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Update from Housing Supply, Maintenance and Improvement Section

Following the close of construction activity with effect from 6pm Friday 8th January as part of the national effort to halt the spread of COVID-19, a limited number of social housing projects, including voids, were designated as essential sites.

In Waterford these include units at the following locations (please note that not all work locations are listed below):

  • Slievekeale, Waterford City
  • Mount William, Waterford City
  • Doyle Street, Waterford City
  • Larchville, Waterford City
  • Kilmacthomas, Co. Waterford
  • The Courtyard, Waterford City
  • Mount Neil, Carrickphierish, Gracedieu, Waterford City
  • Wadding Manor, Ferrybank, Waterford City
  • Units in Lighthouse Way, Dunmore East
  • Units in Monksfield, Dungarvan
  • Units in The Sycamores, Shandon, Dungarvan

Housing adaptation grants have been designated as essential, where the homeowner is agreeable to works being undertaken in their home.

Maintenance of the Council’s housing stock will continue on a prioritised emergency and urgent basis only. All requests should continue to be made through the Council’s Customer Services Department.

The government also announced that in the case of private homes that are practically complete and scheduled for habitation by 31 January 2021, including where snagging, and essential remediation work, such as pyrite works is nearing completion, works can continue to enable homeowners access their homes. This would include heating, water, broadband and electricity installation to enable homes be occupied.

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