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Rural Traffic Calming Scheme, N25 at Carroll’s Cross

CONSULTATION END DATE: 3rd February, 2021

Waterford City and County Council proposes to undertake the construction of a rural traffic calming Safety Scheme/Pavement Scheme along the N25 national primary road at the junction known as Carroll’s Cross. The scheme is located approximately 27km east of Dungarvan town and approximately 19km west of Waterford City, in the townland of Ballyshunnock, Co. Waterford. The proposed woks includes resurfacing of the existing pavement, modification of the existing traffic lanes with reduction of carriageway widths, construction of revised junction layouts, construction of traffic calming islands with chamfered kerbs and road edge kerbs, construction of upgraded drainage facilities to allow rapid removal of surface water, construction of new shared use one way cycle facility, provision of new lighting designed in line with current standards and provision of new road signage and markings and landscaping. The proposed length of the scheme is approximately 500 meters.

The implementation of the rural traffic calming scheme with reduction of carriageway widths, construction of traffic calming islands and new shared use pedestrian/cycle facility, together with new lighting, road signage and markings and landscaping will create a safe environment for all road users.

The main goal is to reduce vehicular speed and improve the facilities for the vulnerable road users. The scheme will also seek to create a safer environment along the existing section of N25 on approach to and through the junction. This will be achieved by the alteration of the existing junction layout, reducing the width of the main road, provision of traffic calming islands with chamfered kerbs and improving pedestrian/cyclist facilities on both northern and the southern side of the existing N25 at this location.

Due to Covid restrictions details of the scheme layout can be viewed belowe during the period 23rd December, 2020 to 20th January, 2021 and submissions can be made up to 3rd February, 2021 by:

Post: Aideen Jacob, Administrative Officer, Roads Department, Menapia Building, The Mall, Waterford.

A hard copy of the drawing(s) can also be requested by contacting the above named on 0761 102020.


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