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Creative Waterford

The Creative Ireland Programme is an all-of-government initiative committed to enhancing access to, engagement with, and enjoyment of Ireland’s culture and creativity.

Creative Ireland, Waterford

Creative Ireland, WaterfordWithin the broad range of available definitions, creativity is considered as a set of innate abilities and learned skills; the capacity of individuals and organisations to transcend accepted ideas and norms by drawing on imagination to create new ideas that bring additional value to human activity.

The vision of the Creative Ireland Programme 2023–2027 is to mainstream creativity in the life of the nation so that individually and collectively, in our personal lives and in our institutions, we can realise our full creative potential, thereby promoting individual, community and national wellbeing.

The Creative Ireland Programme will deliver through collaboration and partnership, promoting understanding and appreciation of the value of creativity in all its forms — whether through the arts, culture, heritage, or technology.

The Creative Ireland Programme will prioritise its work around five aspects for the period 2023–2027:

  • Creative Youth
  • Creative Communities
  • Creative Industries
  • Creative Health and Wellbeing
  • Creative Climate Action and Sustainability

The development of the Waterford Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023–2027 provides us with time and space to reflect on and to consider the importance of the role of culture and creativity in Waterford’s past, and to look at how it can influence the future of our city and county. Our involvement in the Creative Ireland Programme allows Waterford City and County Council to strategically plan for building strong partnerships with communities and a wide range of stakeholders, while ensuring that creativity is acknowledged as an essential element in the successful development of our economy, society, and wellbeing.

Information & Guidelines Information & Guidelines Irish

Waterford Culture and Creativity 2023-2027

This Creative Waterford Strategy 2023–2027 document outlines areas of priority and our approach to supporting Waterford’s creativity over the next five years.

Download Strategy
Culture & Creativity Strategy 2023-2027

Creative Communities Toolkit

Applying for funding through the Creative Ireland Waterford Open Call is competitive. Applicants are encouraged to work through the Creative Waterford Toolkit which gives advice and information on how best to approach devising a project for this or any culture/community application process.

Download the toolkit from the links below.

How to build Cultural and Creative Communities How to build Cultural and Creative Communities - Exercises


Creative Communities Toolkit
