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Notice of Draft Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws

bye-lawsWaterford City & County Council seeks comments and observations from members of the public in respect of the draft Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2017 for the administrative area of Waterford City and County Council.

This follows a countywide review of speed limits in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport for the application of speed limits.

The Draft Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2017 maps with proposed changes, are available for inspection at the following locations during normal office hours, from Wednesday 22nd February to Thursday 23rd March 2017 inclusive:

  • Customer Services Department, Bailey’s New Street, Waterford.
  • Customer Services Department, Civic Offices, Co. Waterford.

They are also available for viewing on the Council’s Draft Speed Limit Map and on

Objections/submissions on the Draft Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2017 should be submitted, in writing, at any time during the submission period of Wednesday 22nd February to Thursday 23rd March 2017 by any of the following means :

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