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Advanced Notice – Temporary Road Closure – L1032, Church Road, Modeligo

Notice is hereby given that Waterford City and County Council, in exercise of its powers pursuant to Section 75 Roads Act 1993, propose to close the following road to through traffic from 26th May to 13th June, 2023 to facilitate the Watermains Rehabilitation.

Road to be closed:
• L1032 Modeligo Church Road.

Diversion Route:
• Via L1031-2 Glen Road Lower, the N72 and the R671 Clashmore-Clonmel Road.

Scoláireachtaí Gaeltachta ar fáil

Tá áthas ar Chomhairle Cathrach & Contae Phort Láirge agus Coiste Dhún Garbhán le Gaeilge a fhógairt go mbeidh Scoláireachtaí Gaeltachta ar fáil do dhaltaí meánscoile ó Phort Láirge.

Más mian leat freastal ar chúrsa coicíse i gColáiste na Rinne, i gceartlár na Gaeltachta an samhraidh seo, is féidir foirmeacha iarratais a fháil ó Chomhairle Cathrach & Contae Phort Láirge.

Chun a thuilleadh eolais faoi na Scoláireachtaí Gaeltachta a fháil, déan teagmháil le Máire Seó Breathnach, Oifigeach Gaeilge ar 058 22001 nó r-phost:

Is é an dáta deiridh d’iarratais ná an Aoine, 28 Aibreán.

Waterford City & County Council and the Dún Garbhán le Gaeilge Committee are delighted to announce Gaeltacht Scholarships for second level students from Waterford.

If you’d like to attend a two-week course at Coláiste na Rinne, in the heart of the Gaeltacht this summer, application forms are available from Waterford City and County Council.

To find out more about the Gaeltacht Scholarships call Máire Seó Breathnach, Irish Officer on 058 22001 or e-mail:

Closing date for applications is Friday, April 28th.


Recruitment : 3 current positions

Jobs must be applied for on the official application form provided for each post. Completed application forms must be returned by email only to the e-mail address specified on the individual application form. Qualifications and particulars for each job will be provided with each application form.

  1. Civil Technician – Grade 1
  2. Head of Enterprise – LEO Waterford
  3. Retained Firefighter, Ardmore

See for all details

Bealtine Festival Flagship Choir

Another first for Waterford Libraries, as Waterford Libraries Bealtaine Choir has been chosen as the Bealtaine Flagship Choir for a packed programme of Dawn / Dusk Chorus events in 2023.

Established in 1995, Bealtaine is one of Ireland’s largest co-operative festival and the world’s first national celebration of creativity in older age. Bealtaine takes place each May for the entire month.  The ancient festival of Bealtaine or Beltane (held on May 1), marked the midway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, and heralded the start of summer.

The Festival brings together people from all over Ireland to foster and inspire creativity among older people and to promote the skills, experiences and exposure that can lead to a rich creative life for all older people.

Event Description:

The Dawn Chorus is a nationwide choral event in which older people come together with a choir in their locality and sing at dawn to welcome the day and the season. The Bealtaine Flagship Choir for 2023 is Waterford Libraries Bealtaine Choir led by Anne Woodworth, who will sing in the beautiful surrounds of the Dunmore East Library at Fisherman’s hall (overlooking the harbour). Sunday 7th May 8am

The Bealtaine Choir will also perform a Dusk Chorus in the sensory garden of Carrickphierish Library. The garden opened in September 2022 and is an accessible space that is sensory rich, welcoming and engaging for people of all ages and abilities to enjoy with their families and friends. Thursday 25th May 6pm

All are welcome to join in these free events. Livestream also available on the Bealtaine Facebook page.  In partnership with Sing Ireland and Waterford City And County Council.

The event links are here:

Traffic Management on R448 Newrath Roundabout

Please note, Kilkenny County Council will operate surface retexturing works on the R448 at Newrath Roundabout commencing Tuesday 25th April until Thursday 27th April, 2023, from 9:30am to 5:30pm each day.

To facilitate these works, traffic management including Stop/Go will be in operation during the works and motorist are advised to expect delays.

Recruitment : Head of Enterprise

The Head of Enterprise is a senior role within the broad Economic Development function of the Local Authority. The Head of Enterprise will lead a team charged with delivering a high standard quality system of coordinated and cohesive State support to the micro and small business sector. They will work to ensure an ‘enterprise-friendly’ city and county for companies and individuals setting up or expanding their businesses and will lead a team to support enterprise and economic development.

This is a key position within the Local Enterprise Office (LEO) structure of the Local Authority. The successful candidate will be required to make a significant contribution to the development and implementation of a strategic plan to support enterprise, entrepreneurship and job creation at a local level. Success will be measured by ensuring that the LEO serves as a First Stop Shop to provide services to start grow and develop micro and small business in Waterford.


– Information Booklet

Scoláireachtaí Gaeltachta ar fáil

Tá áthas ar Chomhairle Cathrach & Contae Phort Láirge agus Coiste Dhún Garbhán le Gaeilge a fhógairt go mbeidh Scoláireachtaí Gaeltachta ar fáil do dhaltaí meánscoile ó Phort Láirge.

Más mian leat freastal ar chúrsa coicíse i gColáiste na Rinne, i gceartlár na Gaeltachta an samhraidh seo, is féidir foirmeacha iarratais a fháil ó Chomhairle Cathrach & Contae Phort Láirge.

Chun a thuilleadh eolais faoi na Scoláireachtaí Gaeltachta a fháil, déan teagmháil le Máire Seó Breathnach, Oifigeach Gaeilge ar 058 22001 nó r-phost:

Is é an dáta deiridh d’iarratais ná an Aoine, 28 Aibreán.

Waterford City & County Council and the Dún Garbhán le Gaeilge Committee are delighted to announce Gaeltacht Scholarships for second level students from Waterford.

If you’d like to attend a two-week course at Coláiste na Rinne, in the heart of the Gaeltacht this summer, application forms are available from Waterford City and County Council.

To find out more about the Gaeltacht Scholarships call Máire Seó Breathnach, Irish Officer on 058 22001 or e-mail:

Closing date for applications is Friday, April 28th.


‘A Survey of the Landscape’ Exhibition

‘A Survey of the Landscape’ Exhibition to feature over 60 drawings and paintings from the Waterford Art Collection

An exciting new exhibition ‘A Survey of the Landscape’ will be launched on May 4th and run until November 4th at The Waterford Gallery of Art in O’Connell Street.

‘A Survey of the Landscape’ focuses on how the environment has been captured, depicted, and reframed by artists, and will feature works by some of Ireland’s most renowned artists including Mary Swanzy HRHA, Seán Keating PPRHA, William Conor RHA PPRUA, Eileen Murray, Paul Henry RHA, Dermod O’Brien PPRHA, Bea Orpen HRHA, Donald Teskey RHA and more.

The exhibition will also launch two new exciting commissions for the gallery.  Supported by Creative Ireland, visual artist Paula Barrett has developed a series of three photographic images as part of her Turf Projects series.  A graduate of the National College of Art and Design (Dublin) Barrett centres her work on the theme of Landscape and the systems which inform our experience of it.

In 2015 she initiated Turf Projects, a photographic study of the particular qualities of light and colour experienced in the Irish Landscape.  She has been compiling a catalogue of Irish colour palettes from around Ireland and alongside her photographic palettes she has created a set of paints and worked with communities in Cork and Roscommon to put these colours back into the landscape, drawing attention to the natural features of these areas and promoting a specificity and harmony between the natural landscape and the built environment.  Barrett says, “The historical genre of landscape painting is the primary reference point for my work. I am interested in place-making and perception of place, the crossover between the wild and domestic.”

The exhibition will also feature a new immersive artwork artist, Waterford native Carmel Cleary, who studied photography at the Crawford College of Art & Design in Cork.  Since graduating in 1990 Cleary has received many awards including Photographer of the Year in her graduating class.

Cleary notes, “Nature fascinates and inspires me. Rock, which appears solid and immobile, is shaped and softened as water insistently carves a pathway for itself.

“Boundaries are overstepped.  As I photograph nature it is framed by my interpretation and echoes human sensuality.”

Recent generous donations of artworks will be included as highlights of the exhibition.  The Friends of the National Collection of Ireland (FNCI) have acquired for the gallery ‘The Coulin’, c.1930s, painted by Waterford based artist, Robert Burke.  The FNCI, founded in 1924, have been long standing supporters of the gallery and its collection and The Waterford Gallery of Art is extremely grateful to FNCI, and in particular FCNI Council Member, Dr Bulbulia.

Artform Dunmore East will also present to the collection a significant new artwork, ‘Parchment Tree 5’ (2018) by artist Michael Wann.  Born in Dublin in 1969, Wann lives and works in Co. Sligo, gaining his BA in Fine Art from Sligo Institute of Technology.  Wann’s work is specifically drawing-based and often featuring masterful charcoal mark-making techniques to depict the surrounding natural environment.

Joan and Roger Johnson and Newtown School (the historic foundation of the Waterford Art Collection) very kindly donated a fascinating map of the city of Waterford created in 1948, also by artist Robert Burke.

‘A Survey of the Landscape’ takes place from May 4th to November 4th 2023.

The Waterford Gallery of Art is open to the public from Wednesday to Saturday 10am-5pm, and admission is free.


Images: Works by artists Paula Barrett, Michael Wann, Geoffrey Nelson and Robert Burke

Waterford Farm Labourers Strike Seminar

Waterford Commemorations Committee will host a seminar on May 4th in the Park Hotel, Dungarvan to mark the Farm Labourers’ strike of 100 years ago in 1923. 

The seminar is free of charge and registration is through

The seminar will be followed by launch of the Waterford Commemorations Website and a GIS story Map detailing events and casualties of the Civil War in Waterford.  

This event is funded by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media under the Decade of Centenaries Programme.

Waterford and the Farm Labourers’ Strike 1923

“Inciendiarism in Waterford”

Waterford City and County Council will be holding a free half day conference on the Farm Labourers Strike on Thursday 4th May at the Park Hotel in Dungarvan. In 1923 Waterford was in a volatile state. Strikes were called, soviets announced, curfews in place and battle lines were drawn. The strikes in 1923 were the culmination of increasing efforts to improve conditions and terms for labourers on the part of the Trade Unions and the determination of the Waterford Farmers Union to ensure its members held firm in their stance that “It is not a generous wage, but it is as much as the industry can stand”.

This conference explores the Farm Labourers’ Strike in the wider context of the labour movement, looks at the strikes in relation to the Irish Revolution and explores the role of the Free State Army and the path taken by the new Irish Free State in its early days in relation to this attempt by workers to fight to have their voices heard.

Dr. Emmet O’Connor, author of A Labour History of Ireland 1824-2000 and Rotten Prod the Unlikely History of Dongaree Baird about Jim Baird, ITGWU union organiser in Waterford in 1923 will deliver the opening address on “Waterford 1923-The Wider Context”. Dr. Pat McCarthy will talk about the actions taken by the new Free State government in sending in the National Army to “make an example of the place”. Dr. Terry Dunne will speak about women in rural labour history and Kieran Allen, Professor of Sociology will talk about Waterford Agricultural Workers and the Irish Revolution.

The event will also include the launch of the Waterford 1916 to 1923 website where resources from the Decade of Centenaries in Waterford will be made available and the launch of a new online map of Waterford and the Civil War.

This event is free but booking is required. You can book on Eventbrite at

This event is part of the programme of events organised by Waterford Commemorations Committee and is supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media under the Decade of Centenaries 2012-2023 initiative.




CLÁR Scheme 2023 : Supporting Rural Waterford

The CLÁR 2023 Funding Scheme is now open for applications.

The CLÁR (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) Scheme provides funding for small-scale infrastructural projects in rural areas that have experienced significant population decline. The CLÁR Funding Scheme is available to areas of population decline in County Waterford, as defined in the CLÁR area map and the list of CLÁR Electoral Districts below.

There are three measures being funded under the 2023 CLÁR programme.

Measure 1, operated by Waterford City and County Council, aims to develop community facilities and amenities. Up to 15 applications in total can be submitted from the relevant Local Authorities in respect of Measure 1. Priority for 2023 will be given to small-scale renovation works to community buildings and community centres that did not receive funding under the Community Centres Investment Fund. The maximum level of funding for any individual project is €50,000, and grant-funding is at a rate of 90% of total project costs.

Types of projects that may be supported under Measure 1 include small-scale renovation works to community facilities, multi-use gaming areas, playgrounds, sensory gardens, community cinemas, and community gyms. Funding will not be available for school/community safety measures, footpaths, pedestrian crossings, bus shelters, or works to current school buildings that are not open to the public after school hours.

All necessary permssions must be in place at the time of making an application, including landowner consent, planning permission, and match funding, and proof of same must be submitted with any application. Any facilities funded must be available to the public without a requirement to be a member of a club or enrolled in a school. Facilities on school grounds must be open to the public outside of school hours.

Measure 2, administered directly by the Department of Rural and Community Development, provides funding for mobility, cancer care, and community first responders transport.

Measure 3, also administered directly by the Department, provides funding for Island Communities for Island Community Transport and Outdoor Community Recreation Amenities.

  • Waterford City and County Council will be operating Measure 1 of the CLÁR scheme.

Applications should be submitted to Waterford City and County Council at by Thursday 11th May 2023 at 4:00p.m.

If you live in a rural area of County Waterford and have a project idea that could benefit your community, consider applying for funding through the CLÁR Scheme 2023. This could be an opportunity to develop or enhance community facilities and amenities that can improve the quality of life for local residents. Be sure to review the guidelines and criteria for each measure before submitting your application.