakeholders (e.g Fáilte Ireland, DTTAS). This supported 259 attractions and plans are advancing for a further 121 new tourism products.

Waterford Metropolitan District Council (Appointed Stands Amendment No. 2) Draft Bye-Laws 2017

The Metropolitan District of Waterford in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 131A of the Local Government Acts 1925 to 2014, Section 25 of the Taxi Regulation Act 2013 as commenced on April 6, 2014 by Article 2 of the Taxi Regulation Act 2013 (Commencement) Order 2014, hereby gives notice that it has prepared Draft Appointed Stands Bye-Laws for the regulation and control of appointed taxi stands in respect of the area comprising the Metropolitan District of Waterford.

The Draft Bye-Laws are available for inspection on the Council’s website and during normal office hours from Wednesday 29th March 2017 to Thursday 27th April, 2017, at the Council’s Customer Services Departments in the Civic Offices, Dungarvan and Bailey’s New Street, Waterford.

The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the Draft Appointed Stands Bye-Laws.

Submissions should be lodged with Mr. Fergus Galvin, Director of Services, Waterford City & County Council, Roads Department, Civic Offices, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, or by email to to be received before 5pm on Thursday 11th May, 2017.

Temporary Closure of City & County Archives

Waterford Archive will be closed from Monday 10th April until Monday 8th May.

The Archive will be open in High Street, Waterford on Tuesday 9th May 10am-2pm. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Please contact the Archivist at or 0761102144 with any queries.

Beidh Cartlann Phort Láirge dúnta ar an Aibreáin, 10 Mí Aibreáin go dtí Dé Luain 8 Mí Bealtaine. Beidh an chartlann ar oscailt arís sa tSráid Ard ar an Máirt, 9 Mí Bealtaine 10r.n.-2i.n. Gabh mo leithscéal as aon mhíchaoithiúlacht. Má tá aon cheisteanna, déan teagmháil leis an gCartlannaí ar nó 0761102144.

Waterford City & County Council welcomes “Building Creative Communities” initiative

Enabling creativity in every community is a core pillar of the Creative Ireland Programme, an ambitious five-year initiative, from 2017 to 2022, which will place our strongest assets – our culture and creative communities – at the centre of public policy.

In 2016, Waterford City and County Council demonstrated their unique capacity to activate and support community engagement and participation in marking the Centenary year through a wide range of arts, culture and heritage initiatives.

Heather Humphreys, Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs with Mr Michael Walsh, Chief Executive, Waterford City and County Council

Creative Ireland aims to build on this success by developing a dedicated Culture and Creativity Plan for Waterford.  2017 will see a special focus on children and young people and aim to significantly increase access for children to high quality arts and culture experiences.

A network of highly experienced librarians, arts officers and heritage officers has been set up across all 31 local authorities with a series of public meetings being held over the next four weeks to share, develop and explore ideas for increased investment in local arts, culture and creative industries.

Additional funding to support the initiative will be made available through the Creative Ireland Programme in 2017 with the potential for further investment over the next four years.  Jane Cantwell has been appointed Creative Ireland Coordinator for Waterford City and County Council.  In addition, all the agencies of Government will be activated to embed creativity across all aspects of their work and use that creative potential to promote collective wellbeing and social cohesion.

Waterford City and County Council and the Creative Ireland National Team will host an open meeting on the 5th of April 2017 at 6:30pm in the Large Room, City Hall to share details about the programme and to explore opportunities.  Full details of the Creative Ireland Programme are available at