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Two Waterford projects granted funding under Community Safety Innovation Fund 2022

It has been announced that the new Waterford Local Community Safety Partnership (WLCSP) has been successful in its recent application to the Community Safety Innovation Fund 2022, securing over €66,000 in the latest round of funding. 

The initiative aims to bring together statutory services, the voluntary and community sector, local councillors and community members in tackling community safety issues locally. The Waterford partnership is a pilot in Waterford City and County by Department of Justice and is supported by Waterford Council with the aim to replace the previous Joint Policing Committee structure.

Having submitted four applications to the Community Safety Innovation Fund 2022, the WLCSP were delighted to be included in Minister Helen McEntee’s recent announcement of €2 million in grants which sees the reinvesting the proceeds of crime back into communities. 

The independent Chair of the WLCSP, Mr Sean Aylward was delighted that an application for a Community Safety Project in Dungarvan has received €41,403 and that the Northwest Suburbs Community Action Plan also received a total of €25,000. According to Mr Aylward,

“The Dungarvan Community Project will lend itself to meaningful reskilling in the hospitality industry whilst also providing horticultural activities for youths and young adults to divert away from anti-social behaviour. It is anticipated that this project will be advanced with the support of the partners including Waterford Council and the Waterford & Wexford Education & Training Board.  

The stakeholder-driven Northwest Suburbs Community Action Plan will be the first step in providing a path forward to promote community safety and social cohesion in the combined Carrickpherish and Gracedieu areas of the city. This funding will allow us to pool the resources of all stakeholders within the partnership to the maximum benefit of safer communities. It’s a fantastic start for Waterford communities to see the proceeds of crime reinvested in local projects that improve community safety.”

At the ​announcement, Minister McEntee emphasised that:

“This fund reflects the successes of An Garda Síochána and the Criminal Assets Bureau in identifying and seizing the ill-gotten gains of criminals. Equally, people across Ireland are working tirelessly in their communities to prevent crime from taking hold and make their local areas safer. Working together, we will build stronger, safer communities.”

The Portlaw Engages Youth application has been referred to the Youth Justice Team for further consideration and with the fund due to increase by 50% to €3million under Budget 2023, there will be a further opportunity for innovative projects including the Evening & Nightime Economy Purple Flag application.   This is seen as a very positive first year for the pilot project with over €66,000 allocated to Waterford to proactively address crime in the community.


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