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Statement by Chief Executive, Mr. Michael Walsh on the Report of the Waterford Boundary Committee

statementWaterford City and County Council welcomes the publication of the Report of the Waterford Boundary Committee to the Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government.

We note that the Minister has indicated recently that he will be considering it along with the other boundary reports, which he intends to address as part of the overall report on local government matters to be submitted to Government and the Oireachtas in the middle of the year.

As the Minister intends taking time to consider the recommendations in the Report, we believe this also offers time for both Councils to reflect on the Report. In this regard, we will be considering the issue at our monthly Council meeting this evening and will be issuing our views thereafter.

As the Report has only been published and our Council has not an opportunity to consider and discuss its recommendations, it would be inappropriate to comment any further.

Issued 9th February 2017

Housing Repair and Leasing Initiative

rebuildingirelandDo you have a vacant house or apartment that’s in need of repair, but lack of funding is a problem?  If so, the above scheme may be of interest to you.

The scheme allows for suitable vacant properties to be refurbished and, in return, the property is made available to the Council for social housing through a lease arrangement.

There are many benefits for the property owner, such as:

  • Guaranteed rent
  • No dealing with tenants
  • No day to day maintenance
  • No need to collect rent or find  new tenants
  • No loss of rent during vacant periods

More information, including application forms and full particulars may be found on our website at :

If you think this scheme may be of interest to you, please contact
Margaret Phelan, Housing Department, Waterford City and County Council.

Telephone 0761 10 2919 or email:

Ranganna Gaeilge, Earrach 2017

comhluchtforbarthanandeiseRanganna Gaeilge, Earrach 2017 le Comhlucht Forbartha na nDéise.

Beidh na ranganna ag tosnú ar Dé Céadaoin, 8ú Feabhra (Meánscoil San Nioclás, An Rinn) agus ar Déardaoin, 9ú Feabhra (Halla Cholmáin, An Sean Phobal), ag a 7 a chlog (clarú ag 6:30in).

€50 ar 10 seachtine.  Tuilleadh eolais ar 058-46664 nó

Reminder: Local Waste Prevention Grant

This scheme supports communities to take steps on waste prevention, re-use and repair activities in their local areas, and encourage partnership between local businesses, schools, charities and voluntary groups.

What is Waste Prevention? Preventing waste is about finding ways to keep items in use longer and not generating as much waste in the first place.  It’s about rethinking the way we do things – redesigning the items we use – changing attitudes and changing behaviours’ about what we buy and what we throw away, but most of all, working together and thinking creatively to do something about it.

Waterford City and County Council may pay a waste prevention grant to voluntary groups for waste prevention projects in their local community. Please note that outcomes must be measurable. Eligible projects that could be funded include, but are not limited to:

  • Repair Skills Workshops
  • Upcycling Workshops
  • Elimination of single-use items
  • Community composting workshops
  • Food Waste Prevention projects/events

Please note the Councils of the Southern Waste Management Region will be hosting a Re-Use Month in October 2017.  Successfully funded projects must be willing to showcase their results and/or be part of the Re-Use planned events.

How to Apply
The waste prevention grant application form is available from the Environment Section, Waterford City and County Council, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford and online at

The Grant Application form should be completed and returned to the Environment Section for consideration by the closing date 13th February 2017.

Helping your Child with Anxiety : Free Seminar





The HSE Primary Care Child & Adolescent Psychology Service is giving a free public seminar for parents. The seminar will be approximately 90 minutes.

  • When: 10.30 am on Friday 17th February 2017
  • Where: The Conference Room, St John’s College, Respond, Waterford City
    (please note that entrance to St John’s College is via The Folly)

Topics covered:
•What is anxiety and how does it affect my child/teenager?
•What are the causes of anxiety?
•Practical tips and strategies for helping my child/teenager cope with anxiety.
•Resources for parents.

Register: Text your name and address to 086 1453629 or email your name, address and contact number to

We’re recruiting – 5 x Positions

jobsWe’re recruiting and currently have 5 x Positions open.   See our recruitment page on the main website for full particulars and application forms.
The positions open are :

  • Executive Engineer
  • Executive Architect
  • Executive Planner
  • Assistant Engineer
  • Assistant Engineer at the National Roads Office (Tramore House)

Application forms must be emailed to the relevant email address (found in the form). Hard copies will not be accepted under any circumstances.

Closing date not later than 4.00 p.m. on Wednesday 22nd February, 2017. 


Tionól na nDéise 2017 ar ais sa Rinn mar chuid de Thionól Niocláis Tóibín

2017-02-06_1348Beidh an chéad chaint i sraith imeachtaí Thionól na nDéise 2017 de chuid Chomhairle Cathrach & Contae Phort Láirge, ar siúl i Rinn Ó gCuanach ar an Satharn, 18 Feabhra ag a 3.00i.n. i gColáiste na Rinne. Reachtáilfear an Tionól mar chuid de chlár imeachtaí Thionól Niocláis Tóibín, féile deireadh seachtaine a bheidh ar siúl sa Rinn ón 17-19 Feabhra.

Sé an tOllamh Pádraig Ó Macháin, atá ina Cheann Roinne i Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge in Ollscoil Chorcaí, a bheidh i mbun cainte ag Tionól na nDéise an babhta seo. Labharfaidh An tOllamh Ó Macháin faoin dteideal “Pádraig Ó Miléadha agus an Fiannaidhe Fáin”, agus é ag díriú isteach ar oidhreacht file agus scríbhneoir cáiliúil na nDéise, Phádraig Uí Mhiléadha, a d’fhág seoda luachmhara filíochta agus amhránaíochta ina dhiaidh, ar nós Sliabh Geal gCua agus Trí Glúine Gaedheal.

Ceapadh Pádraig Ó Macháin, arbh as an Lios Mór dó ó dhúchas, ina Ollamh le Nua-Ghaeilge i gColáiste na hOllscoile, Corcaigh sa mbliain 2012. Bhí sé mar Ollamh i Scoil an Léinn Cheiltigh , Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath roimhe san. Tá an-chur amach ag Pádraig ar chúrsaí agus ar thraidisiúin na lámhscríbhinní sa tír seo, maraon le stair an leabhair in Éirinn agus an-chuid foilsithe aige sa réimse taighde seo. B’é Pádraig a bhunaigh agus a stiúraigh an tionscadail digitithe Irish Script on Screen (ISOS) in Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath. Tá sé ina eagarthóir agus foilsitheoir ar dhá iris chomh maith: Ossory Laois and Leinster, agus An Linn Bhuí: Iris Ghaeltacht na nDéise.

Sraith chainteanna is ea Tionól na nDéise, a eagraíonn Oifig na Gaeilge de chuid Chomhairle Cathrach & Contae Phort Láirge in áiteanna éagsúla ar fud an chontae gach bliain. Tá Tionól na nDéise na Rinne á eagrú i gcomhar le lucht eagraithe Thionól Niocláis Tóibín agus tá sé mar chuid de chlár iomlán imeachtaí ceoil, amhránaíochta agus scléipe a bheidh ar siúl sa Rinn thar an deireadh seachtaine ar fad.

Mar sin, beidh fáilte roimh gach aoinne chuig Coláiste na Rinne ar an Satharn, 18 Feabhra ar a 3.00i.n. don ócáid saor in aisce seo, ag a ndéanfar cheiliúradh ar ár dteanga, ár n-oidhreacht agus ár stair dhúchasach.

Temporary Closure of Archives this week

archives-closureWaterford Archive will be closed in High Street, Waterford on Tuesday 14th February.

The Archive will be open in Dungarvan on Friday 17th February 1-5pm and will be open in High Street on Tuesday 21st February 10am-2pm. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Please contact the Archivist at or 0761102144 with any queries.

Beidh Cartlann Phort Láirge ar an tSráid Ard, Port Láirge dúnta ar an Máirt, 14 Mí Feabhra. Beidh an chartlann ar oscailt i nDún Garbhán ar an Aoine, 17 Mí Feabhra óna 1-5i.n. agus beidh sí ar oscailt arís sa tSráid Ard ar an Máirt, 21 Mí Feabhra 10r.n.-2i.n. Gabh mo leithscéal as aon mhíchaoithiúlacht. Má tá aon cheisteanna, déan teagmháil leis an gCartlannaí ar nó 0761102144.

Arts Grants now open for applications

ck6j8v381tr9eumju4ev_400x400Tá Comhairle Cathrach agus Contae Phort Láirge ag glacadh le hiarratais faoi láthair do Dheontais bhliantúla 2017 i dtaca le Cleachtas Ealaíon agus Acht na nEalaíon. Tá sonraí iomlána na réimsí tacaíochta atá ar fáil faoin scéim seo, chomh maith leis na foirmeacha a bhaineann leis an bpróiseas ar-líne seo, ar fáil ar anois. Sé an Luan, 20 Feabhra 2017 ag 4.00i.n. an spriocdháta i gcomhair iarratais a bheith faighte.

Waterford City and County Council is currently inviting applications for its annual Arts Practice and Arts Act Grants 2017.

Full details of the range of supports available under this scheme and the forms for this online application process are available on

The closing date for receipt of submissions is Monday 20th February 2017 at 4pm.   


Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2017 (BHIS)

Minister for Arts, Heritage Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Heather Humphreys  has  announced the introduction of  2 funding schemes for Protected Structures  – the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2017 (BHIS) and the Structures at Risk Fund (SRF) 2017.

Completed application forms and photos of the structures must be submitted by email to by 5 pm on 28th of February 2017. The Department will formally approve projects for funding in March/April. Successful applicants must have the works completed by 29th of September 2017.

For further information or if you have any queries in relation to the scheme please contact:

Rosemary Ryall, Executive Conservation Officer, Waterford City and County Council e-mail:

Control of Parking Bye-Laws 2017 (Metropolitan District of Waterford)

need-opinionThe Metropolitan District of Waterford in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Section 131A of the Local Government Acts 1925 to 2014, Section 36 of the Road Traffic Act, 1994, as amended, and by Section 101 of the Road Traffic Act, 1961, as amended, hereby gives notice that it has prepared Draft (Control of Parking)(Amendment) Bye-Laws for the regulation and control of parking in respect of the area comprising the Metropolitan District of Waterford.

The Draft Bye-Laws are available for inspection here on the Council’s website and during normal office hours from Wednesday 1st February 2017 to Wednesday 1st March 2017, at the Council’s Customer Services Departments in Civic Offices, Dungarvan and Bailey’s New Street, Waterford.

The Council will consider any submissions or observations made in writing regarding the Draft (Control of Parking) (Amendment) Bye-Laws 2017.  Submissions should be lodged with Fergus Galvin, Director of Services, Roads, Water and Environment, Waterford City & County Council, City Hall, Waterford, or by email to to be received before 5.00pm on Wednesday 15th March, 2017.

Expressions of Interest from traders sought regarding Waterford Greenway

2017-01-16_0918Waterford City and County Council are seeking “Expressions of Interest” regarding service provision on the Waterford Greenway.

Waterford Greenway will open fully towards the end of March and the 46 km walking and cycling route will be a magnificent addition to Waterford’s tourism infrastructure. Already the sections that are open are attracting extremely high footfall

The Council wishes to ensure that the Greenway has sufficient services of a high standard to ensure that all users of the route enjoy a quality visitor experience. The preferred option over the longer period is that these services (e.g. food, drink, information etc etc) would be provided by permanent establishments.

However, in the shorter term, deficiencies in service provision may need to be addressed via casual trading licences

To this end, the Council is seeking expressions of interest from traders who wish to provide such services, specifically at the car-park in Scartore (Clonea) and at or near Carroll’s Cross. However, the Council will also accept expressions of interest for other locations and particularly so, if the intended service is unique, artisan or high quality but not at places where service provision already exists.

Expressions of Interest to be sent on or before Friday 10th February, 2017 to:

Richie Walsh, Head of Enterprise, Waterford City and County Council, Civic Offices, Davitt’s Quay, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford

or via email to :

For general inquiries, contact Bernadette Drohan at or telephone 0761 10 2169.

Job Advertisement : Beach lifeguard for summer 2017 season

jobsApplication for Employment as Beach Lifeguard/Maor Snámh –  2017 Season

The latest date for accepting completed applications is 4 pm on Friday, 24th February 2017.

Please post the application in sufficient time to ensure delivery by that time. It is essential that adequate replies be furnished to all questions on this application form. Misleading statements will render an applicant liable to disqualification.  Completed Garda Vetting Forms with Parental/Guardian Consent where necessary must also be returned with the Application Form.