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Severe Weather Update – Saturday 3rd March, 4pm

Waterford City and County Council is beginning to work towards recovery following the severe weather which was experienced in the City and County over the past week.

This snow storm is the most severe experienced in Waterford since 1962 with falls well in excess of 300mms and drifting in some places in excess of 2m. The entire coastal area of Waterford was particularly badly affected by the extreme levels of snowfall and drifting with many of the local roads remaining inaccessible.

The snow ploughing and gritting crews of Waterford City and County Council are still working at full capacity to get the county back to work however there is a considerable amount of work yet to be done.

Huge progress has been made today and all national routes are passable and most regional routes are now passable or expect to be so in the next few hours. The focus will then move to clearing local roads and housing estates in and around the county with particular attention to those areas of isolation where emergency access would remain an issue.

Due to the scale of the snowfall and extent of drifting, the Council is requesting assistance from the public with the following:

1. Clearing snow from footpaths in front of their premises, in urban areas

2. Clearing snow from roads and footpaths in housing estates

3. People with equipment such as high-power tractors with loading shovels to assist in clearing snow drifts from local roads

The Severe Weather Management Team has continued to meet throughout the severe weather event and is now engaging in planning for recovery over the coming days. We urge the public to stay off the roads as there are continued risks associated with unnecessary journeys. Our phone lines 0761 102020 are being answered and only emergencies are being processed for now and we expect it will remain so until Monday morning at the very earliest.

Waterford City and County Council would like to commend the emergency crews for the commitment over the past 72 and also to WLR FM and RTE News for getting our public services messages out. Please keep in touch on our social media channels and on our website for ongoing updates.

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