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Provision of a pedestrian and cycleway in Ringnasilloge & Borheen

Provision of a pedestrian and cycleway between the Sports Centre and the Youghal Road in the townlands of Ringnasilloge and Borheen submission of further information.

Waterford City and County Council wish to advise that significant further information in relation to the proposed development has been furnished to An Bord Pleanála in seeking approval of An Board Pleanála under Section 177AE of the Planning and Development Act 2000-2015 as inserted by Section 57 of the Planning and Development (Amendment) Act 2010 for a proposed shared pedestrian and cycleway facility comprising inter alia;

Provision of a 2.5m wide pedestrian and cycleway (mainly at grade level with the exception of a raised section as described on project drawings) between the Sports Centre and the Youghal Road in the townlands of Ringnasilloge and Borheen including the provision of public lighting and appropriate fencing.

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