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Waterford City and County Council launches Digital Strategy

The Waterford Digital Strategy was produced by Waterford City and County Council in collaboration with local and national stakeholders, and sets out the vision and key focus areas for the county for the next four years.

The Waterford Digital Strategy aims to enhance the digital maturity of the county and mobilise its strengths to become a smart, inclusive, and innovative place to live, work and visit. The strategy will initiate, and support, the development of actions that lead to a connected and collaborative digital society and economy over 4 years from 2022 to 2026.

The Strategy was informed by a public consultation process.  It is a living document that will change and adapt with an ever-changing digital society, as such the actions of this plan will be continually monitored and updated.

Michael Walsh, Chief Executive of Waterford City and County Council said “The Waterford Digital Strategy prioritises 6 key themes; The Digital Economy, Citizen & Community, Digital Infrastructure, Smart City, Digital Council and Climate action. By working with all stakeholders, the Waterford Digital strategy sets out the objectives and actions to support the citizens of Waterford and its Digital Economy.”

“Already under this strategy we are seeing initiatives like free public Wi-Fi in town centres and broadband connection points in rural areas which is supporting digital initiatives in those communities. Communities, Businesses and the Local Authority have an important role to play to ensure this growth happens in a balanced way,” added Mr Walsh.

Digital resources and connectivity are transforming economic and social practices by changing how people interact and engage socially and in the workplace. High speed connectivity is essential for families and businesses across the country.

Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr Joe Kelly said “This Digital strategy outlines a vision of a strong, inclusive, and sustainable Waterford. With an improved and widespread broadband infrastructure in place, Waterford can have high speed broadband services. This will help develop Waterford as an attractive place to do business, become a true destination for enterprise and will facilitate ability to remotely work in homes or local co-working facilities.”

The Waterford Digital Strategy for 2022-2026 can be downloaded from



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